The Ballad Literature and Popular Music of the Olden Time/Volume 1/Reign of Elizabeth/When that I Was a Little Tiny Boy

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For other versions of this work, see When that I was and a little tiny boy.

When that I Was a Little Tiny Boy

The Fool’s song which forms the Epilogue to Twelfth Night is still sung on the stage to this tune. It has no other authority than theatrical tradition. A song of the same description, and with the same burden, is sung by the Fool in King Lear, act iii., sc. 2—

“He that has a little tiny wit,
With a heigh ho! the wind and the rain,
Must make content with his fortunes fit,
For the rain it raineth every day.”

The following is the song in Twelfth Night:—

music = {
    \language "english"
        { \new ChoirStaff <<
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c'' {
                        \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t \tempo 4 = 100
                        \clef treble \key e \minor
                        \time 4/4
                        ^\markup{\italic{In moderate time.}}
                        \stemUp <b g b,>8 b16 b <g e b>8 g |
                        <a fs c>16 <b g> <a fs> <g e> <fs ds>8 g16 a |
                        <b e,>4 <g e>8. g16 |
                        <a fs c>16( <b g>) <a fs> <g e> <fs ds>8 <ds b> |
                        <e b>[ <fs ds a> <g e g,> <a e>] |
                        <b fs ds>16( a) <g ds b>( fs) <e b>8 <ds a> |
                        <e b g>[ <fs b,> <g e b> <a e a,>] |
                        <b fs ds>16( a) <g ds b>( <fs a,>) <e g,>8 \noBeam <g e b>16 a |
                        <b e, b>4 <g e>8. g16 |
                        <a fs c>16( <b g>) <a fs> <g e> <fs ds>8 <ds b>16 ds |
                        <e b>8[ <fs ds a> <g e g,> <b fs>] |
                        <b e,>16( a) <g ds>( fs) e4 |
                        \bar "||"
                    \addlyrics {
                        When that I was a li -- tle ti -- ny boy,
                        With a heigh ho! the wind and the rain,
                        A fool -- ish thing was but a toy,
                        For_the rain it rain -- eth ev’ -- ry day,
                        With a heigh ho! the wind and the rain,
                        And the rain it rain -- eth ev’ -- ry day.
                >> }
            >> }
            { \new Staff <<
                \set Staff.midiInstrument = "piano"
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c, {
                        \clef bass \key e \minor
                        \time 2/4
                        \stemUp e4 \stemDown e' |
                        \stemUp a, b |
                        g c |
                        a b8 a |
                        g[ fs e c'] |
                        b8 b16 a g8 fs |
                        e[ d c c'] |
                        b b e,8 \noBeam \stemDown e'16 fs |
                        g4 c |
                        a b8 a |
                        g[ fs e d] |
                        s b'16 a <g e>4 |
                >> }
                { \new Voice <<
                    \relative c {
                        \clef bass \key e \minor
                        \time 2/4
                        s2 |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        s |
                        \stemDown c8 b s4 |
                >> }
            >> }
        >> }
\header {
    tagline = "" % no footer
\score {
  \layout { }
\score {
  \unfoldRepeats {
  \midi { }
But when I came to man's estate,
With a heigh ho! &c.,
’Gainst knaves and thieves men shut their gate,
For the rain, &c.

But when I came, alas! to wive,
With a heigh ho! &c.,
By swaggering I could never thrive,
For the rain, &c.

But when I came unto my bed,
With a heigh ho! &c.,
With toss-pots still I’d drunken head,
For the rain, &c.

A great while ago the world begun,
With a heigh ho! the wind and the rain;
But that is all one, our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day.