The Book of Scottish Song/Young Jocky

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2263132The Book of Scottish Song — Young Jocky1843Alexander Whitelaw

Young Jocky.

[Two or three lines of this song are old. The rest is by Burns. The tune is given in Oswald with the title "Young Jocky was the blythest lad in a' our town."]

Young Jocky was the blythest lad,
In a' our town or here awa';
Fu' blythe he whistled at the gaud,
Fu' lichtly danced he in the ha'!
He roosed my een sae bonnie blue,
He roosed my waist sae genty sma';
And aye my heart cam' to my mou',
When ne'er a body heard or saw.

My Jocky toils upon the plain,
Thro' wind and weet, thro' frost and snaw;
And ower the lee I look fu' fain,
When Jocky's owsen hameward ca'.
And aye the nicht comes round again,
When in his arms he taks me a',
And aye he vows he'll be my ain
As lang as he has breath to draw.