The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma/Mammalia/Works Quoted

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A. M. N. H. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London, 1838–1888.

Anderson, An. Zool. Res. Anatomical and Zoological Researches, comprising an account of the Zoological Results of the two Expeditions to Western Yunnan in 1868 and 1875, &c. By John Anderson, M.D. Edin. London, 1878.

Anderson, Cat. Catalogue of Mammalia in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. By John Anderson, M.D., F.R.S., &c. Calcutta, 1881.

As. Res. Asiatic Researches. Calcutta, 1788–1836.

Blyth, Cat. Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the Asiatic Society. By Edward Blyth, Curator. Calcutta, 1863.

Blyth, Mam. Birds Burma. Catalogue of Mammals and Birds of Burma. By the late E. Blyth. Hertford. 1875. Extra Number to the Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, vol. xliv.

Calc. Jour. N. H. Calcutta Journal of Natural History. Calcutta, 1841–1848.

Dobson, Cat. Chir. B. M. Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum By G. E. Dobson. London, 1878.

Dobson, Mon. As. Chir. Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera. By G. E. Dobson, M.A., M.B.. &c. London, 1876.

Dobson, Mon. Ins. A Monograph of the Insectivora, systematic and anatomical. By G. E. Dobson. Loudon, Pt. I, 1882, Pt. II, 1883.

Elliot, Mon. Fel. A Monograph of the Felidæ, or family of the Cats. By Daniel Giraud Elliot London, 1883.

Erxl. Syst. Reg. An. Io. Christ. Polyc. Erxleben, Systema Regni Animalis per classes, ordines, &c, Classis I. Mammalia. Lipsiæ, 1777.

Fischer, Syn. Mam. Synopsis Mammalium. Auctore Johanne Baptista Fischer. Stuttgardtiæ, 1829.

Gmelin, Syst. Nat. Caroli A. Linné &c. Systema Naturæ, editio decima tertia. Lipsiæ 1788.

Gray & Hardw. Ill. Ind. Zool. Illustrations of Indian Zoology, chiefly selected from the collection of Major-General Hardwicke, by John Edward Gray. London, 1830.

Hist. Nat. Mam. Histoire Naturelle des Mammiferes, avec des figures originales, coloriées, dessinées d'après des aniuiaux vivans par M. Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire et par M. Frédéric Cuvier. Paris, 1819–1842.

Horsfield, Cat. A Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the Hon. East India Company. By Thomas Horsfield. London, 1851.

Horsfield, Res. Java. Zoological Researches in Java and the neighbouring islands. Bv Thomas Horsfield. London. 1824.

Illiger, Prod. Caroli Illigeri D., Prodromus Systematis Mammalium et Avium. Berolini, 1811.

J. A. S. B. Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta, 1831–1887.

Jerdon, Mam. The Mammals of India. A natural history of the animals known to inhabit Continental India. By T. C. Jerdon, Surgeon-Major, &c. Roorkee, 18(57.

Kelaart, Prod. Prodromus Faunæ Zeylanicæ; being Contributions to the Zoology of Ceylon. By E. F. Kelaart, M.D. Ceylon, 1852.

Kerr, An. King. The Animal Kingdom or Zoological System of the celebrated Sir Charles Linnæus. Class I. Mammalia. By Robert Kerr. London, 1792.

L. Syst. Nat. Caroli A. Linné, Systema Naturæ editio duodecima reformata. Holmiæ, 1700.

Mad. Jour. L. S. Madras Journal of Literature and Science. Madras, 1833–1864.

M.-Edw. Rech. Mam. Recherches pour servir à l'histoire naturelle des Mammiféres par H. Milne-Edwards et Alphonse Milne-Edwards. Paris, 1868–1874.

Müller & Schleg. Verhandl. Verhandelingen over de natuurlijke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overseesche bezittingen. Salomon Müller and Hermann Schlegel. Leiden, 1839–1844.

Pallas, Glires. Novæ species Quadrupedum e Glirium ordine, auctorePetro Sim. Pallas. Erlangæ, 1784.

P. A. S. B. Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. Calcutta, 1865–1887. (Before 1865, the Proceedings were incorporated in the Journal.)

P. Z. S. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. Loudon, 1830–1887.

Schreb. Säugeth. Die Säugethiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur mit Beschreibungen Ton Dr. Johann Christian Daniel Schreber. Erlangen, 1775–1792. Vols. V. and VI., by Dr. Johann Andreas Wagner, 1835 and 1830.

Temminck, Mon. Mam. Monographies de Manimalogie. Par C. J. Temminck. Paris, 1827–1841.

Tr. Z. S. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London. London, 1833–1888.

Wagner, Schreb. Säugeth. Supp. Die Säugethiere in Abbildungen &c. von Dr. J. C. D. von Schreber fortgesetzt von Dr. Johann Andreas Wagner. Erlangen, 1840–1855.

Yark. Miss., Mam. Scientific Results of the Second Yarkand Mission, based upon the Collections and Notes of the late Ferdinand Stoliczka.—Mammals. By W. T. Blanford. Calcutta, 1879.

Zimm. Geog. Gesch. Geographische Geschichte der Menschen und der allgenmein verbreiteten vierfüssigen Thiere, von E. A. W. Zimmermann. Leipzig, 1778.