
The New International Encyclopædia/Mitterwurzer, Anton

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Edition of 1905. See also Anton Mitterwurzer on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1171816The New International Encyclopædia — Mitterwurzer, Anton

MITTERWURZER, mĭt'tẽr-vōōrts'ẽr, Anton (1818-76). A German opera singer, one of the greatest barytone interpreters of the works of Gluck, Marschner, and Wagner. He was born at Sterzing in the Tyrol; made his first theatrical appearance at Innsbruck, and at twenty-one was engaged at Dresden, where he stayed for thirty years, and greatly influenced operatic methods. Mitterwurzer was at his best in such Wagnerian rôles as Wolfram, Telramund, and Hans Sachs.