The Beauties of Glasgow (1802)/Bonny Charley

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O dearly do I love to rove
among the fields of barley,
'Twas there that Charley told his love,
the brithe, the winsome Charley;
Then he so su'd, and he so woo'd,
and marriage was the parley,
What could I do, but buckie too,
with bonny, bonny, bonny Charley.

O my bonny, bonny boy, bonny Charley,
O my bonny, bonny boy, my bonny Charley.

I ken, the lasses rue the day,
I sought the fields of barley,
And strive to win from me away,
the heart of winsome Charley;
But, ah! how vain, they cannot gain
his love by all their parley,
And now they see, he wooes but me,
my bonny, bonny Charley. O my, etc.

O ilka blessing on the laird
that owns the fields of barley,
And I can him alone regard,
for his ain winsome Charley;
The genteel youth, with purest truth,
so wooes one late and early,
I can't withstand, to give my hand
to bonny, bonny Charley. O my, etc.