The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Kapurthala, Raja of

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1586759The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Kapurthala, Raja ofC. Hayavadana Rao

Kapurthala, Raja of; H.H. Farzand-i-Dilband Rasikhul Itikad Daulet-i-Inglishia Raja-i-Rajag an Raja Sir Jagatijit Singh Bahadur, K.C.S.I. (1897); b. 1872; s. of Raja Kharak Singh; S. to gaddi, as a minor, 1887; administration of the State was carried on by an Officer of the Punjab Commission assisted by a Council of State officials; invested with full powers, 1890; invested with powers of life and death over his subjects, 1902; belongs to a Jat Kalal family; has travelled much, visiting England, America, Japan, China, Java, etc.; is the 5th in order of precedence among the ruling Chiefs of the Punjab; was invited to and was present at Lahore at the time of the visit of H.R.H. the Prince of Wales (Emperor George V.) 1905; maintains a force of 600 Imperial service infantry, 394 local infantary and 8 guns; is entitled to a salute of 11 guns: area of the State, 630 square miles; population, over 300,000; revenue, 25 lakhs including 13 lakhs from Oudh Estates. Address: Kapurthala City, Punjab, India.