The Earth Turns South/Calendar

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Spring will come soon,—there comes an end to snowing;
Summer her golden melody will bring,
Rich Autumn's gorgeous fires come glowing, glowing,—
Then follows Winter, ere another Spring.

The earth is sore of Winter's blustering;
The pale green leaves clamor to start their growing,
And to one hope our ice-bound spirits cling:
Spring will come soon; there comes an end to snowing.

Ah, filmy flowers, you are overflowing
The meadows; and the sky will lift the wing
Of many a bird who seeks you blindly, knowing
Summer her golden melody will bring,

Color, and flame, and fragrance; these will fling
Themselves on crest and lowland, gayly showing
How high the unspoken tide of joy can swing;
Rich Autumn's gorgeous fires come glowing, glowing,

Till they burn brown and low, their ardor slowing,
Their passion at its final evening;
Over the fields the withering blasts come blowing;
Then follows Winter, ere another Spring.

Yet will we welcome the raw buffeting,
Thankful for this stern strength it is bestowing,
A goad to sloth, to deadened life a sting:
Prepare your soul for the new time of sowing,-
Spring will come soon.