The Dictionary of Australasian Biography/Stephen, George Milner

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1449720The Dictionary of Australasian Biography — Stephen, George MilnerPhilip Mennell

Stephen, George Milner, is the fifth son of the late John Stephen, formerly judge in New South Wales, and is a younger brother of Sir Alfred Stephen, Lieut.-Governor of that colony (q.v.). He was an official member of the Legislative Council of South Australia from 1838 to 1839; Advocate-General from February to July 1838, and as senior member of the Legislative Council, was Acting-Governor of the colony during the interval between the departure of Captain (afterwards Admiral Sir John) Hindmarsh, and the arrival of Colonel Gawler, July to Oct. 1838. He was Colonial Secretary from Oct. 1838 to July 1839, and was appointed a member of the board which replaced the Resident Commissioner in Oct. 1838. Mr. Stephen having entered into speculations in land at Port Gawler, was involved in criminal charges of which he was acquitted; but comments unfavourable to his conduct having appeared in the South Australian Register, he brought an action for libel against the proprietary, in which the latter secured a verdict. Visiting England, he entered as a student at the Middle Temple in June 1842, and was called to the English bar in Nov. 1845, and to that of New South Wales in April 1852. He subsequently resided in Melbourne, but has lived in London for some years past. Mr. Stephen, who has gained considerable notoriety by his practice of the art of "faith healing," married the third daughter of Sir John Hindmarsh, formerly Governor of South Australia.