The Early English Organ Builders and their work/Appendix III

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The Early English Organ Builders and their work
by Edward Francis Rimbault
Appendix III
1428120The Early English Organ Builders and their work — Appendix IIIEdward Francis Rimbault


The Agreement between Antony Duddyngton and the Churchwardens of All-hallows', Barking, for the Organ.

a.d. 1519.

(From the Original Document preserved in the Church Chest.)

"This endenture made the yere of oure lorde god ml vo xix. and in the moneth of July xxix day. Witnesseth that Antony Duddyngton, Citezen of London, Organ-Maker, hath made a full bargayn, condycionally, with Maister Willm. Petenson, Doctour in Divinite, Vicar of Alhalowe Barkyng, Robt. Whytehed and John Churche, Wardeyns of the same Churche, and Maistere of the P'isshe of Alhalowe Barkyng, next ye Tower of London, to make an instrument, that ys to say a payer of organs for the foresed churche, of dowble Ce-fa-ut that ys to say, xxvij. playne keyes, and the pryncipale to conteyn the length of v foote, so folowing wt Bassys called Diapason to the same, conteyning length of x foot or more: And to be dowble pryncipalls thoroweout the seid instrument, so that the pyppes wt inforth shall be as fyne metall and stuff as tho utter parts, that is to say of pure Tyn, wt as fewe stoppes as may be convenient. And the seid Antony to have ernest vili xiiis iiijd. Also the foresaid Antony askyth v quarters of respytt, that ys to say, from the fest of Seynt Mighell the Archaungell, next following to the fest of Seynt Mighell the day twelvemonth following. And also undernethe this condicion, that the foresaid Antony shall convey the belowes in the loft abowf in the seid Quere of Alhalowes, wt a pype to the sond boarde. Also this p'mysed by the said Antony, that yf the foresaid Maister, Doctour, Vicare, Churche Wardeyns, Maisters of the p'isshe, be not content nor lyke not the seid instrument, that then they shall allowe him for convaying of the belows xls. for his cost of them, and to restore the rest of the Truest agayn to the seid Maisters. And yf the seid Antony decesse and depart his naturall lyf wtin the forseid v quarters, that then hys wyff or hys executours or his assignes shall fully content the foresaid some of iijli. xiijs. iiijd.[1] to the seid Vicare, and Churche Wardeyns, and Maisters of the p'isshe wt out any delay. And yf they be content wt the seid instrument, to pay to the seid Antony fyfty poundes sterlinge. In Wittnesse whereof the seid p'ties to these endentures chaungeably have set their sealls. Geven the day and yere abovesaid."

Copy of the Receipt.

"Md yt I Anthony Duddyngtonne have Reecd of Harry Goderyk, Churche Wardeyn of Barkyng, the som of xxxli st., in pt of paymt of lli st., the wiche I shold have for a payre of organs. In Wytnesse heyrof, I the forsayd Antony have subscrybed my name the xxij day of M'che, Ao xve xx.

Be me Antony Duddyngton."

  1. These figures do not agree with the sum before mentioned, but they are so in the original document.