The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915)/Robertson, Sir Benjamin

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1606184The Indian Biographical Dictionary (1915) — Robertson, Sir BenjaminC. Hayavadana Rao

Robertson, Sir Benjamin, K.C.S.I. (1911); K.C.M.G. (1914) C.I.E. (1898); C.S.I. (1910); Chief Commsr., C.P. since 1912; b. Dunphail, Morayshire, 1864; e.s. of late B. Robertson of Dunphail, Morayshire; educ: Aberdeen University and Balliol College, Oxford; joined Indian Civil Service, 1885; arrived in India. 1885; Assistant Magistrate and Collector, Bombay, until 1890; Superintendent of Census, Central Provinces, 1890-92; Assistant Commissioner, 1892; Deputy Commissioner and Magistrate, Central Provinces, 1892-1902; Chief Secretary to Chief Commissioner C.P. 1902-6; President. Assam Labour Commission, 1906; Secretary, Government of India, Commerce Department, 1907: Member of Governor-General’s Council, 1910; proceeded on Special duty to South Africa, to represent the views of the Government of India on the question of Indians in South Africa, 1914: LL.D. (Aberdeen); m. Charlotte, d. of W. Young, 1893. Address: Nagpur, C.P. Club: East India United Service.