The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda/Volume 5/Conversations and Dialogues/II - V Shri Surendra Nath Sen
The Loss of Shraddha in India and Need of Its Revival—Men We Want—Real Social Reform
[Shri Surendra Nath Sen—from private dairy]
Saturday, the 22nd January, 1898.
Early in the morning I came to Swamiji who was then staying in the house of
Balaram Babu at 57 Ramkanta Bose Street, Calcutta. The room was packed full
with listeners. Swamiji was saying, "We want Shraddhâ, we want faith in our
own selves. Strength is life, weakness is death. 'We are the Âtman,
deathless and free; pure, pure by nature. Can we ever commit any sin?
Impossible!'—such a faith is needed. Such a faith makes men of us, makes
gods of us. It is by losing this idea of Shraddha that the country has gone
to ruin."
Question: How did we come to lose this Shraddha?
Swamiji: We have had a negative education all along from our boyhood. We
have only learnt that we are nobodies. Seldom are we given to understand
that great men were ever born in our country. Nothing positive has been
taught to us. We do not even know how to use our hands and feet! We master
all the facts and figures concerning the ancestors of the English, but we
are sadly unmindful about our own. We have learnt only weakness. Being a
conquered race, we have brought ourselves to believe that we are weak and
have no independence in anything. So, how can it be but that the Shraddha is
lost? The idea of true Shraddha must be brought back once more to us, the
faith in our own selves must be reawakened, and, then only, all the problems
which face our country will gradually be solved by ourselves.
Q. How can that ever be? How will Shraddha alone remedy the innumerable
evils with which our society is beset? Besides, there are so many crying
evils in the country, to remove which the Indian National Congress and other
patriotic associations are carrying on a strenuous agitation and petitioning
the British government. How better can their wants be made known? What has
Shraddha to do with the matter?
Swamiji: Tell me, whose wants are those—yours or the ruler's? If yours,
will the ruler supply them for you, or will you have to do that for
Q. But it is the ruler's duty to see to the wants of the subject people.
Whom should we look up to for everything, if not to the king?
Swamiji: Never are the wants of a beggar fulfilled. Suppose the government
give you all you need, where are the men who are able to keep up the things
demanded? So make men first. Men we want, and how can men be made unless
Shraddha is there?
Q. But such is not the view Of the majority, sir.
Swamiji: What you call majority is mainly composed of fools and men of
common intellect. Men who have brains to think for themselves are few,
everywhere. These few men with brains are the real leaders in everything and
in every department of work; the majority are guided by them as with a
string, and that is good, for everything goes all right when they follow in
the footsteps of these leaders. Those are only fools who think themselves
too high to bend their heads to anyone, and they bring on their own ruin by
acting on their own judgment. You talk of social reform? But what do you do?
All that you mean by your social reform is either widow remarriage, or
female emancipation, or something of that sort. Do you not? And these again
are directed within the confines of a few of the castes only. Such a scheme
of reform may do good to a few no doubt, but of what avail is that to the
whole nation? Is that reform or only a form of selfishness—somehow to
cleanse your own room and keep it tidy and let others go from bad to worse!
Q. Then, you mean to say that there is no need of social reform at all?
Swamiji: Who says so? Of course there is need of it. Most of what you talk
of as social reform does not touch the poor masses; they have already those
things—the widow remarriage, female emancipation, etc.—which you cry
for. For this reason they will not think of those things as reforms at all.
What I mean to say is that want of Shraddha has brought in all the evils
among us, and is bringing in more and more. My method of treatment is to
take out by the roots the very causes of the disease and not to keep them
merely suppressed. Reforms we should have in many ways; who will be so
foolish as to deny it? There is, for example, a good reason for
intermarriage in India, in the absence of which the race is becoming
physically weaker day by day.
Since it was a day of a solar eclipse, the gentleman who was asking these
questions saluted Swamiji and left saying "I must go now for a bath in the
Ganga. I shall, however, come another day."
Reconciliation of Jnana-Yoga and Bhakti-Yoga—God in Good and in Evil Too—Use Makes a Thing Good or Evil—Karma—Creation—God—Maya
[Shri Surendra Nath Sen—from private dairy]
Sunday, The 23rd January, 1898.
It was evening and the occasion of the weekly meeting of the Ramakrishna
Mission, at the house of Balaram Babu of Baghbazar. Swami Turiyananda, Swami
Yogananda, Swami Premananda, and others had come from the Math. Swamiji was
seated in the verandah to the east, which was now full of people, as were
the northern and the southern sections of the verandah. But such used to be
the case every day when Swamiji stayed in Calcutta.
Many of the people who came to the meeting had heard that Swamiji could sing
well, and so were desirous of hearing him. Knowing this, Master Mahâshaya
(M.) whispered to a few gentlemen near him to request Swamiji to sing; but
he saw through their intention and playfully asked, "Master Mahashaya, what
are you talking about among yourselves in whispers? Do speak out." At the
request of Master Mahashaya, Swamiji now began in his charming voice the
song—"Keep with loving care the darling Mother Shyâmâ in thy heart. . . ."
It seemed as if a Vinâ was playing. At its close, he said to Master
Mahashaya, "Well, are you now satisfied? But no more singing! Otherwise,
being in the swing of it, I shall be carried away by its intoxication.
Moreover, my voice is now spoilt be frequent lecturing in the West. My voice
trembles a great deal. . . ."
Swamiji then asked one of his Brahmacharin disciples to speak on the real
nature of Mukti. So, the Brahmacharin stood up and spoke at some length. A
few others followed him. Swamiji then invited discussion on the subject of
the discourse, and called upon one of his householder disciples to lead it;
but as the latter tried to advocate the Advaita and Jnâna and assign a lower
place to dualism and Bhakti, he met with a protest from one of the audience.
As each of the two opponents tried to establish his own viewpoint, a lively
word-fight ensued. Swamiji watched them for a while but, seeing that they
were getting excited, silenced them with the following words:
Why do you get excited in argument and spoil everything? Listen! Shri
Ramakrishna used to say that pure knowledge and pure Bhakti are one and the
same. According to the doctrine of Bhakti, God is held to be "All-Love". One
cannot even say, "I love Him", for the reason that He is All-Love. There is
no love outside of Himself; the love that is in the heart with which you
love Him is even He Himself. In a similar way, whatever attractions or
inclinations one feels drawn by, are all He Himself. The thief steals, the
harlot sells her body to prostitution, the mother loves her child—in each
of these too is He! One world system attracts another—there also is He.
Everywhere is He. According to the doctrine of Jnana also, He is realised by
one everywhere. Here lies the reconciliation of Jnana and Bhakti. When one
is immersed in the highest ecstasy of divine vision (Bhâva), or is in the
state of Samâdhi, then alone the idea of duality ceases, and the distinction
between the devotee and his God vanishes. In the scriptures on Bhakti, five
different paths of relationship are mentioned, by any of which one can
attain to God; but another one can very well be added to them, viz. the path
of meditation on the non-separateness, or oneness with God. Thus the Bhakta
can call the Advaitins Bhaktas as well, but of the non-differentiating type.
As long as one is within the region of Mâya, so long the idea of duality
will no doubt remain. Space-time-causation, or name-and-form, is what is
called Maya. When one goes beyond this Maya, then only the Oneness is
realised, and then man is neither a dualist nor an Advaitist—to him all is
One. All this difference that you notice between a Bhakta and a Jnani is in
the preparatory stage—one sees God outside, and the other sees Him within.
But there is another point: Shri Ramakrishna used to say that there is
another stage of Bhakti which is called the Supreme Devotion (Parâbhakti)
i.e. to love Him after becoming established in the consciousness of Advaita
and after having attained Mukti. It may seem paradoxical, and the question
may be raised here why such a one who has already attained Mukti should be
desirous of retaining the spirit of Bhakti? The answer is: The Mukta or the
Free is beyond all law; no law applies in his case, and hence no question
can be asked regarding him. Even becoming Mukta, some, out of their own free
will, retain Bhakti to taste of its sweetness.
Q. God may be in the love of the mother for her child; but, sir, this idea
is really perplexing that God is even in thieves and the harlots in the form
of their natural inclinations to sin! It follows then that God is as
responsible for the sin as for all the virtue in this world.
Swamiji: That consciousness comes in a stage of highest realization, when
one sees that whatever is of the nature of love or attraction is God. But
one has to reach that state to see and realise that idea for oneself in
actual life.
Q. But still one has to admit that God is also in the sin!
Swamiji: You see, there are, in reality, no such different things as good
and evil. They are mere conventional terms. The same thing we call bad, and
again another time we call good, according to the way we make use of it.
Take for example this lamplight; because of its burning, we are able to see
and do various works of utility; this is one mode of using the light. Again,
if you put your fingers in it, they will be burnt; that is another mode of
using the same light. So we should know that a thing becomes good or bad
according to the way we use it. Similarly with virtue and vice. Broadly
speaking, the proper use of any of the faculties of our mind and body is
termed virtue, and its improper application or waste is called vice.
Thus questions after questions were put and answered. Someone remarked, "The
theory that God is even there, where one heavenly body attracts another, may
or may not be true as a fact, but there is no denying the exquisite poetry
the idea conveys."
Swamiji: No, my dear sir, that is not poetry. One can see for oneself its
truth when one attains knowledge.
From what Swamiji further said on this point, I understood him to mean that
matter and spirit, though to all appearances they seem to be two distinct
things, are really two different forms of one substance; and similarly, all
the different forces that are known to us, whether in the material or in the
internal world, are but varying forms of the manifestation of one Force. We
call a thing matter, where that spirit force is manifested less; and living,
where it shows itself more; but there is nothing which is absolutely matter
at all times and in all conditions. The same Force which presents itself in
the material world as attraction or gravitation is felt in its finer and
subtler state as love and the like in the higher spiritual stages of
Q. Why should there be even this difference relating to individual use? Why
should there be at all this tendency in man to make bad or improper use of
any of his faculties?
Swamiji: That tendency comes as a result of one's own past actions (Karma);
everything one has is of his own doing. Hence it follows that it is solely
in the hands of every individual to control his tendencies and to guide them
Q. Even if everything is the result of our Karma, still it must have had a
beginning, and why should our tendencies have been good or bad at the
Swamiji: How do you know that there is a beginning? The Srishti (creation)
is without beginning—this is the doctrine of the Vedas. So long as there
is God, there is creation as well.
Q. Well, sir, why is this Maya here, and whence has it come?
Swamiji: It is a mistake to ask "why" with respect to God; we can only do so
regarding one who has wants or imperfections. How can there be an, "why"
concerning Him who has no wants and who is the One Whole? No such question
as "Whence has Maya come?" can be asked. Time-space-causation is what is
called Maya. You, I, and everyone else are within this Maya; and you are
asking about what is beyond Maya! How can you do so while living within
Again, many questions followed. The conversation turned on the philosophies
of Mill, Hamilton, Herbert Spencer, etc., and Swamiji dwelt on them to the
satisfaction of all. Everyone wondered at the vastness of his Western
philosophical scholarship and the promptness of his replies.
The meeting dispersed after a short conversation on miscellaneous subjects.
Intermarriage Among Subdivisions of a Varna—Against Early Marriage—The Education that Indians Need—Brahmacharya
[Shri Surendra Nath Sen—from private dairy]
Monday, The 24th January, 1898.
The same gentleman who was asking questions of Swamiji on Saturday last came
again. He raised again the topic of intermarriage and enquired, "How should
intermarriage be introduced between different nationalities?"
Swamiji: I do not advise our intermarriage with nations professing an alien
religion. At least for the present, that will, of a certainty, slacken the
ties of society and be a cause of manifold mischief. It is the intermarriage
between people of the same religion that I advocate.
Q. Even then, it will involve much perplexity. Suppose I have a daughter who
is born and brought up in Bengal, and I marry her to a Marathi or a Madrasi.
Neither will the girl understand her husband's language nor the husband the
girl's. Again, the difference in their individual habits and customs is so
great. Such are a few of the troubles in the case of the married couple.
Then as regards society, it will make confusion worse confounded.
Swamiji: The time is yet very long in coming when marriages of that kind
will be widely possible. Besides, it is not judicious now to go in for that
all of a sudden. One of the secrets of work is to go along the line of least
resistance. So, first of all, let there be marriages within the sphere of
one's own caste-people. Take for instance, the Kayasthas of Bengal. They
have several subdivisions amongst them, such as, the Uttar-rârhi,
Dakshin-rârhi, Bangaja, etc., and they do not intermarry with each other.
Now, let there be intermarriages between the Uttar-rarhis and the
Dakshin-rarhis, and if that is not possible at present, let it be between
the Bangajas and the Dakshin-rarhis. Thus we are to build up that which is
already existing, and which is in our hands to reduce into practice—reform
does not mean wholesale breaking down.
Q. Very well, let it be as you say: but what corresponding good can come of
Swamiji: Don't you see how in our society, marriage, being restricted for
several hundreds of years within the same subdivisions of each caste, has
come to such a pass nowadays as virtually to mean marital alliance between
cousins and near relations; and how for this very reason the race is getting
deteriorated physically, and consequently all sorts of disease and other
evils are finding a ready entrance into it? The blood having had to
circulate within the narrow circle of a limited number of individuals has
become vitiated; so the new-born children inherit from their very birth the
constitutional diseases of their fathers. Thus, born with poor blood, their
bodies have very little power to resist the microbes of any disease, which
are ever ready to prey upon them. It is only by widening the circle of
marriage that we can infuse a new and a different kind of blood into our
progeny, so that they may be saved from the clutches of many of our
present-day diseases and other consequent evils.
Q. May I ask you, sir, what is your opinion about early marriage?
Swamiji: Amongst the educated classes in Bengal, the custom of marrying
their boys too early is dying out gradually. The girls are also given in
marriage a year or two older than before, but that has been under compulsion
—from pecuniary want. Whatever might be the reason for it, the age of
marrying girls should be raised still higher. But what will the poor father
do? As soon as the girl grows up a little, every one of the female sex,
beginning with the mother down to the relatives and neighbours even, will
begin to cry out that he must find a bridegroom for her, and will not leave
him in peace until he does so! And, about your religious hypocrites, the
less said the better. In these days no one hears them, but still they will
take up the role of leaders themselves. The rulers passed the Age of Consent
Bill prohibiting a man under the threat of penalty to live with a girl of
twelve years, and at once all these so-called leaders of your religion
raised a tremendous hue and cry against it, sounding the alarm, "Alas, our
religion is lost! As if religion consisted in making a girl a mother at the
age of twelve or thirteen! So the rulers also naturally think, "Goodness
gracious! What a religion is theirs! And these people lead political
agitations and demand political rights!"
Q. Then, in your opinion, both men and women should be married at an
advanced age?
Swamiji: Certainly. But education should be imparted along with it,
otherwise irregularity and corruption will ensue. By education I do not mean
the present system, but something in the line of positive teaching. Mere
book-learning won't do. We want that education by which character is
formed, strength of mind is increased, the intellect is expanded, and by
which one can stand on one's own feet.
Q. We have to reform our women in many ways.
Swamiji: With such an education women will solve their own problems. They
have all the time been trained in helplessness, servile dependence on
others, and so they are good only to weep their eyes out at the slightest
approach of a mishap or danger. Along with other things they should acquire
the spirit of valour and heroism. In the present day it has become necessary
for them also to learn self-defence. See how grand was the Queen of Jhansi!
Q. What you advise is quite a new departure, and it will, I am afraid, take
a very long time yet to train our women in that way.
Swamiji: Anyhow, we have to try our best. We have not only to teach them but
to teach ourselves also. Mere begetting children does not make a father; a
great many responsibilities have to be taken upon one's shoulders as well.
To make a beginning in women's education: our Hindu women easily understand
what chastity means, because it is their heritage. Now, first of all,
intensify that ideal within them above everything else, so that they may
develop a strong character by the force of which, in every stage of their
life, whether married, or single if they prefer to remain so, they will not
be in the least afraid even to give up their lives rather than flinch an
inch from their chastity. Is it little heroism to be able to sacrifice one's
life for the sake of one's ideal whatever that ideal may be? Studying the
present needs of the age, it seems imperative to train some women up in the
ideal of renunciation, so that they will take up the vow of lifelong
virginity, fired with the strength of that virtue of chastity which is
innate in their life-blood from hoary antiquity. Along with that they should
be taught sciences and other things which would be of benefit, not only to
them but to others as well, and knowing this they would easily learn these
things and feel pleasure in doing so. Our motherland requires for her
well-being some of her children to become such pure-souled Brahmachârins and
Q. In what way will that conduce to her well-being?
Swamiji: By their example and through their endeavours to hold the national
ideal before the eyes of the people, a revolution in thoughts and
aspirations will take place. How do matters stand now? Somehow, the parents
must dispose of a girl in marriage, if she he nine or ten years of age! And
what a rejoicing of the whole family if a child is born to her at the age of
thirteen! If the trend of such ideas is reversed, then only there is some
hope for the ancient Shraddhâ to return. And what to talk of those who will
practice Brahmacharya as defined above—think how much faith in themselves
will be theirs! And what a power for good they will be!
The questioner now saluted Swamiji and was ready to take leave. Swamiji
asked him to come now and then "Certainly, sir," replied the gentleman, "I
feel so much benefited. I have heard from you many new things, which I have
not been told anywhere before." I also went home as it was about time for
Madhura-Bhava—Prema—Namakirtana—Its Danger—Bhakti Tempered With Jnana—A Curious Dream
[Shri Surendra Nath Sen—from private dairy]
Monday, The 24th January, 1898.
In the afternoon I came again to Swamiji and saw quite a good gathering
round him. The topic was the Madhura-Bhâva or the way of worshipping God as
husband, as in vogue with some followers of Shri Chaitanya. His occasional
bons mots were raising laughter, when someone remarked, "What is there to
make so much fun of about the Lord's doings? Do you think that he was not a
great saint, and that he did not do everything for the good of humanity?"
Swamiji: Who is that! Should I poke fun at you then, my dear sir! You only
see the fun of it, do you? And you, sir, do not see the lifelong struggle
through which I have passed to mould this life after his burning ideal of
renunciation of wealth and lust, and my endeavours to infuse that ideal into
the people at large! Shri Chaitanya was a man of tremendous renunciation and
had nothing to do with woman and carnal appetites. But, in later times, his
disciples admitted women into their order, mixed indiscriminately with them
in his name, and made an awful mess of the whole thing. And the ideal of
love which the Lord exemplified in his life was perfectly selfless and
bereft of any vestige of lust; that sexless love can never be the property
of the masses. But the subsequent Vaishnava Gurus, instead of laying
particular stress first on the aspect of renunciation in the Master's life,
bestowed all their zeal on preaching and infusing his ideal of love among
the masses, and the consequence was that the common people could not grasp
and assimilate that high ideal of divine love, and naturally made of it the
worst form of love between man and woman.
Q. But, sir, he preached the name of the Lord Hari to all, even to the
Chandâlas; so why should not the common masses have a right to it?
Swamiji: I am talking not of his preaching, but of his great ideal of love
—the Râdhâ-prema,[1]
with which he used to remain intoxicated day and night, losing his
individuality in Radha.
Q. Why may not that be made the common property of all?
Swamiji: Look at this nation and see what has been the outcome of such an
attempt. Through the preaching of that love broadcast, the whole nation has
become effeminate—a race of women! The whole of Orissa has been turned
into a land of cowards; and Bengal, running after the Radha-prema, these
past four hundred years, has almost lost all sense of manliness! The people
are very good only at crying and weeping; that has become their national
trait. Look at their literature, the sure index of a nation's thoughts and
ideas. Why, the refrain of the Bengali literature for these four hundred
years is strung to that same tune of moaning and crying. It has failed to
give birth to any poetry which breathes a true heroic spirit!
Q. Who are then truly entitled to possess that Prema (love)?
Swamiji: There can be no love so long as there is lust—even as speck of
it, as it were, in the heart. None but men of great renunciation, none but
mighty giants among men, have a right to that Love Divine. If that highest
ideal of love is held out to the masses, it will indirectly tend to
stimulate its worldly prototype which dominates the heart of man—for,
meditating on love to God by thinking of oneself as His wife or beloved,
one would very likely be thinking most of the time of one's own wife—the
result is too obvious to point out.
Q. Then is it impossible for householders to realise God through that path
of love, worshipping God as one's husband or lover and considering oneself
as His spouse?
Swamiji : With a few exceptions; for ordinary householders it is impossible
no doubt. And why lay so much stress on this delicate path, above all
others? Are there no other relationships by which to worship God, except
this Madhura idea of love? Why not follow the four other paths, and take the
name of the Lord with all your heart? Let the heart be opened first, and all
else will follow of itself. But know this for certain, that Prema cannot
come while there is lust. Why not try first to get rid of carnal desires?
You will say, "How is that possible? I am a householder." Nonsense! Because
one is a householder, does it mean that one should be a personification of
incontinence, or that one has to live in marital relations all one's life?
And, after all, how unbecoming of a man to make of himself a woman, so that
he may practice this Madhura love!
Q. True, sir. Singing God's name in a party (Nâmakirtana) is an excellent
help and gives one a joyous feeling. So say our scriptures, and so did Shri
Chaitanya Deva also preach to the masses. When the Khole (drum) is played
upon, it makes the heart leap with such a transport that one feels inclined
to dance.
Swamiji: That is all right, but don't think that Kirtana means dancing only.
It means singing the glories of God, in whatever way that suits you. That
vehement stirring up of feeling and that dancing of the Vaishnavas are good
and very catching no doubt; but there is also a danger in practising them,
from which you must save yourself. The danger lies here—in the reaction.
On the one hand, the feelings are at once roused to the highest pitch, tears
flow from the eyes, the head reels as it were under intoxication—on the
other hand, as soon as the Sankirtan stops, that mass of feeling sinks down
as precipitately as it rose. The higher the wave rises on the ocean, the
lower it falls, with equal force. It is very difficult at that stage to
contain oneself against the shock of reaction; unless one has proper
discrimination, one is likely to succumb to the lower propensities of lust
etc. I have noticed the same thing in America also. Many would go to church,
pray with much devotion, sing with great feeling, and even burst into tears
when hearing the sermons; but after coming out of church, they would have a
great reaction and succumb to carnal tendencies.
Q. Then, sir, do instruct us which of the ideas preached by Shri Chaitanya
we should take up as well suited to us, so that we may not fall into errors.
Swamiji: Worship God with Bhakti tempered with Jnâna. Keep the spirit of
discrimination along with Bhakti. Besides this, gather from Shri Chaitanya,
his heart, his loving kindness to all beings, his burning passion for God,
and make his renunciation the ideal of your life.
The questioner now addressed the Swamiji with folded hands, "I beg your
pardon, sir. Now I come to see you are right. Seeing you criticise in a
playful mood the Madhura love of the Vaishnavas, I could not at first
understand the drift of your remarks; hence I took exception to them."
Swamiji: Well, look here, if we are to criticise at all, it is better to
criticise God or God-men. If you abuse me I shall very likely get angry with
you, and if I abuse you, you will try to retaliate. Isn't it so? But God or
God-men will never return evil for evil.
The gentleman now left, after bowing down at the feet of Swamiji. I have
already said that such a gathering was an everyday occurrence when Swamiji
used to stay in Calcutta. From early in the morning till eight or nine at
night, men would flock to him at every hour of the day. This naturally
occasioned much irregularity in the time of his taking his meals; so, many
desiring to put a stop to this state of things, strongly advised Swamiji not
to receive visitors except at appointed hours. But the loving heart of
Swamiji, ever ready to go to any length to help others, was so melted with
compassion at the sight of such a thirst for religion in the people, that in
spite of ill health, he did not comply with any request of the kind. His
only reply was, "They take so much trouble to come walking all the way from
their homes, and can I, for the consideration of risking my health a little,
sit here and not speak a few words to them?"
At about 4 p.m. the general conversation came to a close, and the gathering
dispersed, except for a few gentlemen with whom Swamiji continued his talk
on different subjects, such as England and America, and so on. In the course
of conversation he said:
"I had a curious dream on my return voyage from England. While our ship was
passing through the Mediterranean Sea, in my sleep, a very old and venerable
looking person, Rishi-like in appearance, stood before me and said, 'Do ye
come and effect our restoration. I am one of that ancient order of
Therâputtas (Theraputae) which had its origin in the teachings of the Indian
Rishis. The truths and ideals preached by us have been given out by
Christians as taught by Jesus; but for the matter of that, there was no such
personality by the name of Jesus ever born. Various evidences testifying to
this fact will be brought to light by excavating here.' 'By excavating which
place can those proofs and relics you speak of be found?' I asked. The
hoary-headed one, pointing to a locality in the vicinity of Turkey, said,
'See here.' Immediately after, I woke up, and at once rushed to the upper
deck and asked the Captain, 'What neighbourhood is the ship in just now?'
'Look yonder', the Captain replied, 'there is Turkey and the Island of
Was it but a dream, or is there anything in the above vision? Who knows!
- Notes
- ↑ The divine love which Radha had towards Shri Krishna.