The Evening and the Morning Star/Volume 1/Number 1/What Fair One Is This

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For other versions of this work, see What Fair One Is This.
4425290The Evening and the Morning Star, Vol. 1, No. 1 — What Fair One Is ThisJune 1832W. W. Phelps


Selected and prepared for the Church of Christ, in the last days.

WHAT fair one is this, in the wilderness trav'ling,
Looking for Christ, the belov'd of her heart?
O this is the Church, the fair bride of the Savior,
Which with every idol is willing to part.
While men in contention, are constantly howling,
And Babylon's bells are continually tolling,
As though all the craft of her merchants was failing,
And Jesus was coming to reign on the earth.

There is a sweet sound in the gospel of heaven,
And people are joyful when they understand;
The saints on their way home to glory, are even
Determin'd, by goodness, to reach the blest land.
Old formal professers are crying "delusion,"
And high-minded hypocrites day, "'tis confusion,"
While grace is pour'd out in a blessed effusion,
And saints are rejoicing to see priest-craft fall.

A blessing a blessing, the Savior is coming,
As prophets and pilgrims of old have declar'd;
And Israel, the favor'd of God, is beginning
To come to the feast for the righteous prepar'd.
In the desert are fountains continually springing,
The heavenly music of Zion is ringing;
The saints all their tithes and offerings are bringing:
They thus prove the Lord and his blessing receive.

The name of Jehovah is worthy of praising,
And so is the Savior an excellent theme:
The Elders of Israel a standard are raising,
And call on all nations to come to the same:
These Elders go forth and the gospel are preaching,
And all that will hear them, they freely are teaching,
And thus is the vision of Daniel fulfiling:
The Stone of the mountains will soon fill the earth.