
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Lord, John

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Edition of 1920. See also John Lord (historian) on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1401781The Encyclopedia Americana — Lord, John

LORD, John, American historian and lecturer: b. Portsmouth, N. H., 10 Sept. 1812; d. Stamford, Conn., 15 Dec. 1894. He was graduated from Dartmouth in 1833; studied theology for a time at Andover Theological Seminary, and in his second year there wrote a series of lectures on the Dark Ages, which he delivered soon after during a tour of northern New York. He became an agent of the American Peace Society. Though not ordained to the ministry occupied Congregational pulpits in New Marlboro and Stockbridge, Mass. After 1840 he devoted himself to literary work and lecturing. In 1843-46 he was in England giving lectures on the Middle Ages, and on his return to the United States continued to lecture for many years in the principal towns and cities, giving over 6,000 lectures in all. From 1866-76 he was lecturer on history at Dartmouth College. His lectures were published under the title ‘Beacon Lights of History’ (1883); he also wrote ‘Modern History for Schools’ (1850); ‘The Old Roman World’ (1867); and ‘Ancient States and Empires’ (1869); ‘Points of History’ (1881).