The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus/Meditation VII

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The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus (1876)
by John Priestly Warmoll
Meditation VII. The Child Jesus Prays in the Temple.
1971140The Little Book of the Most Holy Child Jesus — Meditation VII. The Child Jesus Prays in the Temple.1876John Priestly Warmoll



Grace to ask for: Great reverence in the house of God.

Twelve years have passed away since the angels sang that new song on earth, the song of the new-born Babe.

Now behold the Child, kneeling in the Temple, whither He had gone up with Mary His Mother and Joseph His Foster-father.

He kneels in His Father's house, the house of prayer, and prays for His people Israel.

Prays for all mankind, for me.

There is always a place for me in that Sacred Heart of His.

My life is all there, as if there were no other life but mine.

He loves me as if there were none else to love but me.

But Oh, how wondrous is that prayer!

Earth has never sent up to the eternal Throne a prayer like the prayer of Jesus.

That the world which God had made might give its Maker fitting worship, He has come to us.

Not only does the race of man give becoming worship in that prayer, but that Holy Child who prays is God.

Man's eye can only see the form of a kneeling child.

But angels unseen around, angels in the highest heaven, wonder and adore.

Earth's worship is now Divine through that Sacred Heart which prays for men.

Dear Jesus, I will often think of Thee praying in the Temple.

I will be devout and very reverent in church, which is Thy holy Temple, my Father's house, where Thou art present on the Altar.

Drive far from me all vain and sinful thoughts.

Thy Church is a holy place, none other than the gate of heaven.

With soul and body, as Thou art Lord of both, I would adore Thee there.

Give me grace never to give scandal by carelessness or light behaviour, but ever to act as in Thy holy Presence.

Mary, dear Mother, pray to thy dear Son for me.

Joseph, by thy deep reverence and thy unselfish love, I beg thee, pray for me.

Most Holy Child Jesus, save Thy children.