The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 50

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Chap. L.

The Proceeding against the Ministers of the Word, and chiefly the severall cruelties acted against them by the overmuch liberty of the Souldiers.

THe Preamble of this future Tyranny was the barbarous licence of the Kings Souldiers against the Ministers of the Word even before the Victory against those who fell into their hands, amongst these who had experience of this, I will make mention of Wenceslaus Woticius of Bystrick (under Hostinus a Pastor in Moravia) whom the Polonian Souldiers being led this way into Austria, without either regard of the infirmity of this man, or his old age, not being able to move out of his bed, they not onely robbed him, but pierced him through with a bullet February the 5. 1620. as the next day following, Paulus Capitoneus Pastor of the Town of Napaieldus, at his own house they desperately wounded and murthered.

2. In like manner when Prague was taken, there in that Country certain Pastors had experience of the fury of Antichrist, afterwards in other places. For power being granted to the souldiers to plunder they supposed that they might do what they pleased to those Ministers which were termed Hereticks. We will put yoil in mind of some.

3. Paulus Mollerus Pastor of the Towne of Zrutche as he was preaching to his Parishioners, the Cælsrian souldiers broke in, wounded him with a bullet and he gave up the Ghost.

4. The L. Smile of Lukawetz, being Patron of Martin Maresch who was Pastor in the Village Kressin, was conveyed by his Lord and Patron for fear of the guard that passed that way, into a more safe place of retire, the guard as soon as they broke in, did examin the School-master Frederick Damhosky, whom they apprehended, and bound with cords, where the Lord and the Pastor were, or where they did hide their treasures. He professeth that he neither knew the one for the other, they notwithstanding urge him, and first they beat him with their fists, and cudgelled him, at the length having him naked, so cruelly they singed himn, that not being able to indure the pain, the promised to shew them where the treasure was. He shewes unto them a ditch full of stones, which they, out of the great desire they had of the gold, did empty, but finding nothing there, they exclaim on him, and beat him afresh. He acknowledgeth that he knew of no treasure, but through extremity of paine had said so much, when they had soundly cudgelled him. they with clots afterward beat him into the ditch, and so buried him under that heap of stones. The third day after, these bloudsuckers light upon the Pastor in the Village of Popowitzh, and after they had miserably tortured him left him half dead, but he recovered, and lived five dayes after, but never saw his two daughters, whom those lewd fellowes had led away with them, and shamefully abused.

5. Wenceslaus Iakessius was Minister of Kaunicium, four miles distant from Prague, whom they carried to Kostelicium beyond Albis, and for the space of one moneth and somewhat more, they many wayes perplexed him with new invented mockeries: They spit in his face, buffered him with their fists, and not onely so, but left him to the mercy of every vild rascall to be beaten: They so strained his head with a knotty cord twined about his head with a stick, that his very eyes swelled in his head. Also they let loose a wild horse upon him in the middest of a Court-yard, which no sooner came neare him, but he leaped quite over him and did him no harme; at length he redeemed himself with much ado, by paying five hundred Florences for his ransome. They took also with him Paulus Welwarius Pastor of Czelakowcense, whom, because hee had a farre greater estate, they handled more sharply, and sometime covered him over with hot buruing Coles, and somtime with ice until he was constrained to pay one thousand five hundred Florences, but after some few days by reason of those extreamne paines hee yielded up the Ghost.

6. Andreas Stembergius Budinus being brought by fifteene horsemen from his Parish to Kostelicium, was miserably tortured by twisting a cord about his head, and not onely so, but they tied his hands behind him, & bound his feet with a smal cord, and so flang him on his back with an intent the next morning to have tortured him with fire, but in the night time most miraculously he was set at liberty, for being earnest & at his prayers among other portions of the Psal. reciting these words. In thee O Lord is my trust, he perceived his feet & his hands to be loosened; he therefore raiseth himself up, and goeth unto the gate, and doth passe by the watch-men, being three in number; the one stood at the passage with his hand upon his sword (yet all of them as it were drowzy, whether it were that they had slept soundly, or by reason of a great wind which suddenly did arise, they did not perceivethe noise. At length he came to the gate of the Town, and is known by the Musqueteer that stood Centinell. And he, because hee was a Bohemian and being overcome with his intreaties, tooke compassion on him, and not onely let him passe, but led him over the bridge unto the other Rivers bank.

7- Iohannes Moyses was Minister to the Queene of Mesteca; whome, when they had taken as also his wife they cruelly burnt.

8. Simon Aenecanius apprehended in the town Horzitz, they fastned to a post and did extreamely burne him, untill he had told them where his money wa .

9. The Pastor of Bakovia (his name was not mentioned) was hanged upon a crosse perch of a Hot house (wherein after the manner of their Country, they were wont to hang their clothes and other things) and a fire was made under him, and he was there broyled to death.

10. But the Minister of Mimonia, whom the Polonians having broke in upon, and in hope to have their prey, they cut into small peeices.

11. Andreas lacobid Pastor of Aurenowsium escaping by flight, they vented all their rage on the Secretary of the Questor, being a young man; which act a notable example of the Romish Religion was shewed. For casting the miserable man flatte on his backe, they filled his mouth with Gunpowder, set fire to it, and tore all his jawes and there devillish dispositions taking pleasure in to barberous spectacles, miserably killed him.

12. Adam Piſecius was Pastor of Byreschrum in Moravia in the Dominion of Charles of Zerotina, who because his Patron had kept faith with sar, feared no hurt, and entertaining curteously both in language and gesture, the Souldiers that came unto him, being wanting in nothing that might speake their welcome, but they assoone as they began to have knowledge of the Minister, were mad, and first of all beat him shrewdly, and then kill him as he was flying to the porch of the Temple, and stript him of his clothes and robd the house. And when some godly people intending to bury him, had cast a cloake over him, the Souldiers running thither not onely do take it away, but tore it in a great rage, neither content with this, they burnt his library which he had disposed of in three places; and because no man durst come so long as this company of vile and naughty men remained there, this Martyr lay seven weekes unburied, and then was buried by some certaine Scholars.

13. In the same year 1621. on the 17. of lanuarie Laurentius Curtius Pastor of Netimense, a man of threescore yeares of age, and his wife were cruelly burnt by a Souldier that demanded money of them, insomuch that both presently died.

14. Paulus Psenizzka Pastor of Bochdalovia, very neere seaventy yeares of age, was hanged by the privie parts by an impious souldier, and his owne bookes burnt under him, in the middest of these torments crying out for mercy, by one of the company of souldiers, he was periced through with a bullet, and by his mercifull pitty ended his paines with his life.

15. Bartholemew Jaworski of the parish of Kerkovia a godly man, and a good pattern for other men to follow, about the same time was assessed by certaine robbers to pay seaven hundred Florences, after that they plundred him of all his houshold stuffe; and then attempting to murther him, he fled forth of the doores from them, and flying from them pursuing him, his bowells burst out, &c.

16. Elias Severinus Pastor of Pribicen, did not escape their wicked hands, whom they left for dead, after they had very much wounded and had cut him more then halfe through his neck, yet he by the commiseration that some tooke of him, was carried to a Chirurgion that was an Anabaptist, he lived after that obout two yeares, but in extreame pain and torment.

17. John Beraeck , an old man, above seaventy yeares of age, a godly minister of Zdanicense in Moravia, when he had fallen into the hands of these Harpys, was first beaten, and after that layd upon a fire which they had made in the middest of the market place of the Towne, and was there burnt in the yeare 1622, on the 17. day of March.

18. About the same time Gallus Celech Minister of Chetochovia in Moravia, was most cruelly beaten to death by souldiers, and about three dayes after died.

19. The Jesuites daily layd waite for Cyprianus Peschinus an eminent man for learning, and a man in great authority among the Kuttebergensians; at last they suborned Burganis Cuchelius a notable Apostate, who should betray him to the souldiers, and give him up to their mercy. Peschinus therefore going in a Coach with Gasparus of Zirotina a Baron, forty horsemen suddenly comming upon him, he is taken from the Baron, and carried to Choltitium. But the same Baron, and many more sue for his enlargement, and he is given to them, provided, that he pay for his ransome the summe of foure thousand Florences. at the length he ended his life in banishment at Hirschberga.

20. Iohn Buflerus Minister of Wyprachticense, being brought forth by the souldiers, was bound to a tree, & was made a mark for the musqueteers to shoot at, not that they did intend to hit him, but onely to terrifie him, but he dismayed by these affrightments, died within three dayes after.

21. Wenceslaus Kutzeram at the Village Libkon, was met with by William Lukawsky a notable Papist, who said, do I find thee here thou beast? run him through with a spear. But these, and the like may be said to bee done by the untamed liberty of Souldiers. We will therefore come to them which were acted by Process of Law.