The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican/Two Wet Bears

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The following is a transcription of a film. The contents below represent text or spoken dialogue that are transcribed directly from the video of the film provided above. On certain screen sizes, each line is represented by a timestamp next to it which shows when the text appears on the video. For more information, see Help:Film.
3176456The Adventures of Paddy the Pelican — "Two Wet Bears"1950Sam Singer



Hi there, boys and girls! Let's join Amos and Buster Bear as they swim far out into the blue, blue ocean looking for adventure!

Buster, this is sure fun swimmin' around here havin' a wonderful time!

Buster Bear
Doggone, Amos! That's-that's a mighty pretty boat out there. I wonder who it belongs to, you know? Don't look like there's anybody in there. There's something funny goin' on, you know? I don't see anybody. If there is anybody, maybe he's layin' down in the boat and he's sick. Maybe we'd better should go over and maybe help him out, huh? Shut my mouth, Amos. There's nobody aboard that boat. I don't think there is. Let's take a look. Hmm... Let's take a look.

Buster, I don't know whether this is a good idea or not. Let's take a look and see if the motor runs. Mm, I can't get the slightest purr out of it. Mm. Never happens! Never happens! Agh! Nothing's gonna happen, I'll tell you.

Buster Bear
Well there's a good reason for it, I'll tell you. Just take a look. There-there's nothing in the gas tank here. I think we'd better swim back ashore, we should.

Aw, this is no time to start swimmin'. Look at those clouds up there. Woo, and they're comin' fast.

Buster Bear
Whoa, is there any way we can keep this little boat from bouncin' around so much, Amos? I'm gettin' seasick. Oh, woe is me. If I ever get to dry land again, I'm gonna stay there, I'll tell you. I never want to go out on a boat again.

I wouldn't mind a little dry land myself, Buster, but I sure hope we don't land on those rocks over there. They're comin' up mighty fast. And they're- Oh! Look out, now. They're gettin' too close for comfort, I'll tell you. It's dangerous to park at those rocks. Here we go, Buster. I'm afraid this is gonna be it. We can't possibly clear those rocks.

Buster Bear

Buster Bear
Doggone, Amos, the boat is wrecked! But even so, I's happy to have my feet on solid ground again. Oh, my head is spinnin'! Oh!

Beachcomber Bill
So, you got smarts. And you brought my boat back, did ye? And you wrecked it in the bargain. Well, you're gonna get plenty for it, oh, for breaking Beachcomber Bill!

No, we didn't take your boat, Mr. Beachcomber. We saw an empty boat floatin' around, and we didn't do anything. I'll tell you, we didn't.

Beachcomber Bill
Unlikely story, you took my boat and you left me here to starve to death without any way of gettin' to the mainland for food or supplies.

Buster Bear
Shut my mouth, Mr. Bill! You don't believe we'd do such a thing as that. We didn't smash your boat to bits.

Beachcomber Bill
Well, it's your fault, and I won't feel one bit about livin' on bear meat 'till someone comes along to rescue me. I'll start the kettle boilin' right now.

No, Mr. Bill. You don't mean to say you'd put us in the kettle. Why, that's the worst thing I ever heard!

Buster Bear
Y-y-you wouldn't eat us, Mr. Bill. We'd be tough, and you wouldn't like that anyways. Really, I-I'll tell you, Mr. Bill, don't do that!

Beachcomber Bill
Only chance I had is that boat out there, and it's too far away, and it's too rocky, and it's too dangerous. It won't come for months, I'll tell you. And I'm gonna live on bear meat.

Dude! Look, Buster—a bird! And it looks like a pelican! It's one special pelican. Help!

Paddy Pelican
Holy doodle! Amos and Buster Bear! What are you doing out here?

While we swam in, we saw the boat driftin' around loose, and then the storm carried us out here and lost us ashore. We want to get away fast!

Buster Bear
Beachcomber Bill thinks we took his boat, and we've got no way to get him to the mainland for food, so he's plannin' to live on bear meat, meanin' us.

Paddy Pelican
They didn't take your boat, Beachcomber Bill! You can see right here. The rope's rotten, that's what's happened.

Beachcomber Bill
You stay out of this! You stay out of this, you little pelican! Ah, no matter what happened, I'm gonna eat 'em, see?

Paddy Pelican
Hurry up! Hurry up, fellas! Run to the island! If you climb the trees, you won't be able to get down! Hurry up! Hurry up!

Beachcomber Bill
That blasted— You come here! You can't get away from me, so you might as well quit tryin'! Halt! Halt! I'll throw this war harpoon at ye, I'll tell you!

Buster Bear
Amos, y-y-you zig, and-and I'll zag, and-and-and-and then he won't-he won't catch us!

Beachcomber Bill
You pesky bird! Get away from my face! You're screwin' up my aim! Stop it, I say! Stop it! I can't see what I'm doin'!

Paddy Pelican
Hooray! Stumbled and fell! That'll give you time to find an ol' tree, fellas, but climb as fast as you can.

Beachcomber Bill
Ah, you think you're smart, do ye? Well, I'll show you how smart you are. I'll get you down from those trees in a hurry. You just wait! You'll come down hard, all right! I'm just gonna chop and chop and chop and you won't be so smart!

Buster Bear
Oh, Paddy, I'm gonna crash any second. The tree's all ready to topple. What can I do? What can I do? Uh, help me, quick!

Paddy Pelican
Climb your way out up on the farthest limb from the tree. Move more towards the water. Let's get out on the limb. Hurry up! Hurry up!

Buster Bear
Boy, I sure hope that's soft water. Whatever kind it is, it'll be a lot, uh, softer than the ground. Anyway, here I go! Oh!

Beachcomber Bill
Well, you won't be so lucky.

Paddy Pelican
Here, Amos. Hold onto this vine. Don't let go of it whatever you do. I'm gonna give the other end of it to Buster out in the water.

Buster Bear
Uh, hold on tight, Amos. I'll see that you don't fall this way. Don't worry about a thing except makin' a soft landin'.

Paddy Pelican
Alright, fellas! Don't waste a second. Tie the track of those two trees together with the vine, as quickly as you can!

Beachcomber Bill
You blasted bird! Come back here! Come back with my tablecloth, you hear me? What in tarnation are you gonna do with it?

Paddy Pelican
Alright, fellas! Hold this up before you like a sail, now. The breeze is going towards the mainland, so you'll go along fine. Say, there's a ship! I better go fly over there to the island and-and tell them to rescue Beachcomber Bill.

Doggone, I don't see why Paddy's got to pick up Beachcomber Bill. He don't deserve to be rescued from the island. But I'm glad he's so kindhearted, because if he wasn't, Buster, you and I'd be stew in that kettle right this minute!

The End


This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was legally published within the United States (or the United Nations Headquarters in New York subject to Section 7 of the United States Headquarters Agreement) before 1964, and copyright was not renewed.

Works published in 1950 could have had their copyright renewed in 1977 or 1978, i.e. between January 1st of the 27th year after publication or registration and December 31st of the 28th year. As this work's copyright was not renewed, it entered the public domain on January 1st, 1979.

The longest-living author of this work died in 2001, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 22 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

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