The Des Moines Tribune/1914/Mrs. Krell Cited To Inform Court To Where Money Went

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Mrs. Krell Cited To Inform Court To Where Money Went
3475183Mrs. Krell Cited To Inform Court To Where Money Went

Mrs. Krell Cited To Inform Court To Where Money Went. Mrs. Zora Krell, former wife of the H. F. Hahnen, an employee of the Iowa National bank, was ordered by Judge Hugh Brennan, this morning, to appear in court on October 6 for an examination as to her doings as guardian of her two children, Gretchen and Robert Hahnen, aged 9 and 4 years, respectively. The Des Moines Savings bank is now acting as guardian for the Hahnen minors, charges that Mrs. Krell, while serving in a similar capacity dissipated funds left for the children by their father. The application alleges that the joint estate of the minors, valued at $9,083.33, has dwindled to $5,872.77 during the three and one-half years.
Died in 1911. Mr. Hahnen died on February 6, 1911. The application recites that he left approximately $9,000 of life insurance to his two children and several thousand dollars of insurance to his children. On March 8, 1911, Mrs. Hahnen was appointed as their guardian, and the Bankers Surety company as her bondsman. On April 11, 1913, the surety company was released as her bondsman. No notice was given the minors at the time, the application recites.
Married In 1913. On April 1, 1913, Mrs. Hahnen married Karl Krell, the application states. Some of the things, which Mrs. Krell is alleged to have done while acting as guardian for the children and objected to by the Des Moines Savings bank are:

  • Paid M. Goldstein $35 for a dress and charged it to her wards.
  • Paid a certain telephone bill and charged it to wards.
  • On April 1, 1912, paid T. A. Wheeler $27.50 for house rent and charged it to wards. On same day charged her wards $15.00 or $12.60 a month each for board, although they had paid their own rent.
  • Charged her wards with Christmas presents she gave them in 1912 and also with Christmas presents they gave her.
  • During 1912 charged her wards with more than $300 for dry goods purchased at local stores, which is alleged to be unreasonable.

Loaned Hubby Money. At about the time Mrs. Hahnen is said to have married Earl Krell, she is accused of having loaned him $1,809 without authority from the court. At that time, the petition avers, Krell was insolvent. The loan was made without security, it is charged. The application further avers that one of the reports submitted by Mrs. Krell showed that Krell paid her $1,803 in payment of the $1,809 loan, and on the same day she loaned the Krell company, also alleged to be insolvent, $2,100 without security and without authority of the court. The savings bank states that it does not believe Krell paid the guardian $1,863, but that she simply gave him an additional $237. On June 20, 1914, the petition recites that Mrs. Krell was ordered to appear and account for certain moneys she expended for her wards. She resigned on June 20, at which time the Des Moines Savings bank was named as guardian of the children. The plaintiff objects to all of the reports submitted by Mrs. Krell us guardian, and asks that she be required to turn over all sums she cannot show were properly expended. The savings bank also desires to know what security Krell gave for the loans he is said to have received. Among other things, Mrs. Krell is asked to pay over to her former wards $392.79 she is alleged to have charged her wards for household furniture. The court also is requested to compel Mrs. Krell to pay over to her children $873.65, the alleged un-itemized amount she is said to have charged her wards for their support during the first year she acted as their guardian.

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