The Chaldean Account of Genesis/Index

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New York: Scribner, Armstrong, pages 315–319

3772218The Chaldean Account of Genesis — Index1876George Smith


Abram, 296.

  • Abydenus, 45, 46.
  • Accad or Akkad, 25, 293.
  • Adrahasis, 265, 272
  • Age of documents, 23.
  • Alaparus, 46.
  • Alexander Polyhistor, 38, 49.
  • Alexander the Great, 1.
  • Alorus, 45, 46.
  • Amarda, 293.
  • Amempsin, 46.
  • Amillarus, 46.
  • Ammenon, 46.
  • Anatu, 55.
  • Anementus, 47.
  • Animals, creation of, 76.
  • Antiquity of legends, 28.
  • Anu, 53, 54, 109, 116.
  • Anus, 50.
  • Apason, 49.
  • Apollodorus, 45.
  • Ardates, 42.
  • Ark, 48, 264, 265.
  • Armenia, 47.
  • Arnold, Mr. E., 6.
  • Arrangement of tablets, 20, 21.
  • Assorus, 50.
  • Assur, 31, 293.
  • Assurbanipal, 6, 33.
  • Assur-nazir-pal, 31.
  • Assyrian excavations, 6.
  • Atarpi, story of, 154, 155.
  • Athenæum, 8.
  • Aus, 50.
  • Babel, 17.
  • Babil mound, 163.
  • Babylon, 45, 48, 293.
  • Babylonia, 44.
  • Babylonian cities, 293.
    • legends, 3.
    • seals, 168.
    • sources of literature, 22.
  • Bel, 53, 58, 99.
  • Belat, 53.
  • Belus, 42, 50.
  • Berosus, 1, 14, 37, 46.
  • Bil-kan, 56.
  • Birs Nimrud, 162.
  • Borsippa, 293.
  • Bull, destruction of, 224.
  • Calah, 293.
  • Calneh, 293.
  • Cedars, 208.
  • Chaldean account of deluge, 7.
    • astrology, 26.
    • dynasties, 186.
  • Change in Assyrian language, 23.
  • Chaos, 65.
  • Chronology, 24, 25, 189-191.
  • Clay records, 22.
  • Coming of deluge, 267, 268.
  • Comparison of accounts of creation, 72.
    • of deluge, 284-289.
  • Composite creatures, 40, 41, 102, 103.
  • Conclusion, 295.
  • Conquest of Babylon, 24.
    • of Erech, 184.
    • of Humbaba, 216.
  • Constellations, creation of, 69.
  • Contents of library, 34.
  • Copies of texts, 305.
  • Coreyræan mountains, 44.
  • Cory, translations of, 38-50.
  • Creation, 1, 3, 7, 12, 17, 61, 101, 303.
  • Creation of animals, 76.
    • of man, 15, 77, 78.
    • of moon, 70.
    • of stars, 69.
    • of sun, 70.
  • Cronos, 47, 48, 49.
  • Cure of Izdubar, 275.
  • Cutha, 27, 105, 293.
  • Dache, 50.
  • Dachus, 50.
  • Dæsius, month, 47.
  • "Daily Telegraph," 6, 11, 16.
    • collection, 15.
  • Damascius, 49.
  • Dannat, 199.
  • Daonus, 45.
  • Daos, 46,
  • Date of Nimrod, 302.
  • Davce, 50.
  • Davkina, 57.
  • Death of Heabani, 257.
  • Delitzsch, Dr., 121.
  • Deluge, 1, 4, 5, 46, 48, 167, 169.
    • tablet, 10, 16.
    • predicted, 265.
    • commencement of, 267.
    • destruction wrought by 268.
    • end of, 269.
  • Descent to Hades, 227.
  • Description of Hades, 227-229.
    • of Izdubar legends, 170.
  • Destruction made by deluge, 268, 269.
  • Dragon, 90, 91.
  • Dreams of Izdubar, 194, 245.
  • Eagle, 17.
  • Eagle-headed men, 106.
  • Eagle, fable of, 138.
  • Eden, 3, 88, 291, 306.
  • Elamites, 187.
  • Eneuboulus, 47.
  • Eneugamus, 47.
  • Erech, 129, 183, 293.
  • Eridu, 293.
  • Esarhaddon, 32.
  • Etana, 17, 140, 141.
  • Euedocus, 47.
  • Euedorachus, 45.
  • Euedoreschus, 47.
  • Evil spirits, legend of, 27.
  • Expedition to Assyria, 11.
  • Exploits of Lubara, 26.
  • Fables, 17, 18, 137.
  • Fall, 13.
  • Fifth tablet of the creation, 69-71.
  • Filling the ark, 267.
  • First tablet of the creation, 62.
  • Flood, 1, 264, 307.
  • Forest of Humbaba, 214.
  • Fox, fable of, 144.
  • Fox Talbot, Mr., 239.
  • Fragments of tablets, 19
  • Ganganna, 293.
  • Generation of the gods, 66.
  • Genesis, 1, 3, 11.
    • stories, 33.
  • God Zu, 113, 122.
  • Hammurabi, 24.
  • Harriskalama, 293.
  • Hasisadra, 256, 262.
  • Hea, 53, 109, 111.
  • Heabani, 7, 193, 198.
  • Heabani comes to Erech, 204.
  • History of Izdubar, 309-311.
  • Horse and ox, fable of, 147-150.
  • Humbaba, 185, 207, 213.
  • Illinus, 50.
  • Ishmael, 298.
  • Ishtar, 17, 54, 56, 108, 129, 217.
    • loves Izdubar, 218.
    • amours of, 220.
    • anger of, 221.
    • descent to Hades, 227.
    • in Hades, 231.
    • return of, 235.
  • Ismi-dagan, 26.
  • Itak, 124.
  • Izdubar, 5, 173, 194, 308.
    • legends, 8, 18, 27, 167, 170.
    • same as Nimrod, 167, 168.
    • parentage, 173.
    • exploits of, 174, 203.
    • conquers Humbaba, 216.
    • loved by Ishtar, 218.
    • struck with disease, 245.
    • wanderings of, 247.
    • meets scorpion men, 248.
    • travels over desert, 251.
    • meets Sabitu and Siduri, 253.
    • meets Urhamsi, 254.
    • sees Hasisadra, 260.
    • hears the story of the flood, 264.
    • cured of his illness, 275.
    • returns to Erech, 277.
    • mourns for Heabani, 279.
    • friendship with Heabani, 193.
    • dream of, 194.
  • Jewish traditions, 2S4.
  • Jove, 49.
  • Karrak, 25, 30.
  • Kissare, 50.
  • Kisu, 293.
  • Kouyunjik, 2, 19.
  • Kudur-mabuk, 31
  • Lament of Izdubar, 278-280.
  • Language of inscriptions, 23.
  • Larancha, 46, 293.
  • Larsa, 25, 26, 30.
  • Layard, Mr., 2.
  • Lecture on the deluge, 11.
  • Lenorniant, M. F., 8, 239.
  • Libraries, 20.
  • Library of Assurbanijial, 33.
  • Literary period, 29.
  • Literature, Babylonian and Assyrian, 19.
  • Local mythology, 52.
  • Lubara, 17.
    • exploits of, 123-136.
  • Mamitu, 261.
  • Man, creation of, 77, 78.
    • fall of, 83-87.
    • pure, 79, 80.
    • rebels, 81.
  • Megalarus, 45, 46.
  • Merodach, 53, 57, 112.
  • Minyas, 48.
  • Miscellaneous texts, 153.
  • Moon, creation of, 70.
  • Moses, 48, 300.
  • Moymis, 50.
  • Mummu-tiama, 63-65.
  • Mythological tablets, 4.
  • Mythology, 51
  • Nabubalidina, 32.
  • Names in Genesis, 295.
  • Natural history, 35.
  • Nebo, 58, 118.
  • Nebuchadnezzar, 36, 166.
  • Nergal, 53, 59, 105.
  • Nicolaus Damascenus, 48.
  • Nimrod, 167, 174-183, 301.
  • Nineveh, 293.
  • Niuip, 53, 59.
  • Nipur, 293.
  • Nizir, 4, 270.
  • "North British Review," 239.
  • Notices of legends, 312-314.
  • Nusku, 53.
  • Oannes, 39, 45, 46, 306.
  • Odacon, 45.
  • Omoroca, 41.
  • Oppert, Prof., 239.
  • Otiartes, 46
  • Pantibiblon, 45, 46.
  • Paradise, 251.
  • Patriarchs, 290.
  • Pentateuch, 14.
  • Pine trees, 207.
  • Planets, creation of, 70.
  • Position of inscribed fragments, 20.
  • Prometheus, 49.
  • Queen, great, 209.
  • Eagmu, 257.
  • Rawlinson, Sir H. C., 2, 3, 8, 86, 88, 164, 165, 178, 179.
  • Rehobothair, 293.
  • Resen, 293.
  • Resurrection of Heabani, 281.
  • Return of Izdubar to Erech, 277.
  • Riddle of the wise man, 156, 157.
  • Sabitu, 253.
  • Sacrifice, 271.
  • Sargon, 26, 32, 299.
    • saved in ark, 299.
  • Sarturda, 119, 194.
  • Satan, 14.
  • Sayce, Rev. A. H., 8.
  • Scorpion men, 249.
  • Semitic race, 188.
  • Senaar, 49.
  • Sending out birds, 270.
  • Sennacherib, 32.
  • Serpent, 139, 140.
  • Seven evil spirits, 17, 107.
  • Siduri, 253.
  • Sin, 53, 59.
  • Sin of Zu, 113.
  • Sinuri, 157, 158.
  • Sippara, 43, 45, 293.
  • Sisithrus, 47.
  • Shalmaneser II., 32.
  • Shamas, 53, 59, 109, 197.
  • Society of Biblical Archaeology, 5, 283, 304.
  • Speaking trees, 243.
  • Stars, creation of, 69.
  • Story of Ishtar, 151.
  • Sumir, 25.
  • Sun, creation of, 70.
  • Surippak, 293.
  • Sibyl, 49.
  • Table of gods, 60.
  • Tablets, mutilation of, 9.
  • Tablets upon evil spirits, 111.
  • Tauth, 49.
  • Thalassa, 41.
  • Thalatth, 14, 41.
  • Tiamat, 14, 99, 107.
  • Tiglath Pileser, 32.
  • Tisallat, 14.
  • Titan, 48, 49.
  • Tower in stages, 164, 165.
  • Tower of Babel, 8, 9, 13, 48, 158-161.
  • Traditions collected, 28.
    • of Genesis, 29.
  • Tugulti-ninip, 24.
  • Uddusu-namir, 240.
  • Ur, 25, 30.
  • Urhamsi, 254, 274, 275.
  • Urukh, 25, 30, 294.
  • Vul, 53, 55, 108, 109, 116, 117.
  • War in heaven, 92-98.
    • with evil, 304.
  • Xisuthrus, 42, 43, 44, 46.
  • Zaidu, 200
  • Zirat-banit, 58.