The New International Encyclopædia/Hovedon, Roger of

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Edition of 1905. See also Roger of Hovedon on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2147819The New International Encyclopædia — Hovedon, Roger of

HOVEDON, hŭv′den or hōv′den, Roger of (?-c.1201). An English chronicler, born probably at Howden, in Yorkshire. He was clerk in the household of Henry II., and was employed by him on various missions. He was appointed an itinerant justice for the forests of Cumberland, Northumberland, and Yorkshire in 1189, and is supposed to have retired to Howden to write his chronicle. This begins with the year 732. Most of the work is copied, but from 1192 to 1201 is in his own writing, and has a certain value. The Chronicle was edited by Bishop Stubbs (1868-71, 4 vols.).