The Booke of Thenseygnementes and Techynge that the Knyght of the Towre made to his Doughters/Chapter 87

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CATHONET was merueyllously loued in Rome of al maner of folke, as he that was wyse, humble, trewe, and curtoys. And whan the morow was come he sayd to one his grete frend, that at all auenture he shold make the hangmen of the towne to hyde them self secretely somwher tyll it were about the houre of tierce. And he dyd as he had prayd hym to doo. Cathonet thenne, aboute the houre of pryme, was conueyed to the galhows of alle the peple of Rome, whiche made grete sorowe for hym. And yet gretter sorowe had they made, but they wened veryly that he had done the dede of whiche he was accused, wherof they had grete merueylle, and sayd emonge them, "How may suche a wyse man haue be so sore tempted of the deuylle that he hath slayne themperour's sone? How may this be?" Of this faytte was grete talkynge amonge them. Somme byleued hit, and somme sayd it was not so. Neuertheles he was had to the galhows, and was asked after the hang man, but he coude not be found there, wherof hit befelle a grete merueylle, for he whiche Cathonet had respyted & saued fro dethe, as men led hym to be hanged, came forthe & sayd, "Lordes, the dede is fowle, dishonest, and vylaynous, and for the loue of themperour I offre my self to doo thoffyce, yf there be none other that wylle doo hit." Euery man loked thenne on hym & sayd, "Is not that he to whome Cathonet graunted his lyf, whanne he was newe putte in thoffyce of gouernour?" "Certaynly," sayd the other, "hit is he & none other, withoute fawte." Wherfore in token and signe of a grete merueyll they blessyd them with theyr handes, sayeng, "He is wel a foole that saueth and respyteth ony theef fro the galhows." Cathon thenne loked on hym and sayd, "Thou arte wel passyng redy. Remembryst not thow the tyme passed? But thus gone the merueylles of the world." And as soone as he had sayd these wordes, there was a grete nombre of men al on horsback, whiche made grete clamour and cryed, "Put not to dethe the trewe man Cathonet!"