The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Jolly, Julius E

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1586240The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Jolly, Julius EC. Hayavadana Rao

Jolly, Juliuse E. Ph.D., b. at Heidelberg, 1849; s. of Philip von Joily, Professor of Physics at the University of Munich; educ; at Munich, Berlin and Leipzig in comparative Philology, Oriental Languages and Jurisprudence; became private descent at the University of Wiirzburg, Bavaria, 1872; Professor Extraordinary, 1877; Professor Ordinary (Sanskrit Comparative Philology,) 1836; visited England frequently to study Sanskrit Mss. in London; to India, 1882-3; was Tagore Law Professor, Calcuta; studied the ancient legal literature of India and is now recognized as the leading authority on native Indian Law. Publications. The Institutes of Narada (translated from the Sanskrit), The Institutes of Vishnu (in the “Sacred Books of the East”) Vishnusmriti; History of the Hindu Law, (Tagore Law Lectures); Naradasmriti Manutikasaingraha; Manava Dharmasastra; Minor Law Books; Rechun Sitte (in Buhler’s Encyclopaedia of Indo Aryan Research) 1890; Medicine (ibid), 1901, numerous articles on Indian Philology in English and German periodicals, besides other philological works; assisted Sir R. West in the preparation of a new edition of West and Buhler’s Digest of the Hindu Law; belongs to several learned Societies; Corresponding Member; Bavarian Academy of Science, 1886, and of the R. Society of Science at Gottingen, 1904: Honorary Member of the R. Asiatic Society, 1904. etc.