The Beloved Rogue

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For other adaptations and versions of the work this is based on, see If I Were King (McCarthy).
The Beloved Rogue (1927)
by Alan Crosland
Key (info)
In scene
Cast and Crew
François VillonJohn Barrymore
Angelo Rossitto
Louis XI of FranceConrad Veidt
Dickie Moore
Henry Victor
Jane Winton
Lawson Butt
Lucy Beaumont
Mack Swain
Marceline Day
Nigel De Brulier
Otto Matieson
Rose Dione
Slim Summerville
Bertram Grassby
DistributorUnited Artists Corporation
DirectorAlan Crosland (d. 1936)
ProducerJoseph M. Schenck (d. 1961)
ScreenwriterPaul Bern (d. 1932)
CinematographerJoseph H. August (d. 1947)
EditorHal C. Kern
Based on available information, the latest crew member that is relevant to international copyright laws died in 1961, meaning that this film may be in the public domain in countries and jurisdictions with 62 years p.m.a. or less, as well as in the United States.
The following is a transcription of a film. The contents below represent text or spoken dialogue that are transcribed directly from the video of the film provided above. On certain screen sizes, each line is represented by a timestamp next to it which shows when the text appears on the video. For more information, see Help:Film.
4359600The Beloved Rogue1927Alan Crosland

John Barrymore
"The Beloved Rogue"

A United Artists Picture

Copyright MCMXXVII
Feature Productions, Inc.

Directed by
Alan Crosland

Screen Play by
Paul Bern

Art Direction by
William Cameron Menzies

Photographed by
Joe August

Production Manager
Walter Mayo

Titles by
George Marion, Jr. and Walter Anthony

Edited by
Hal C. Kern

Asst. Director
Gordon Hollingshead

Wardrobe Management
Frank Donnellan

Technical Director
Ned Herbert Mann

Comedy Construction
Bryant Foy

The Players

Francois Villon John Barrymore
Louis XI Conrad Veidt
Charlotte de Vauxcelles Marceline Day
Duke of Burgundy Lawson Butt
Thibault d'Aussigny Henry Victor
Jehan Slim Summerville
Nicholas Mack Swain
Beppo, the Dwarf Angelo Rossitto
Astrologer Nigel de Brulier
Villon's Mother Lucy Beaumont
Olivier Otto Mattiesen
The Abbess Jane Winton
Margot Rose Dione
Duke of Orleans Bertram Grassby
Tristan l'Hermite Dick Sutherland

France in 1432——war-torn and weary——the banners of Burgundy and England over her fairest towns.

Joan of Arc's fight to save France has ended in failure and death. At Vauxcelles, near Paris, another patriot is about to become a martyr.

Francois de Montcorbier—dying as he has lived—for France.

The wife of the martyr.


"God grant that the spirit of my husband live in the heart of my child."

The child, Francois Villon, who was destined to be the first great poet of France.


Paris, twenty-five years later. Again Burgundy seeks to enslave France—by craft——not by war.

Charles, Duke of Burgundy, who covets the throne of France.

In a palace tower, the court astrologer awaits the nightly visit of the king.

Louis XI of France——superstitious—crafty—cruel—a slave of the stars.

. . . Conrad Veidt

"War—or submission? What do the stars command?"

"Majesty, they warn you that war would be fatal. Welcome Charles of Burgundy as a friend."

"Am I always to yield to Burgundy——never to crush him?"

"Sire, the Duke of Burgundy is already within the walls of Paris."

"Inform the Court. We go forth to welcome our beloved cousin."

All Fools' Day is celebrated as usual in Paris——A King of the Revels has just been elected, but—where is he?

"Francois Villon!"

"Francois Villon!"

"Francois Villon!"

"Francois, hide——the patrol is coming!"

Francois Villon——poet, pickpocket, patriot——loving France earnestly, Frenchwomen excessively, French wine exclusively.

. . . John Barrymore

Little Jehan and Nicholas, companions of the poet, understand everything about him——except his poetry.

"We can't get wine without money, Francois."

"I'll show you how to turn water into wine!"

"White wine—your best is none too good."

"Without offense—may I taste it?"

"That's water, you offspring of an ox!"

"Francois—Francois Villon!"

"You have been elected King of Fools. Let us deck you in your royal robes."

An ink-bottle for his crown, Francois Villon—King of Fools—rules the streets of Paris for a night.

"Fellow jack-asses——and ladies! Lend me your long ears!"

"I owe this exalted position to the husbands of Paris. For one night, they want to be sure where I am!"

"Serve love and ladies day and night,
You'll get no profit nor delight,
But only broken heads and sighs!
Light love makes asses of the wise——"

"Happy is Paris, where fools reign once a year—while everywhere else the fools reign all the time!"

"Let me mount yon mount!"

"To horse, gentlemen!"

"In the name of Burgundy, disperse this rabble!"

"In the name of Villon, divorce him from his horse!"

"Behold Charles of Burgundy who would be king—how tenderly he loves the citizens of Paris!"

"Little Beppo's body is less deformed than Burgundy's soul."

"The king!"

Tristan l'Hermite is the busiest man in France. He is the executioner!

"I have been grossly insulted by this buffoon!"

Charlotte, ward of the King.

"Who are you, fellow?"

"The king of fools, as you are king of the wise, Sire. My name is Francois Villon."

"Master Villon, you are the best writer of verse in Paris——"

"Your Majesty's taste is exquisite."

"—and the most insolent rogue in France!"

"Cousin Charles, his fate is in your hands."

"If a fool insulted Your Majesty in my dominions, I would have his life."

"Paris is your life. I sentence you to exile. If you are found within the walls of Paris, you hang!"

"Sire, a favor granted to my loyal henchman, Count Thibault, would please me mightily."

"Majesty, I ask the hand of your ward, Charlotte of Vauxcelles, in marriage."

"Your marriage will please our dear cousin of Burgundy. I will hear no more!"

"Count Thibault will escort you at once to your domain of Vauxcelles, where you will prepare for the ceremony."

The hostel of the Lame Flea, just outside the Walls of Paris, shelters Villon in his exile.

"I've used every rhyme for 'France' except 'dance'—and there's no dancing in this poem!"

"Louis the Little, come, be big—
Bid the cursed Burgundians dance——
On the gallows they should jig
If Villon were King of France!"

"There's the weekly cartload of delicacies that Cousin Charles sends to Cousin Louis."

"The poor of Paris are starving. Villon will be generous—with Louis' food."

Meanwhile, Charlotte and Thibault, still within the walls of Paris, battle their way to Vauxcelles.

"We'll find shelter at this inn until morning."

The King's catapult——ready to stone foe or friend into submission.

"Tonight, the royal catapult shall shower Paris with bread, beef, and brandy!"

"God and His saints might send us bread—but only Villon would think of brandy!"

"If I'm dead—I'm glad."

"I've left the chamber of many a dame
In a haste that was free from discussion,
But never before, in a lady's boudoir,
Have I landed with such a concussion."

"I had always supposed, dear lady, the way to heaven was difficult and slow——till this moment."


"You have an odd taste in prayer books."

"Villon is a great poet—an immortal——"

"—and one must sorrow that a man of such genius should be a drunken clown."

"Yes, I have always told him he drank too much."

"You know him?"

"I've known him since he was born, and I expect to be with him when he dies."

"It's Burgundy's friend Thibault. The King ordered me to marry him—but I'd rather die——"

"I am looking for my hat."

"Something in your attitude suggests I am in the way."

"It is barely possible I am."

"Wine—for the heroic victor!"

"The King commands—no charge—to Francois Villon!"

"Idiot! You've interfered with the King's plan to marry Thibault to Charlotte! Escape—or—"

"My friend, as barber to the king, you may tell Louis that his wits are getting duller than your razors——"

"——this marriage will give Vauxcelles, gateway to Paris, into the hands of Charles of Burgundy!"

"Take me with you!"

"Fear not, Mademoiselle—no tomcat knows the rooftops so well as I."

"Safe at last. This is my Mother's roof. It is a long time since I've been under it."

"Slide, gentle lady—and I will catch you—without catching a glimpse."

"This lady of the Court is in danger, Mother. I have brought her to you for protection."

"Your fiancée!"

"I always knew that my son would marry a great lady—a beautiful lady."

"You were very gentle—not to disillusion my Mother—and I thank you."

"It is rather for me to thank you for gentleness, sir."

"Mademoiselle, I wonder if you realize that your eyes have swept my heart clean again——"

"——and kindled a fire there that shall outlast me."

"A man who sings so divinely must be better at heart than he pretends to the world."

"Every man has two souls—one for the world, and one for the woman he loves."

"You may spend the night with my mother. I will be safer at the Court of Miracles."

"Francois, why do you leave this way? Why are you so threadbare?"

"It is one of my many disguises—in the service of the King."

The Court of Miracles—where blind beggars see—lame beggars walk—deaf beggars hear—dumb beggars speak—while gallows-birds sing in the rafters.

"Majesty, the stars show no danger in this marriage."

"Sire, the razor slipped when I heard that even the stars are false."

"Burgundy in Vauxcelles will have one foot in Paris!"


"Too late! If I could only stop this marriage——"

"I feared to tell your Majesty——but the marriage is already stopped."

"I presumed to act for your Majesty—at the risk of my life."

"Single-handed, I held back Thibault and his soldiers while Villon made off with Charlotte."

"Villon in Paris? After I banished him?"

"Villon has done me a good turn. It were well for him to die before he does me a bad one."

"Order Villon's arrest. A spirit so youthful must be spared the pains of old age."

"Francois——I was dreaming of you! I saw my boy at the right hand of the king—the saviour of France."

"Mother, your son is most unworthy to live so high in your dreams."

"Your father died to save France. You shall live to save France."

In the name of the king!

François Villon, having broken the Decree of Banishment, is to be taken and brought into my Presence to be sentenced to death by hanging.


"Mother—the King has invited me to a most exclusive function."

"I am ready. I realize that the success of the affair depends on my presence."

"Be thankful for your own escape, and plead no more for this rogue."

"Master Villon, you disobeyed me. You hang tomorrow. What say you to that?"

"Princes to death are all foretold,
Even as the humblest of their array;
Whether they sorrow or whether they scold,
The wind carries their like away!"

"And can you tell me, my prophet, at what hour the wind will carry you away?"

"Yes, Sire, I can!"

"Majesty, it is written that my death is appointed——"

"—twenty-four hours—"

"——before your own."

"My lords, a great prophet is in our midst. Let no harm befall him."

Francois Villon—friend of his Majesty, the King of France.

"Only one!"

"At first, he was only going to hang me——but now he keeps my wine away."

"Give Francois all the wine he wants—or I'll bring my little brother over to thrash you!"

"Louis refused to let me send for you until I told him I was dying of loneliness."

"You begged Louis for my life—and yet you refuse to speak to me."

"Perhaps I prefer listening to the poet Villon—rather than the courtier Villon."

"And perhaps Mademoiselle prefers listening to her pride—rather than her heart!"

"Either way—there is danger."

"Charlotte, since you came into my life, my eyes have seen but one image—my heart has heard one voice—"

"Master Villon has not a reputation for fidelity!"

"You are my love, my only love!"


"How do you think they will mingle at our wedding-feast—your high-born rogues and my low-born rogues?"

"This is why I wished not to listen to you. Charlotte of Vauxcelles may not marry a man without lands and a great name."

"A great name? I am Francois Villon!"

"My songs will keep your beauty alive when the pride of your class is forgotten in dust!"

"Master Villon, the King awaits you."

"The chill of the evening and the garden—you must keep well for my sake."

"Sire, Charlotte is abducted! I saw Burgundy's men carry her away!"

"The time is not ripe to break with Burgundy."

"I am king! Out of my sight—back to your rags!"

"Charles of Burgundy sponsors a marriage at Vauxcelles. By our ancient right we, the Guild of Beggars, go thither to the Free Feast!"

"Sire, I followed Villon, but he escaped me."

"It is rumored that Villon is arousing the beggars to rescue Charlotte."


"Charlotte is safely guarded in the tower-chamber."

"If I am not back within the hour, come after me. If I die—avenge me!"

"Master Villon—it were better for you, had you fallen to your death—and not into the arms of my soldiers."

"Charlotte in her tower shall enjoy a last rendezvous with her poet."

"This happy marriage, good people of Paris, plants the banners of Burgundy where Louis may see them every morning!"

"The ceremony shall take place almost immediately."

"But first you shall witness another ceremony. See what happens to a man who opposes my destiny."

"There he is! I'll have him brought low—for our amusement."

"Before you die, Master Villon, behold the triumph of Burgundy!"

"Behold the triumph of treachery. But France shall find a saviour—"

"We, whose fathers drove out the English Lion, will not let the Wolf of Burgundy devour France!"

"See what happens to the man who defies the future King of France!"


"See what happens to the man who defies the present King of France!"

"Master Villon, I leave his sentence in your hands."

"Let him plead for mercy before my Court of Fools!"

"Sire, I leave Vauxcelles to you. With your gracious consent, I will seek happiness with the man I love."

"The man you love is only a commoner——"

"Sire, there was once a commoner who outwitted the greatest King that France ever had."

"Who was the commoner?"

"I saved my life, Sire, by telling you it was bound up with your own."

"Master Villon, your pen has done more for France than any sword. I shall treasure it."

"Only one!"

The end

This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published before January 1, 1929.

Copyright law abroad tends to consider the following people authors of a film:

  • The principal director
  • The screenwriter, and/or other writers of dialogue
  • The composer/lyricist (if the film is accompanied by sound)
  • The cinematographer
  • By extension, the authors of any works that may serve as the basis for a film's plot

The longest-living of these authors died in 1961, so this work is in the public domain in countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 62 years or less. This work may be in the public domain in countries and areas with longer native copyright terms that apply the rule of the shorter term to foreign works.

Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse