The New Student's Reference Work/Dubuque

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See also Dubuque, Iowa on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Dubuque (du-būk′), a city of Iowa, county-seat of Dubuque County, on the west bank of the Mississippi. It is a center for many railroads, and has large manufactures of carriages, wagons, plows, machinery, flour, soap, etc., with extensive lumber and pork-packing interests. It also is the chief depot for the lead-regions of the northwest. There are many fine buildings in the city, and among its educational institutions, which are very good, are a Presbyterian theological seminary, an Episcopal seminary, four Roman Catholic seminaries and the Iowa Institute of Arts and Sciences. A large iron-bridge spans the Mississippi at this point. The city is the oldest permanent settlement in Iowa. In 1893 it was created the see for an archdiocese of the Roman Catholic church. Population, 38,494.