The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders, R.N./Index

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583753The Life of Captain Matthew Flinders, R.N. — IndexErnest Scott


Where the reference is to a footnote, the letter n follows the number of the page.

Aboriginals, references to, 34, 89, 135, 142, 159, 160-2, 176, 206, 208, 219, 243, 266, 270, 274
Admiralty's treatment of Flinders, 365-6, 398
Aken, John, 266, 280, 287
Sails in Cumberland, 301
At Ile-de-France, 305, 323, 324
Departure of, 450-6
Albatross Island, 142, 466
Allen, John, miner, joins Investigator, 180
Althorp Isles, 210, 469
Amiens, treaty of, 199, 315
Arnhem Bay, 274, 474
Arthur's Seat, Port Phillip, 240
Australasia, name of, 420
Australia, discovery of, 1
Name of, 1n, 306, 420 et seq.
Geography of, before Flinders, 64 et seq.
Theories concerning, 72 et seq., 212
French expedition to, 198 et seq.
South Coast discovery, 205 et seq.
Influence of Flinders on discovery, 238
Circumnavigation of, 265 et seq.
"Australians," Flinders' use of word, 220

Babel Isles, 140, 465
Backstairs Passage, 217, 470
Banks, Cape, 234
Banks' Group, 211
Banks, Sir Joseph, promotes breadfruit expedition, 24, 28
His friendship for Flinders, 143, 164
His interest in Australian development, 144, 164
Dedication of Flinders' Observations to, 171
His letters concerning Mrs. Flinders' proposed voyage on Investigator, 185 et seq.
Disapproves of Flinders' conduct towards Decaen, 330, 367
His dislike to word Australia, 425
Barmouth Creek, 104
Barois, Colonel, 346
Barometer, marine, Flinders' paper on use of, 363, 414
Barrow, Sir John, his article on Flinders' case, 363
Bass, Elizabeth, her marriage to George Bass, 146
Letters from her husband, 148
Bass, George, family of, 7
Medical training of, 83
Sails in Reliance, 83
Character of, 83-4
Friendship with Flinders, 84
Discovery of Bass Strait, 97 et seq., 120 et seq.
Exploration of Blue Mountains, 97 et seq.
Discovery of coal, 99
Plans discovery voyage, 100 et seq.
Whaleboat crew, 102

Discovery of Twofold Bay, 105
Discovery of Wilson's Promontory, 108
Adventure with escaped convicts, 111
Discovery of Western Port, 114
French admiration for, 122
Report on Derwent, 140
Fate of, 145 et seq.
Indifference to fame, 145
Marriage of, 146
Purchase of Venus, 146
Voyage to Tahiti, 147
New Zealand fishing project, 148
South American projects, 149 et seq.
Reports concerning his end, 155
Letters to his mother, 155
Flinders' last letter to, 281
See also Flinders.
Bass Strait, discovery of, 97 et seq., 120 et seq.
Governor Hunter on, 100, 134, 140
Naming of, 140, 466
Importance of discovery, 143
Flinders' chart of, 102-3
Baudin des Ardennes, Lieut. Charles, wounded, and visited by Flinders, 407
Baudin, Captain Nicolas, his expedition to Australia, 198 et seq.
Instructions to, 199, 200
His career, 201
Reaches Ile-de-France, 202
Sails for Southern Tasmania, 203
At Waterhouse Island, 204
In Encounter Bay, 224 et seq., 431 et seq.
At Kangaroo Island, 232
At Port Jackson, 246 et seq.
Rumours of intended French settlement, 250
Letter to Governor King, 251
Report on Port Jackson, 256
His account of the Encounter Bay meeting, 431 et seq
Bauer, Cape, 210, 467
Bauer, Ferdinand, botanical draftsman, joins Investigator, 179, 280, 286, 326n
Baye du Cap, 305
Beautemps-Beaupré, 206
Bell, Point, 210, 467
Bellerophon, H.M.S., 16, 19, 20, 29
Flinders appointed to, 42
Battle off Brest, 43 et seq.
Bennelong Point, 248n
Bergeret, Captain, 347
Blaxland, Gregory, his exploration of Blue Mountains, 99
Bligh, Captain William, voyage under Captain Cook, 20
Command of the Bounty, 24
Mutiny of the Bounty, 25
Character of, 28
Second breadfruit expedition, 28, 29
Expedition reaches Tahiti, 32
Voyage from Pacific to West Indies, 33
Introduces Flinders to Duke of Clarence, 392
Asks for dedication of Flinders' book, 393
Blue Mountains, exploration of, 97 et seq.
Blue Mud Bay, 274, 472
Bolger, Commandant, 306-7
Bongaree, aboriginal, accompanies Flinders on Queensland voyage, 159
On Investigator, 266

Boston, Point, 211, 469
Botany Bay, 440
Bougainville, 367
Boullanger, hydrographer on Le Geographe, 434n
Bounty, H.M.S., voyage to Tahiti, 24
Mutiny of, 25
Bowling Green, Cape, 269
Breadfruit, 22 et seq
Bridgewater, 282, 286, 288
Behaviour at Wreck Reef, 290
Wreck of, 291
Bridgewater, Cape, 235
Brisbane River, 159
Brouwer, Henrick, his new route to Java, 68
Brown, Point, 467
Brown, Robert, botanist, 227, 280, 285, 326n, 432n, 435n
Joins Investigator, 178
His Prodromus, 179, 286n
Burney, Captain, and name Australia, 426

Cape of Good Hope, Flinders at, 31, 196
Importance of to Australia, 79
Voyage of Reliance to from Sydney, 94
Carpentaria, Gulf of, 272
Catastrophe, Cape, 211, 468
Cato, 286
Wreck of, 288
Cattle Point, 248
Chappell, Ann, see Flinders, Mrs. Ann,
Chappell Isles, 165, 465
Chappell, Mount, 165
Clarence River, 159
Clarke's Island, 132, 465
Coal, discovery of in New South Wales, 99
Coalcliff, 99
Coffin's Bay, 211, 468
Compass, variations of, Flinders' experiments,415
Convicts, 102
Escaped, 111 et seq., 129
Isaac Nichols, 157
Irish, Péron on, 258, 260
On Investigator, 266, 277
Cook, Captain James, his voyage, 71
His belief in a strait between New Holland and Van Diemen's land, 74
Pension to his widow, 400
Coral reefs, Flinders on, 270
Crossley, J, 180
Cumberland, schooner, voyage to Ile-de-France, 298 et seq.
At Kupang, 302
Arrival at Ile-de-France, 305
Enters Port Louis, 321
End of, 398

Dalrymple, Alexander, naval hydrographer, 137
His use of word Australia, 422
Dalrymple, Port, 137, 392, 466
Dampier, William, 22
Dance, Commodore Nathaniel, 302
D'Arifat, Madame, 357 et seq.
Darwin, on coral reefs, 270
Decaen, General Charles, 251n, 254, 256, 260, 263, 306
Career of, 308 et seq.
Napoleon's opinion of, 313
Sent to India, 315
Arrival at Pondicherry, 317
Sails for Ile-de-France, 318
Arrival at Port Louis, 318
Character of, 319-20
Examination of Flinders, 321
Interrogates Flinders, 324
Invites Flinders to dinner, 328
Flinders' refusal, 329

Accuses Flinders of impertinence, 331
His intentions, 332
Report to French Government, 336
Motives for detaining Flinders, 336 et seq.
Anger against Flinders, 339
Despatch arrives in France, 346
Flinders' opinion of, 339
Receives order for Flinders' release, 368
Refuses to liberate Flinders, 371-2
His reasons, 373
Release of Flinders, 380
Decrès, French Minister of Marine, 346, 368
Dentrecasteaux, 71, 76, 173, 198, 205
Derwent, estuary of the, 140, 392, 444n
Dirk Hartog Island, 68
Donington, birthplace of Flinders, 2, 8
Flinders' monument at, 9, 409
Free school, 11
The Flinders' house, xviii., 14
Donington, Cape, 211, 469
Dunienville, Major, 305-6
Dutch navigators, discoveries in Australia, 67 et seq.

East India Company, its interest in Australia, 174, 180
Interest in Investigator voyage, 180
Elder, John, Flinders' servant, 280, 391
Sails in Cumberland, 301
At Ile-de-France, 338, 359, 365
Encounter Bay, 204, 470
Flinders and Baudin in, 224 et seq., 431 et seq.
Everard, Cape, 107, 330

Fitzroy, Sir Charles, 429
Fleurieu, Comte de, prepares instructions for French discovery voyages, 173, 200, 205, 352, 367
Flinders, John, naval career, 15
Flinders, Matthew, surgeon, father of the navigator, 2, 8
Marriage into Franklin family, 170
Death of, 277
Flinders, Matthew, genealogy, 6
School days, 11
Study of Robinson Crusoe, 12
Anecdotes of childhood, 14
Desire to go to sea, 14
Advice of Uncle, 15
Study of navigation, 17
Introduction to Admiral Pasley, 18
Anecdote of visit to Pasley, 18
On the Scipio, 19
On the Bellerophon, 19
On the Dictator, 20
Midshipman on Providence, 29
Description of Teneriffe, 30
Description of Dutch at the Cape, 31
In Torres Strait, 34
Return to Europe, 40
Aide-de-camp on Bellerophon, 42
First experience of war, 44
Anecdote of battle, 45
His journal of the engagement, 48
Estimate of French seamen, 60
Appointed to Reliance, 78
Careful record of observations, 82
Arrival at Port Jackson, 82
Friendship with Bass, 84
Exploration of George's River, 85

Voyages in Tom Thumb, 86 et seq.
Adventure with aboriginals, 89
Voyage on Francis, 123 et seq.
Discovery of Kent Group, 126
Biological notes, 126
On the sooty petrel, 127
Description of wombat, 132
Voyage to Norfolk Island, 133
Exploration projects, 134
Voyage of Norfolk, 135
Character as an author, 136
Discovery of Bass Strait, 138
Circumnavigation of Tasmania, 130 et seq.
Description of Tasmanian mountains, 139
Banks' friendship for, 143, 164
On Queensland coast, 157 et seq.
Adventures with Queensland aboriginals, 160-1
Return to England, 163
Marriage of, 164, 168n
His Observations, 165, 171
Naming of Mount Chappell, 165
Letters to his wife, 167, 193, 276, 279, 349, 410
Suggests new discovery voyage, 172
Instructions for voyage, 181 et seq.
Passport from French Government, 183
Correspondence concerning Mrs, Flinders' proposed voyage in Investigator, 184 et seq.
Reports sandbank at the Roar, 190
Management of crew, 195-6
On Australian coast, 206
Method of research, 207
Coastal names given by, 209 et seq., 465 et seq.
On the character of John Thistle, 213
Exploration of Spencer's Gulf, 215
Discovery of Kangaroo Island, 216
Discovery of St, Vincent's Gulf, 217
In Encounter Bay, 224 et seq., 431 et seq.
In Port Phillip, 233 et seq.
At King Island, 236
Description of Port Phillip entrance, 236
Influence on Australian discovery, 238
Departure from Port Phillip, 244
Arrival at Port Jackson, 244
On Francois Péron, 262
Circumnavigation of Australia, 265 et seq.
On coral reefs, 270
Forced to return to Port Jackson, 272, 276
Death of father, 277
Last letter to Bass, 281-3
Sails in Porpoise, 285
Observations on Sydney, 287
Wrecked on Porpoise, 287
Sails for Port Jackson in Hope, 293
Arrives at Port Jackson, 298
Arrival at Wreck Reef, 300
Arrival at Kupang, 302
Decides to sail for Ile-de-France, 303 et seq.
Sights Ile-de-France, 305
Appears before Decaen, 321
Seizure of his papers, 323
Detained, 323
Interrogated by Decaen, 324
Invited to dinner by Decaen, 328
His refusal, 329

Accused of impertinence, 331
Carries despatches for Governor King, 334
Letters to Decaen, 339 et seq.
Obtains books and papers, 341
Prolongation of captivity, 348 et seq.
Occupations in Garden Prison, 348
Opinion of Decaen, 350
Solicits examination by French officers, 351
Refuses to surrender his sword, 352-3
Removal to Wilhelm's Plains, 357
Life at Wilhelm's Plains, 359 et seq.
Works on his Voyage, 363
Paper on marine barometer, 363
Treatment by Admiralty, 366
Release ordered, 368
Decaen refuses release, 371-2
Knowledge of weakness of Ile-de-France, 374
Allegations as to taking soundings, 374
Possibilities of escape, 377
Released, 380
Arrival in England, 381
Receipt for books, papers, etc., 384
Interest in French prisoners of war, 391
Honoured in London, 392
Evidence before House of Commons Committee, 392
Works at his Voyage and charts, 392-3
Illness of, 395
Death of, 396
Place of burial, 396-7
Characteristics, 402 et seq.
Visit to wounded French officer,
Advice to young officers, 408-10
As a navigator, 414 et seq.
Naming of Australia, 420 et seq.
Flinders, Mrs, Ann, marriage to Matthew Flinders, 164
Flinders' letters to, 167, 193, 276, 279, 349, 410
Proposed voyage in Investigator, 184 et seq.
On Admiralty's treatment of Flinders, 366
Meets Flinders on his return, 381
Pension voted by Australian colonies, 400
Flinders, S. W., , joins Investigator, 178
On Wreck Reef, 300
Flinders' bar, invention of, 416
Flinders' Entrance, 269n
Flinders family, 2
Connection with Tennysons, 7
Flinders' Island, 130, 468
Foigny, Gabriel de, his La Terre Australe connue, 421
Forfait, French Marine Minister, instructions to Baudin, 199
Fowler, Robert, joins Investigator, 178, 209, 275, 280
On Rolla, 301, 302n
Fowler's Bay, 209, 210, 467
Francis, schooner, voyage of, 123 et seq., 133, 285
Sails with Cumberland, 298 et seq.
Franklin, Sir John, connection with Flinders' family, 7
On the Polyphemus, 170
Influenced by Flinders, 170
Joins Investigator, 178
At wreck of Porpoise, 295

On Rolla, 301
On Flinders' return to England, 382
Franklin's Isles, 210, 467
French Island, 115, 204
French Revolution, 41
Freycinet, Lieutenant Louis de, at Sydney, 253, 464
On military situation at Port Jackson, 259, 260, 261
His hydrographical work, 386
Charge of plagiarism against, 387
Publication of his charts, 389
Furneaux, commander of Adventure, 74, 108
Furneaux Land, 108

Gambier Isles, 216, 468
Gambier, Mount, 234
Garden Prison, see Maison Despeaux,
Géographe, Le, 190, 202-4, 225 et seq., 246 et seq., 253-4, 304, 321, 431 et seq.
George's River, exploration of, 86
Glasshouse Bay, 158
Glasshouse Mountains, 159
Good, Peter, gardener, joins Investigator, 180
Grant, Captain, in command of Lady Nelson, 233
Governor King on, 234
Sails for Australia, 234

Harrington, brig, and the American contraband trade, 152 et seq.
Hartog, Dirk, his metal plate, 68
Hawkesbury River, the, 261, 285, 441
Heemskirk, Mount, 140, 466
Hervey Bay, 158
Hicks, Point, 107, 130
Hindmarsh, Sir John, his naval career, 16
Hohenlinden, battle of, 312
Hope, cutter, 293-4, 298, 384
Howe, Lord, battle off Brest, 43
Hunter, Captain John, appointed Governor of New South Wales, 77
Interest in Australian colonisation, 79
Discourteous treatment of by Portuguese Viceroy, 81
Encourages Bass and Flinders, 85
On Bass Strait, 100 et seq.

Ile-de-France, 302
Flinders at, 305 et seq.
Interior of, 358
Military situation of, 373, 379
Regulations concerning visiting ships, 375
Blockade of, 379
Captured by British, 382
Investigator, 163 et seq.
Reasons for expedition, 173
Formerly the Xenophon, 174
Refitting of, 175-6
Leakiness, 175
Selection of crew, 177
Sailing delayed, 190
Sailing of, 190, 193
On South Coast, 205 et seq.
In Encounter Bay, 224 et seq., 431 et seq.
In Port Phillip, 233 et seq.
Arrival at Port Jackson, 244
Circumnavigation of Australia, 265 et seq.
Decrepit condition of, 272, 275, 276
Taken to England, 284
End of, 284
Investigator Strait, 217, 389, 470

Jervis Bay, 104
Julia Percy Island, 235

Jussieu, French botanist, recommends Baudin to command discovery voyage, 201, 255, 264

Kangaroo Island, discovery of, 216, 434, 469
Wild life on, 220
Baudin at, 232, 276, 388
Kent, Lieutenant William, 94, 126, 157, 186, 399
Kent's Group, 126, 465
Keppel Bay, 267
King, Governor, P, G, and Bass's South American project, 149 et seq.
His hospitality to French expedition, 248
Receives news of Porpoise wreck, 298
Entrusts despatches to Flinders, 334
Protest against Flinders' imprisonment, 365
King George's Sound, 205
King Island, 229
Discovery of, 236
French at, 251
Kupang, 275

Lacépède, 255
Lacy, midshipman, 241, 391
Lady Nelson, 73, 120, 233 et seq., 267, 285
Lapérouse, 71, 76, 173, 198, 222, 223, 247, 268, 361, 418
Launceston, 137,
Lawson, Lieutenant, his share in crossing Blue Mountains, 99
Leeuwin, Cape, 197, 206, 466
Linois, Rear-Admiral, 302, 317-18
Little Bay, 104,
Liverpool, Lord, 426
Lofty, Mount, 217, 470
Louis XVI, his interest in discovery voyages, 173
Louth Bay, 211
Louth Isle, 211, 469
Lucky Bay, 211, 467

Macquarie, Fort, 248n
Macquarie, Governor, his use of word Australia, 428
Maison Despeaux (Garden Prison), 345
Malaspina, Admiral, 437
Malte-Brun, 367
Championship of Flinders, 387, 414
Maria Island, 274, 472
Marsden, Reverend Samuel, 439
Martin's Isles, 91, 465
Mauritius, see Ile-de-France,
Melville Bay, 274, 473
Memory Cove, 214, 468
Monistrol, Colonel, 321, 324, 329, 338, 341, 345, 371, 384
Moreau, General, 311 et seq.
Moreton Bay, 158, 162
Mornington, 241
Mornington Island, 273, 471
Murray, Lieutenant John, discovers Port Phillip, 237
Accompanies Flinders, 267
Mutton birds, 127 et seq.

Napoleon, authorises French discovery voyage, 173, 198, 255
His opinion of General Decaen, 313
Sends Decaen to India, 315
Hears of the Flinders case, 347
Orders release of Flinders, 368
His comment on oaths of allegiance, 382
Naturaliste, Le, 115, 190, 202-4, 225 et seq., 247 et seq., 253, 304, 336, 434n-5
Navy, the British, promotion in, 15
Entrance to, 17
Nelson, 15, 211
Nelson, Cape, 211, 235

Nepean, Evan, Secretary of the Admiralty, 176, 238
Nepean Peninsula, 236n, 238, 242
Nichols, Isaac, case of, 157
Norfolk, sloop, 134
Flinders' description of, 138
Importance of voyage, 142-3
Voyage to Queensland coast, 158 et seq.
Northumberland, Cape, 234
Nuyts, Pieter, 69, 205

Observations on the Coast of Van Diemen's Land, publication of, 171
Otto, L. G., 173-4
Otway, Cape, 234, 235, 236

Palmer, Captain of Bridgewater, 290-1
Pandora's Entrance, 269, 471
Papuans, fight with in Torres Strait, 34 et seq.
Park, Mungo, and the Investigator, 178
Parramatta, 440
Partney Isle, 211, 469
Pasley, Admiral Sir Thomas, Flinders' introduction to, 18
His interest in Flinders' career, 29
Command of Bellerophon, 42
Wounded in battle off Brest, 46
Character of, 61-2
Pasley, Cape, naming of, 62, 467
Paterson, Lieut.-Col., 250, 251, 257, 439
Peel, Sir Robert, 426
Pellew, Rear-Admiral, his interest in Flinders' case, 364
Pellew Group, 273, 472
Pelsart, Francis, on the Australian Coast, 69
Percy Isles, 268, 471
Péron, Francois, at Sydney, 253
His report on British settlement, 254, 436 et seq.
Plays the spy on British designs, 257
Flinders on, 262
Scientific work of, 263
Effect of his report on Decaen, 337
Malte-Brun on, 387-8
Death of, 388
Petrie, Professor W. M., Flinders, grandson of Matthew Flinders, 6, 401n
Phillip Island, 115
Pinkerton, Modern Geography, 71
Pitot, Thomas, 357, 358, 407
Pitt, Mount, 129
Plagiarism, allegation against the French, 327, 383 et seq.
Freycinet on, 390
Pondicherry, 316
Porpoise, Flinders sails in, 285
Wreck of, 287, 344, 384
Port Bowen, 268
Port Curtis, 267
Port Hacking, 92, 104
Port Jackson, see Sydney,
Port Lincoln, 211
Discovery and survey of, 214
Port Louis, 305, 307. 321 et seq.
Port Phillip, 116, 225
Flinders in, 233 et seq.
Discovery of, 237
Attempted settlement of, 243
Portland Bay, 235
Portlock, Lieutenant N., Commander of Assistant, 29
Portsea, 242
Preservation Island, 127, 465
Providence, H.M.S., 29 et seq., 270
Providential Cove, see Wattamolla,

Quarterly Review, article on Flinders' case, 363, 386
Queensland coasts, Flinders' voyages on, 157-162, 267-73
Quiros, voyage of, 70, 420

Red Point, 89, 465
Reliance, H.M.S., 77, 80, 86n, 87, 93 et seq., 100, 133, 140, 158, 163, 238
Revesby Isle, 211, 469
Robbins, Acting-Lieutenant, 251
Robinson Crusoe, influence of on Flinders, 11-12
Rowley, Commodore, 379

St. Alouarn, 205
St. Vincent's Gulf, 210, 470
Discovery of, 217, 388
Schanck, Cape, 236
Schanck, Captain John, designs Lady Nelson, 233
Seal-fisheries, 414, 459-60
Shaw and Smith, their use of the word Australia, 423
Shinglar, Reverend John, schoolmaster of Flinders, 11
Ships not elsewhere indexed—
Adventure, 47, 108
Advice, brig, 188-9
Agincourt, 399
Albion, 50
Alert, 18
Aquilon, 50
Assistant, 29 et seq.
Audacious, 44, 48, 53, 54
Barwell, 133
Batavia, 69
Bedford, 382
Bélier, brig, 317
Belle Poule, La, 317
Berceau, Le, 352
Blenheim, 372
Blonde, La, 50
Brunswick, 60
Buffalo, 186, 213n, 285
Caesar, 45, 52n, 54, 57-8
Cape Chatham, 205
Captivity, 19. See also Bellerophon,
Casuarina, 250, 253, 254
Cerberus, 163
Circe, frigate, 42
Cygnet, 16
Defence, 48, 58
Dictator, 20
Duyfhen, yacht, 70
Eendragt, 68
Eliza, sloop, 125
Elligood, 220
Endeavour, 74, 107
Eole, 45, 46
Espérance, 205
Ganges, 48
Glatton, 297
Glory, 50
Greyhound, frigate, 369, 372
Harbinger, brig, 236
Harriet, cartel, 381
Heemskirk, 140
Heir Apparent, 391
Hercules, 266
Hunter, 323
Java, 372
Latona, 42, 46, 48, 49, 58
Leviathan, 44, 51n, 53, 54, 58-9
Lowestoft, frigate, 15
Marengo, French frigate, 317-18
Marlborough, 44, 53, 58
Matilda, whaler, 32
Minerva, frigate, 336
Nautilus, 135
Niger, 50
Olympia, 381
Orient, L', 16
Orion, 55
Otter, 381
Pandora, 269

Phaeton, 56
Phoenix, 49
Piemontaise, La, privateer, 363
Polyphemus, 170
Pompey, 391
Queen, 51n, 55, 59
Queen Charlotte, 44, 45, 51n, 53 et seq., 77
Recherche, 294n
Resolution, 21, 74
Resource, 294n
Révolutionnaire, 43, 52n, 54n, 61
Rolla, 298 et seq.
Royal Sovereign, 53
Russell, 44, 48, 52, 53, 57, 60
Scipio, 17, 19
Seahorse, 184-5
Sémillante, La, 407
Serpente, Le, 202. See Le Géographe,
Sirius, 77, 78, 129
Southampton, 50
Supply, tender, 77 et seq., 93, 94, 126
Téméraire, 20
Terpsichore, 407
Terrible, 44
Theseus, 185
Thetis, 364
Thunderer, 44, 52, 53, 60
Trajan, 46
Tremendous, 57
Vengeur, 60
Vésuve, Le, 202. See Le Naturaliste,
Vianen, 69
Warren Hastings, 363
Warrior, 391
Xenophon, 174. See Investigator,
Zealand, 177
Zeehan, 140
Shoalhaven, 104
Sibsey Isle, 211, 469
Sleaford Bay, 211, 468
Smith, Samuel, journal of, 194n, 197, 208, 232, 243, 288, 289, 294, 300
Spanish-American colonies, 149
Contraband trade with, 152 et seq.
Alleged British designs on, 258, 446-7, 458
Spencer, Earl, First Lord of the Admiralty, supports Flinders'
exploration project, 172-3
Grants passport to French discovery voyage, 173
Visited by Flinders, 392
Spencer's Gulf, 210, 212, 469
Exploration of, 215, 388
Spilsby Isle, 211, 469
Stamford Hill, 211, 215, 469
Station Peak, 241, 242n, 470
Stickney Isle, 211, 469
Streaky Bay, 211, 467
Surfleet Point, 211, 469
Swan Harbour, 242
Swans, black, 141
Sydney, growth of, 97
Arrival of Investigator at, 244
Baudin's expedition at, 246 et seq.
Péron's report on, 254, 436-64
Military forces at, 258-9
Flinders' observations on, 287
Sydney Cove, wreck of, 112, 123 et seq.

Tahiti, 21 et seq.
Bass's voyages to, 147
Tamar, discovery of, 137
Tasman, voyage of, 70, 140
Tasmania, circumnavigation of, 133 et seq.
Taylor's Isle, 210. 214, 468
Teneriffe, Flinders' description of, 30

Tennysons, connection with Flinders' family, 6-7
Termination Island, 205
Terra Australis, 67, 175
Thistle, John, drowning of, 212
Character, 213
Thistle Island, 210, 468
Tides, theory of, Flinders' writings on, 418
Tom Thumb, measurements of, 86n
Second boat of same name, 87. 104
Torres, voyage of, 70
Torres Strait, 269
Trafalgar, battle of, 263, 373
Transportation system, Péron on, 258
Twofold Bay, discovery of, 105
Adventure with aboriginal in, 135

Vancouver, voyage of, 71
His discoveries on Australian coast, 205
Van Diemen, Cape, 273
Venus, brig, Bass's purchase of, 146
Voyages to Tahiti, 147
Voyages to South America, 150-1
Seizure of, 154
Venus Bay, 148
Vlaming, his metal plate, 68

Waterhouse, Captain Henry, 77, 94 et seq., 204, 283n
Waterhouse, Elizabeth, see Bass, Elizabeth,
Waterhouse Island, 204, 466
Wattamolla (Watta-Mowlee), 92, 104, 465
Wellesley, the Marquess, Governor-General of India, 273n, 317
His interest in Flinders' case, 364
Wellesley Isles, 273, 461
Wentworth, W. C., his share in crossing Blue Mountains, 99
Westall, Point, 210, 467
Westall, William, artist, joins Investigator, 179, 280
Westernport, discovery of, 114
Le Naturaliste in, 204
Whaleboat, Bass', measurements of, 102
Wilhelm's Plains, Flinders' residence at, 357 et seq.
William IV inspects Flinders' charts, 392
On proposed pension to Mrs. Flinders, 400
Williams, mate of Bridgewater, 291
Williamson, acting commissary, 100
Wilson's Promontory, 108, 117, 225, 234
Winceby Isle, 211, 469
Wombat, Flinders' description of, 132
Woolgrowing, 450-1
Wreck Reef, 285 et seq., 474

Yorke's Peninsula, 211, 218, 470
You-yang Range, 241

Zeehan, Mount, 140, 466

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