The History of the Bohemian Persecution/Chapter 85

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Chap. LXXXV.

Noblemen of Moravia imprisoned.

I. A Little while after the execution at Prague (4 of June) the Protestanr Noblemen of Moravia, who were thought above others to promote the Bohemians cause, being assembled by the Emperours command were carried to prison, some to Brune, others to Olumitz. Without doubt these had beene punished if the Emperour had not solemnly promised indempnity, when they yielded themselves after the battell at Prague, and the Duke of Carnovia, with Bethlehem Gabor (being that year Victors in Hungary) had procured the liberty of some by exchanging certaine Canons: others being kept in prison three yeares obtained their liberty, not without the intercessions of divers men. But their goods were confiscated (as well as theirs who fought their safety by flight) to the Emperour and afterward used and abused by the Popish Nobility and Jesuites. This was onely the difference, that those who were freed from prison, were restored to their credit and honour; but those that had escaped by flight were commanded to be held as infamous, as those, whose names had been fixed on the Gallowes