The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Bhagwati Sahoy

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1572302The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Bhagwati SahoyC. Hayavadana Rao

Bhagwati Sahoy; M.A., B.L., Bengal Provincial Educational Service; Fellow of Calcutta University; b. at Bhagalpur, 1863 : son of Babu Chandi Prasad, Revenue agent, Bhagalpur : Ed. at Baghalpur Zilla School, Patna College and Metropolitan Institution, Calcutta; Entered Government service, as Teacher 1886: Promoted to the Provincial Educational Service, 1902; Inspector of Schools, Patna and Tirhut Divisions; Promoted to the Indian Educational Service and acted as Professor of Philosophy, Patna College; Editor of Bengal Education Department Senior and Junior Teachers’ Manuals. Address: Bankipur, Behar.