The Innocent Maid in Bedlam/Gilderoy

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Ah Chloris! could I now but sit
as unconcern'd as when,
Your infant beauty cou'd beget
no happiness nor pain,
When I this dawning did admire,
and prais'd the coming day,
I little thought that rising fire
wou'd take my rest away.

Your charms in harmless childhood lay
as metals in a mine;
Age from no face takes more away
than youth conceal'd in thine:
But as your charms insensibly
to their perfection press'd;
So love as unperceiv'd did fly,
and center'd in my breast.

My passion with her beauty grew,
while Cupid, at my heart,
Still as his mother favour'd you,
threw a new flaming dart
Each gloried in her wanton part;
to make a lover, he
Employ'd the utmost of his art;
to make a beauty, she.