
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim

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Edition of 1920. See also Samuel Mosheim Schmucker on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1163239The Encyclopedia Americana — Schmucker, Samuel Mosheim

SCHMUCKER, shŭuk'ėr, or SMUCKER, Samuel Mosheim, American historical writer: b. New Market, Va., 12 Jan. 1813; d. Philadelphia, Pa., 12 May 1863. He was graduated at Washington College, Pennsylvania, in 1840, and was licensed to preach in the Lutheran Church. In 1848 he resigned his duties as a pastor to study law, was admitted to the bar and practised for a time in Philadelphia; but after 1855 devoted himself almost wholly to literature. Author of ‘Errors of Modern Infidelity’ (1848); ‘Court and Reign of Catherine II, Empress of Russia’ (1855); ‘Life of John C. Fremont’ (1856); ‘Life of Alexander Hamilton’ (1856); ‘Life of Thomas Jefferson’ (1857); ‘Arctic Explorations and Discoveries’ (1857); ‘Life of Dr. Elisha Kane and Other American Discoverers’ (1858); ‘History of Modern Jews’ (1860); ‘Life of Daniel Webster’ (1859), etc. At his death he had completed one volume of his ‘History of the Civil War in the United States’ (1863).