The Australian explorers/Index

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3815515The Australian explorers — IndexGeorge Grimm


  • Aborigines, 67, 79, 88, 103, 106, 123, 120, 127, 128, 136, 140, 147, 149, 150, 162, 179, 186, 191
  • Abundance, Mt., 160, 161
  • Adelaide, 97
  • River, 23, 207
  • Albany, Port, 145, 149
  • Albert R., 23, 182, 193
  • Alexandrina, L., 82
  • Alice R., 143
  • Amadeus, L., 230
  • Arnheim B., 18
  • Austin, Mr. R., 240
  • Australia, why so called, 13
  • Western, 97
  • Crossing, 209, 210
  • Centre of, 197, 201
  • Australis, Calamus, 146

  • Balonne R., 138
  • Barcoo R. , 95, 1 43
  • Bass's Discoveries, 6-19
  • Strait, 11, 12
  • Bathurst, Plains of, 30, 67-70
  • Laid out, 36
  • Batman, John, 126
  • Baudin, 15
  • Belyando R., 142
  • Bight, Great Australian, 99-101, 221
  • Blacks—see Aborigines
  • Blaxland, Gregory, 28
  • Blue Mts., 25-33
  • Unsuccessful attempt to cross, 25-27
  • Crossed, 28-33
  • Bogan R., 71, 119-121
  • Botany R., I
  • Bottle Trees, 139
  • Bourke, Fort, 121
  • Bridge, St. George's, 138
  • Brisbane R. , 57
  • Broken B. , 5
  • Burdekin R., 166
  • Burke, R. O'Hara, 168
  • and Wills, 169-181
  • Byng, Mt., 134

  • Camels, 169, 213, 215, 218
  • Campaspe R., 134
  • Carpentaria, 135, 193
  • Gulf of, 18, 173,189
  • Castlereagh R. , 42, 73
  • Condamine R. , 154
  • Clark, George, alias "George the Barber," 111
  • Coal, Discovery of, 239
  • Cogoon R., 1,39
  • Convicts, 135
  • Cook, Capt., 1-3
  • Cooper's Ck., 93
  • Creek, Chambers's, 199
  • Attack, 202
  • Cunningham, Allan, 53-65
  • Richard, 119-120
  • Gap, 63
  • Curtis B., 17

  • Danger Point, 2
  • Darling Downs, 60-61
  • R., 71, 72, 80, 122, 137
  • Darwin, Port, 209
  • Dawson R. , 154
  • Depôt Glen, 87
  • Desert, Gibson's, 233-234
  • Disappointment, Mt., 51
  • Droughts, 73, 74, 87

  • Eden, a new, 130
  • Encounter Bay, 15
  • Endeavour, ship, 1, 2
  • R., 2
  • Essington, Port, 221
  • Eucla, Port, 221
  • Euryaleaii Scrub, 39
  • Evans, Surveyor, 34-36
  • Eyre, E. J., 85, 96-119
  • Creek, 90

  • Falls. Alice, 232
  • Fawkner, J. P., 126
  • Farmer's Ck., 32
  • Finke, Mt., 196, 197
  • Fish R., 35

  • Fitzmaurice R., 23, 164
  • Fitzroy Downs, 139, 159
  • Fleet, First, 4
  • Flinders' Discoveries, 6-19
  • R., 22, 23, 191, 193
  • Floods, Sudden, 137
  • Forrest, Hon. John, 219-22S
  • Foxes, Flying, 156

  • Garden, Sydney Botanic, 63-64
  • George's R. , 6
  • Giles, Ernest, 228-276
  • Gipps, Sir George, 153
  • Gosse, Mr., 225
  • GlenelgR., 132
  • Grampians, 132
  • Gregory, A. €., 163-166
  • Grey, Sir George, 237, 238

  • Hacking, Port, 7
  • Harris, Mt., 69
  • Hawkesbury R., 5
  • Hely, Hovenden, 161, 162
  • Henty, Edward, 125, 133
  • Hicks, Point, 1
  • Hastings R., 43
  • Hopeless, Mt., 177
  • Horses Poisoned, 240
  • Hovell, Capt., 47-52
  • Howitt, Alfred, 183-185
  • Hume, Hamilton, 46-52

  • Illawarra, 7
  • Iramoo Downs, 52
  • Isaacs, R. 155

  • Jackson, Port, 2
  • Jervis B., 8

  • Kangaroo Island, 14
  • Grass, 129
  • Rats, 155
  • Karaula R. , 116
  • Kennedy, E. B., 135, 139, 144, 151
  • Kimberley, 242
  • Kindur R., 112
  • King, Governor, 16
  • Admiral, 19-23
  • Explorer, 171
  • Found with the blacks, 1 84
  • Kites, Plague of, 155
  • Kyte, Ambrose, 167

  • Lachlan R., 35, 38-40
  • Swamps, 39
  • Lakes, 131, 132. 185, 186
  • Landsborough. 182, 192, 193
  • Lang, Mt., 155
  • Lawson, William, 28
  • Leeuwin, Cape, 14
  • Leichhardt, 152-162, 220, 221
  • Liverpool Plains, 43
  • Loddon R., 129
  • Logan R., 61
  • Lynd R., 155

  • Macedon, Mt., 134
  • Mackenzie R., 154
  • Macquarie R., 35, 41, 42
  • Port, 43
  • Swamps, 41, 42, 70
  • Manning R., 44
  • Maranoa R., 139
  • Massacre, L. , 186
  • M'Kinlay, John, 182, 185-189
  • Melbourne, 16
  • Menindie, 169
  • Mirage, 196
  • Mitchell, Sir Thomas, 80, 1 10-143
  • Moreton B. , 154
  • Mosquitos, 207
  • Murchison R., 224
  • Murrumbidgee R. , 48, 75
  • Murray R., 50, 77-84, 128, 134

  • Namoi R., 43, 115
  • Nardoo, 178, 186
  • New South Wales, why so called, 3
  • Foundation of, 4
  • Nive R., 141
  • Nivelle R., 141
  • Nogoa R., 141
  • Norman R., 190, 191
  • Captain, 182, 191

  • Oakover R., 215
  • Overlanding, 98
  • Oxley, John, 37-44, 69
  • His Journal, 38
  • His unfortunate prediction, 45

  • Palms, Glen of, 229
  • Pandora's Pass, 56
  • Petrel, Sooty, 10
  • Pillar, Chambers's, 199
  • Phillip, Port, 16
  • Plant, Poisonous, 240
  • Portland B., 133
  • Promise, Plains of, 23
  • Rawlinson Range, 233
  • Reef, Great Barrier, 17
  • Religion, Powerful support of, 238
  • Roe, J. S., 238, 239
  • Roper R., 206, 207
  • Rossiter B., 107
  • Rufus R., why so called, 82

  • Saltbush, 136, 137
  • Sea, Inland, supposed existence
  • of, 42, 201
  • Seaview, Mt., 43
  • Shoalhaven, 8
  • Snowy Mts., 49
  • Soil, Poor, accounted for, 81
  • Sound, King George's, 107
  • "Spring" Country, 198
  • Squatters, Pioneer, 136, 159
  • Stapylton, L., 127
  • Stephens, Port, 44
  • Stokes, Capt., 23
  • Stony Desert, 90, 93, 94, 188
  • Strzelecki's Ck., 93
  • Stuart, John M'Douall, 194-209
  • Central Mt., 201
  • Sturt, Capt., 66-95, 166
  • Ck., 164
  • Plains, 204
  • Sunday Services, 226
  • Dinner, 226
  • Sydney Harbour, 4

  • Telegraph, Transcontinental, 209
  • Termination, L., 164
  • Territory, Northern, 209
  • Torrens, L., 98,99, 195
  • Transportation, 3
  • Tumut R., 49
  • Twofold B., 9

  • Van Diemen's Land (Tasmania) circumnavigated, 10-12
  • Victoria, 125-135
  • R., 23, 143,163, 164,202

  • Walker, Frederick, 182, 190-192
  • Warrego R., 141
  • Warburton, Colonel. 210-218
  • Warning, Mt., 2
  • Water, How found, 102, 103,
  • Searching for, 213
  • Subterranean, 243
  • Caught during shower by tarpaulin, 213
  • Weld, Governor, 224
  • Springs, 224
  • Wellington Valley, 40
  • Wells, Native, 213
  • Wentworth, W. C, 28
  • Western Port, 9
  • Wickham, Capt., 23
  • William, Mt., 131
  • Wills, W., 168, 169
  • Wimmera R., 131

  • Yass Plains, 47
  • York, Cape, 145