The Canary/A young Kintra Laird's courtship

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For other versions of this work, see A young Kintra Laird's courtship.
The Canary
by Anonymous
A young Kintra Laird's courtship by unknown author
4509864The Canary — A young Kintra Laird's courtshipUnknown

A young Kintra Laird's courtship.

Now, Jenny lass, my bonny bird,
My daddy's dead, and a' that,
He's snugly laid aneath the yird,
An' I'm his heir, an' a' that,
An' a' that, an' a' that,
I'm now a laird, an' a' that,
His gear an' lan's at my command,
An' muckle mair than a' that.

He left me wi' his dying breath,
A dwallin'-house, an' a' that,
A byre, a barn, an' wabs o' claith,
A big peat-stack, an' a' that.
An' a' that, an' a' that,
A mare, a foal, an' a' that,
Sax tydie kye, a ca'f forbye,
An' twa per yowes, a' an' that.

A yard, a meadow, lang braid leas,
An' stacks o' corn, an' a' that,
Enclosed weel wi' thorns and trees,
An' carts, an' cars, an' a' that.
An' a' that, an' a' that,
A pleugh an' graith, an' a' that,
Gude harrows twa, cock, hens an' a',
An' far mae things than a' that.

I've heaps o'claise for ilka days,
An' Sunday's too, an' a' that,
I've bills and bands on lairds o' lands,
An' siller, gowd, an' a' that.
An' a' that, an' a' that,
What think ye, lass, o' a' that,
What want I now, my dainty dow,
But just a wife to a' that.

Now Jenny she laid her lufe in his,
Said she'd tak him wi' a' that;
And he gi'ed her a sappy kiss,
And he dauted her, an' a' that.
An' a' that, an'a' that,
They set the day, an' a' that,
When she'd gang hame to be his dame,
To ha'e a rant, an' a' that.