
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Geddes, Patrick

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Edition of 1920. See also Patrick Geddes on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1700999The Encyclopedia Americana — Geddes, Patrick

GEDDES, Patrick, Scottish biologist: b. Perth 1854. He was educated at Perth Academy, the Royal School of Mines, University College, London, the Sorbonne, the universities of Edinburgh, Montpellier, etc. He was successively demonstrator of physiology at University College, London; of zoology at the University of Aberdeen; of botany at Edinburgh; lecturer on natural history in the School of Medicine, Edinburgh, with intervals of travel, explorations in Mexico, visits to Continental universities, zoological stations and botanic gardens, as also to Cyprus and the East, the United States, etc. His educational work dealt mainly with the organization of University Halls, Edinburgh and Chelsea, each as a beginning of collegiate life. He also became interested in a printing establishment dealing with Celtic and general literature and art. He also has been actively employed in city improvement, town-planning and educational initiatives at home, on the Continent and in India. He is professor of botany at University College, Dundee (Saint Andrew's University). His publications comprise numerous articles in the ‘Encyclopaedia Britannica,’ ‘Chamber's Encyclopaedia,’ etc.; ‘The Evolution of Sex’ (1889); ‘Chapters in Modern Botany’ (1892); ‘City Development’ (1904); ‘Cities in Evolution’ (1908).