The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Gilles, Osmond

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Gilles' actual lifespan was 24 Aug. 1788 – 25 Sept. 1866

1380311The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Gilles, OsmondPhilip Mennell

Gilles, Osmond, was born in England in 1797, and was engaged in mercantile pursuits at Hamburg for fourteen years. He took a great Interest in the preliminary arrangements for the formation of the colony of South Australia, to which he emigrated in 1836, being amongst those who were present on Dec. 28th, when Captain Hindmarsh read the official document proclaiming the colony. He was the first Colonial Treasurer of South Australia, but only held office for two years. He was a large purchaser of town and country lands; and the Glen Osmond silver lead mines, worked by an English Company, were situated on his property. He introduced Saxony and Merino sheep into South Australia, and was a considerable benefactor to the Church of England and to German charities. He died at Glen Osmond on Sept. 24th, 1876.