The Book of Scottish Song/Song to Maria

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Sheridan Knowles2268742The Book of Scottish Song — Song to Maria1843Alexander Whitelaw

Song to Maria.

[Written by Sheridan Knowles, and first published in the "Edinburgh Literary Journal," 1829. Set to music by J. T. May.]

Ye're my ain, love, ye're my ain!
Forms sae fair, I ne'er see mony;
Hearts sae fond, sae true, love, nane!
Ye're my ain! my dear! my bonny!
Years a score, a score, amaist,
Ha'e we lo'ed and lived thegither:
Ilk ane sweeter than the last;
Ye're my ain, I ha'e nae ither!

Will we mak' the ae score twa?
Bounteous still's the power that's o'er us!
Bloomy summer's scarce awa';
Mellow autumn's a' before us;
Long 'tis then tin winter, dear!
Comes wi' thoughtfu' smile and greets us!
Far's the close! yet, far or near,
Ye're my ain, where'er it meets us!