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The Book of Scottish Song/The bonnie red ribbon

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2269091The Book of Scottish Song — The bonnie red ribbon1843Alexander Whitelaw

The bonnie red ribbon.

[Andrew Sharpe.]

My Sandy was handsome, good-natur'd, and gay;
An' my Sandy wad never gainsay me;
An' down in St. Johnston, ae braw market day,
A bonnie red ribbon he ga'e me.

Nane looked like Sandy, sae mild and sae meek;
An' nane could sae winsome array me;
But death came and withered the rose on his check,
That was red as the ribbon he ga'e me.

Now lanely I wander o'er mountain an' moss,
Or where fancy wild wishes to stray me;
And tell, wi' a tear-weet-e'e, Sandy's sad loss,
To the bonnie red ribbon he ga'e me.

But shortly, some ev'ning amang the saft dew,
Low down in his grave will I lay me;
Syne bid a' the sorrows I suffer adieu!
An' the bonnie red ribbon he ga'e me.