The Lives and Characters of the English Dramatick Poets/William Joyner
This Gentleman was born in Oxonshire, sometime Fellow of Magdalen-College; which, with his Religion, he quitted, till in King James's Time he was again re-placed in the same College, with the other Popish Fellows; who were all soon after displaced, by an Apprehension of the Revolution. He has one Play in Print, called,
The Roman Empress, a Tragedy, 4to. 1671. Acted at the Theatre Royal, by his Majesty's Servants, and dedicated to Sir Charles Sidley. For the Plot, consult Zosomi Histor. Mr. Langbain supposes this to be the Story of Constantine, and his Wife and Son, Crispus and Faustina.[1] The Author has imitated Oedipus and Hippolitus.
- ↑ Langbain's Dram. Poets, pag. 308.