The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Fraser, Sir Andrew Henderson Leith

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1583166The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Fraser, Sir Andrew Henderson LeithC. Hayavadana Rao

Fraser, Sir Andrew Henderson Leith, M.A., LL.D., K.C.S.I., (1893), C.S.I. (1897); b. 1848; e.s. of Rev. A. G. Fraser, D.D.; m. 1st, Agnes (d. 1877); 2nd, 1883, Henrietta, d. of Col. H. I. Lugard, I.S.C; educ; Edinburgh Academy Institution, and University; joined I.C.S.; Member, Hemp Drugs Commission, 1893-94; Officiating Secretary to Government of India (Home Deparment), 1898-99; Chief Commissioner, Central Provinces, 1899; Lt.-Gov. of Bengal, 1903-8; President, Police Commission, 1902; Recreation: golf. Address: Auchenleish, Glenisla, Alyth, N.B., 22, Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Club: University, Edinburgh.