The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda/Volume 5/Epistles - First Series/C Joe
The Math, Belur,
Howrah, Bengal,
17th February, 1901.
Dear Joe, (Miss Josephine MacLeod.)
Just now received your nice long letter. I am so glad that you met and
approve Miss Cornelia Sorabji. I knew her father at Poona, also a younger
sister who was in America. Perhaps her mother will remember me as the
Sannyasin who used to live with the Thakore Sahib of Limbdi at Poona.
I hope you will go to Baroda and see the Maharani.
I am much better and hope to continue so for some time. I have just now a
beautiful letter from Mrs. Sevier in which she writes a whole lot of
beautiful things about you.
I am so glad you saw Mr. Tata and find him so strong and good.
I will of course accept an invitation if I am strong enough to go to Bombay.
Do wire the name of the steamer you leave by for Colombo. With all love,
Yours affectionately,