The Literati of New York/No. IV/James Lawson

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Regarding poet James Lawson.

190631The Literati of New York - No. IV — James LawsonE. A. Poe

Mr. Lawson has himself made little effort in the field of literary labor, but is distinguished for his zeal and liberality in the good cause. He is by birth a Scotchman, but few men have more ardently at heart the welfare of American letters.

His works, so far as published in volume form, are few. I know only of "Giordano, a tragedy," and two volumes entitled "Tales and Sketches by a Cosmopolite." The former was performed some years ago, (at the Park, I believe,) and with no great success. The latter were more popular. One of them, "The Dapper Gentleman's Story," is a very clever imitation of the manner of Irving, and has "gone the rounds of the press."

Mr. Lawson is of social habits and warm sympathies. He is enthusiastic, especially in matters of art or taste; converses fluently, tells a capital story, and is generally respected and beloved.