The Bar-tender's Guide/Mulled Wine, with Eggs

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The Bar-tender's Guide: How to mix all kinds of plain and fancy drinks (1887)
by Jerry Thomas
3879653The Bar-tender's Guide: How to mix all kinds of plain and fancy drinks — Cocktail Drinks1887Jerry Thomas

Mulled Wine, with Eggs.

(Use punch bowl.)

  • Take 9 fresh eggs.
  • Take 4 table-spoonfuls of powdered white sugar.
  • Take 1 quart either of port, Claret or red Burgundy wine.
  • Take Grated nutmeg to taste.
  • Take 1 pint of water.

Beat up the whites and the yolks of the eggs separately, the sugar with the yolks. Pour into a delicately clean skillet the wine and half a pint of water, set this on the fire. Mix the whites and yolks of the eggs in the bowl with the balance of the water and beat them together thoroughly. When the wine boils pour it on the mixture in the bow], add the nutmeg, and stir it rapidly.

Be careful not to pour the mixture into the wine, or the eggs will curdle.

Some persons may prefer more sugar, and the addition of a little allspice, but that is a matter of taste.