The Lucknow Album/Sekunder Bagh

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2717833The Lucknow Album — Sekunder BaghDarogha Ubbas Alli


View No. 13.

This garden may be very well described as the "Shalimar" of Lucknow. It was built by Wajid Ali Shah, especially in honor of one of his favourite mehals, Sekunder Begum; hence its name. It is encircled by a high wall, and has earned an imperishable page in history as the death-place of more than two thousand mutineers who were bayonetted without mercy, by the exasperated British troops under command of Sir Colin Campbell, on the 16th of November, 1857. The rebels, within the high loop-holed wall, had every advantage in repulsing our troops; the assault of the British was gallant in the extreme, and many a brave British soldier fell, before the stronghold was captured.

Wheeling to the left along the road, the Company Bagh is seen on the right; this is a nursery for a great variety of fruit trees and vegetables.