The Beggar's Petition/"Hail! genial warmer of the human heart!"

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The Beggar's Petition
"Hail! genial warmer of the human heart!" by F. J. Guion

These stanzas, attributed to 'F. J. Guion', are intended as an addition to Thomas Moss' The Beggar's Petition.

4254960The Beggar's Petition — "Hail! genial warmer of the human heart!"F. J. Guion

Hail! genial warmer of the human heart!
Hail Hospitality! thou flame divine!—
Whether at festive board thy bounties shine,
Or to the wo-worn breast thou dost impart!

The weary traveller thy value knows,
Sorrow is sooth’d—affliction too, made light:
Through thee, misfortune’s cloud appeareth bright,
And pining want, with grateful feeling glows!—

Thy mansion’s blest, in blessings to mankind—
Bestowing thus, as Heav’n at first decreed—
Thine all the pleasures of the godlike deed—
Exalted, pure, congenial and refin’d!

Hail Hospitality! thou flame divine!
The heart-felt joys of self-complacency are thine!