The Monumental Inscriptions in the Parish Church of S. Michael, Coventry/Flat Stones

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Flat Stones in the Pavement of the Church.

Mercer's Chapel.


lie the remains of
Little, Lowke, & Co.
who under that firm in
commenced the Banking
business in this City
John Lowke
obt 23 Jan. 1776, Æt 82.
Thomas Little
Obt 14 Oct. 1790 Æt 57.

Thos. Little was Churchwarden 1763. This business was carried on for many years under the style of Little and Woodcock (John Woodcock having taken the name of Little), in High Street, and was transferred in 1865 to the Birmingham Banking Company, which suspended payment in less than 12 months after.


"Here | lieth the body of—Mrs. Ann Oldham, wife of | Thomas Oldham senior who departed this life Sepr | 17 1750 aged 61 years |

"In memory of Thomas Oldham | senior late Alderman of this city who departed this life | the 12th day of June 1756 | aged 69 years

"Also in memory of Thos. Oldham | junior late Alderman of this City, who | departed this life October ye 30 | 1767 aged 52 years.

"Also of Samuell Oldham who | departed this life May ye 21st 1771 | aged 55 years.

"Katho Oldham died the 25th July | 1782 aged 66 | Also Samuel Oldham who died | April 17 1815 aged 6 1 | Also Stephen Oldham | who departed this life | Sept. 8, 1841, aged 63 years | whose remains were interred at Corley I.

Thomas Oldham, senior, was Mayor 1713, and his son 1754.


"In memory of Stephen Smith Sen" | who died May 6 1751 | aged 59 | and | Stephen Smith, jun" | who died June 20 1758 | aged 27 | Also Martha Smith relict of the above Stephen Smith senr who died Nov. 20 1775 | aged 82 | likewise | Thomas Lander Smith esqr I late Alderman of this City | and eldest son of the above named | Stephen and Martha who died Oct 28 1785 aged 59 |. Martha Smith | who died March 22 1846 | aged 80 years | .

Thos Lander Smith was a silkman and Mayor in 1775.


"Here | lieth the body of Thomas Grundy Esq. | who was an apprentice to a Mercer and followed that trade for many years in this City having acquired a plentiful | fortune he retired to his native place at Thornton in Leicestershire where he | resided for almost 30 years and departed this life | October the 4th, 1752 | in the 83rd year of his age | .


"Here lieth the body of Mary wife of Benjamin Conigrave | who departed this life | August 26 1754 | aged 52 |

"here lyeth the body of Benjamin Conigrave | who departed this life | October 10 1770 aged 70 | Ann late wife of the above | died the 21st day of January, 1787 | and 81. |

This stone is partly covered by Wade's Tomb.

4 b.

"In memory of Thomas Dawson who departed this life | the 4th April 1780, aged 50 years. | Mary Dawson | wife of the above who departed this life | the 26th July 1804 aged 68 years. | "


Family Vault.

  • Elizabeth Lilly | 1764 |
  • George Lilly gent | 1798 |
  • Charles Lilly junr. | 1805 |
  • Charles Lilly esq | 1834 |
  • Mary Lilly | 1840 |

Ann Tatlock
daughter of Charles Lilly esqre.
died May 19 1876
in her 100th year.

A window (xxii.) is placed at the west end of the church to her memory. This was the last interment in the Church.


"Here | lieth interred the body of Mary the wife of | John Hodgetts of Whitley | who departed this life | the ist day of September 1763 | aged 55 years.

Here lieth the body of John | Hodgetts who departed this life September 20 1771 aged 54 |

Also Ann Hodgetts wife of John Hodgetts who departed this life | July 22 1801 aged 73. | "


"Here lyeth ye body of Mr. Thos | Ward of London ob. 24 May | 1720 ÆT 79' |


"Here lies the body of John Worcester / who died April ye 13th 1763 | aged 49 | also Mary his wife | who died May ye 12 1763 | aged 49. | "


"In memory of Mary Lucas | wife of Mr. John Lucas of this city Apothecary | who died 26 October 1785 | aged 60 years i also of | Mr. John Lucas who died the 30 of April 1790 | aged 77. | "


"Sacred to the memory of Wm. and Mary Belcher he died February 15 1776 | she September 30 1762 | William their son | died May 10 1749 | Charles Belcher son of the above William and Mary Belcher died March 6, 1776 | aged 46 years." | Sarah Belcher his wife | died February 29 1816 | aged 82 years | Lucy Seymour daughter of the above | Charles and Sarah Belcher died January 11, 1809 | aged 45 years. | "

See a Monument (c.) on the wall near to Vestry door recording the death of Sarah Belcher.

II (Arms plate ix.)

"Here lyeth the body of William Snell | Alderman of this City he departed | this life ye 24th of October 1711 aged 84 | also Abigail his wife who departed | this life ye roth of September, 1709, aged 66-also Ann the wife of Abraham Owen esqre. & Alderman of this City their only daughter who died | March the 23rd, 1788 aged 70. | "

Wm. Snell was a Mercer, and Mayor in 1688, Sheriff, 1675, and Church-Warden 1666—he was removed as an Alderman by Charles II., but restored by James II. He issued a token, having on the obverse, William Snell, Mercer, centre W. A. S.: reverse, in Coventry, 1665, centre, the Virgin Mary.

South Aisle.


"To the memory of Mrs. Mary Newcomb wife of William Newcomb and widow of the late | Mr. John Harrold who departed this life | November 14th, 1821 | aged 60 years.

(Here are four lines of poetry too indistinct to be read.)

"William Newcomb | died 21 July, 1844, aged 74. |

"Lucy Newcomb | sister of the above died 31st January 1855 | aged 70 years."

This was the last interment in the Church previous to the passing of the Cemetery Act.


"In memory of Ann wife of Edward Harrold who died January ye 24th, 1778 aged 47 years. |

"In memory of Ann daughter of Edward & Ann Harrold who died | June ye 7 1779 aged 17 years. |

"And also of the said Edward | Harrold who died Feb. 23 1797 | aged 78 years.

"Likewise of John Harrold son of the said | Edwa & Ann Harrold who died | 18th of December 1798 aged 49 years. | "


"Sacred to the memory of James & Katherine Hardway he died May 3 1764 aged 63. | She died April 5 1785 aged 75. |"


"Under this stone lyes the body of James Smith Surgeon | he dyed in 1721 full of days well spent, on one side of him lyes Rachel his first on the other Martha his second wife | near the foot of this stone lyes all that is mortal of Eliza the wife of John Smith, Surgeon | and near the head of it five of her | children | she dyed in 1741 aged 35; | also of the above-named | John Smith Surgeon who died Aug. 6 1782 aged 88. | "


"Sacred | to the memory of Mary Hall spinster | who was born May 21 1709 | and died May 26 1790 | who in youth anticipated that prudence | which is the crown of grey hairs and retained in old age the generous affections which adorn youth."


"Here | lie interred the remains of William Hall who died May 28 1737 | aged 45, 1 of Deborah the wife of Richard Hall | who died Aug. 19 1743 | aged 66 | and of Richard Hall | Brother to the above William Hall / who died Nov. 22nd 1769 | aged 72 | also in memory of Deborah Milbourne | who departed this life April ye 5th | 1773 aged 27 | "


"Here lyeth ye body of Mr. Samuel Buggs D.D., and Vicar of both Parishes | who died in 1633. | "

A stone which once bore a large brass, as evidenced by the remaining brass studs, has been utilised for this Memorial. Samuel Buggs, Fellow of Sidney Sussex, Cambridge, and M.A. of Oxford, was appointed to the Vicarage of this church upon the resignation of Archdeacon Winter, in 1623, and in 1626 was also made Vicar of Holy Trinity Church. In 1621 he preached a sermon at S. Paul's Cross, entitled, "David's Strait," which he dedicated to the "Mayor, Aldermen, &c., of Coventry," for which the Corporation presented him with £3, 6s. 8d. In the same year, he printed the speech of Dr. Philemon Holland, made to King James when he visited the City,“ together with a sermon preached in the audience, and published at the request of the worthy companion of the practisers of the military garden of the said well garrisoned Citie of Coventree."

It appears that his ministry was not acceptable to the puritanical temper of his time, as the Annalists seem to have rejoiced at his death.


"Here lyeth the body of William Porter Alder | man of this City who departed | this life January the 10th 1768 | aged 92 years | And also George Porter the son of William Porter who departed this life December | the 4th 1768 aged 54 years."

Wm. Porter, flaxman, was mayor 1752.


"To the memory of Jane Clarke and wife of John Clarke Alderman of this City | who departed this life | 26 June 1791 | in the 65th year of her age. John Clarke one of the Aldermen of this City departed this life 19th of December | 1801 aged 81. |

Francis Clarke | his eldest son died | 2nd of September 1802 aged 58. | "


"Here lyes Elizabeth the wife of Mr. Thomas Gilbert who died July 18 1743 aged 23 | also his son John Taylor Gilbert who died Nov. 21 1748 aged 3 | also near this place his daughter | Susannah Singleton who died | Feb. 8 1778 aged 20 years and on the 30 May 1778 died Mr. Thomas Gilbert aged 63 years | also Susannah his wife | who died 18th of July, 1802 | aged 74 years. | "


"In memory of Edgar aged 15 years | son of John Carter of Pinley | died 15 Oct., 1835 Also of Henry | another son aged 33 years | died 21 March 1843 | also of John Carter | father of the above named | Edgar and Henry died November 28 1848 | aged 78 years. | "


"Here lieth the body of James Jopson son of Joseph and Elizabeth Jopson he died the 15th day of May 1773 | aged 22. | "


"In | memory of Mr. James Jopson who departed this life | March the 6th 1759 | aged 40 | also four of his children who died in their infancy , also to the memory of Eliza Jopson | wife of the above James Jopson | who departed this life Jan. 1 1768 | aged 52 | "

James Jopson was the originator of the first Coventry newspaper, viz., "Jopson's Coventry Mercury." The first number was issued Monday, July 20, 1741. It was subsequently changed to "Jopson's Coventry and Northampton Mercury," and printed in Northampton. After a short time, the name Northampton was omitted, and it was printed in Coventry. In 1836 it became the property of a company, was printed by Mr. C. A. N. Rollason, and the name changed to the “Coventry Standard” which it still bears. It has always been a Conservative Paper.


"In memory of Edward Harper | late Alderman of this City | who departed this life the 19th May 1786 | aged 59. Also to the memory of | Ellys Harper | wife of the above | Edward Harper | who departed this life | the 21st of December 1801 | aged 73 years. | "

Ed. Harper was an Apothecary, and Mayor 1778.


"Sacred | lyeth the body of Mr. Thomas Dullison who died September the 22 1747 | aged 57 | also Elizabeth his wife | who died Jan 11 | 1758, aged 67. | '


"Here | lyeth the body of Arthur | Dullison son of Thomas and Elizabeth Dullison he dyed Sept. ye 30 aged 20 1742 | also the body of Cleophas Dullison son of the above Thos and Elizhwho departed this life Dec" ye 10th | 1775, aged 46. | "


"In memory of Margaret | relict of Henry Woodhouse of Scorton | in the county of York | who died Nov. 1839 | aged 72 years | also of Christopher Woodhouse a magistrate of this City | and eldest son of the above named | Henry and Margaret, | who died August 6 1845 | aged 55 years. | "


"Here | lyes interred Mr. Joseph | Ebourne Alderman of this City who died May | 14 1754 aged 60. |

Mayor in the year 1734.


"Sacred to the memory of Harriet | daughter of the aforesaid Joseph Hughes Rann and Anna Maria his wife | who died Feb. 14, 1854 | aged 61 years. | "

(This is part of the following stone.)


"Sacred to the memory of Mr. Sarah Walton | late of Peckham Rye, | Surrey, I who died Oct. 24 1817 i aged 80 years, also of Joseph Hughes Rann M.D. | late of this City who died June 11 1842 | aged 79 years Maria Rann eldest daughter of the above named | Joseph Hughes Rann died Jan. 13 1853 aged 62 years. | Also of Anna Maria Rann | relict of the above Joseph Hughes Rann died March 23 1853 | aged 83 years. |


"Here lyeth interred the remains of the Rerd | Mr. Packwood M A. and Vicar of Fakenham | in the county and diocese of Worcester who departed | this life yº 1oth day of November in the year of our Lord 1751 | in yº 68 year of his age 1 also Mrs. Cath" Bailey wife of Mr. S. Bailey who dyed | April 22 1772 | likewise Mrs. Sarah Baileye | his second wife who dyed | July 12 1796. Also Mr. Samº Baileye | Stationer of this City who dyed | July 18, 1797 aged 71." |


"Here lyeth the body of Arthur | Manley late Quartermaster of | the Queen's royal regiment of | Horse who served ye Crown of | Great Britain upwards of 56 years | from ye 15th of July 1685 to ye 24th of | August 1741 He died June ye 7th | 1746 aged 78 |

The Israelites in desart wandred but two score,
But I have wandred two score sixteen & more
In dusty campains, restless days & nights
And in bloody battles, sometimes did I fight
In Ireland, Flanders, France and Spain
And now at last here lies my mortal remain.

I served in ye foot ten years and in ye above |
regiment of Horse upwards of 46 yeares."


"Here lieth the body of Mrs. Kathn Lowe the wife of Humphrey Lowe esqre in the county of Worcestar | she departed this life on the | 8th day of October 1695 | aged 74 yeare. | "

The inscription on this stone is nearly effaced.


“Edward Atkins Esqre | departed this life March 12th 1793 | aged 60 years. | "

(see monument E.)




"Mary wife of George Lant Esqre. Banker of this city died March 19 1823 | Also the above | George Lant | who departed this life | April 13 1833 | in the 72nd year of his age | "


"Here lieth the body of Horatio Hopkins Esqre | who departed this life | ye 15th of Novm 1724 aged 65 he marryed | Margaret ye daughter | of Humphrey Lowe esqre | of ye county of Worcester | "

(See Monument F.)

Pl. IX.

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Richard Bury obit Jan 18 | A D 1813 anno æet 64 | Eliza Mary Bury obit June 27 1816 | anno at 25 Caroline Bury | obit Jan 8 1820 anno at 31 Mary Ann Bury obit Nov 20 1822 anno æt 40 | Mary Bury | wife of the above Richa Bury | obit June 13 1823 / anno æt 66 | Herbert Bury obit May 15 1824 | anno æt 39 LB also Ellen Mary Bury | obit 13 Nov 1827 | anno at 33 and Richard Bury | obit April 8 1834 | 2nno æt 47.


"Here lyeth the body of Mrs Christain Foxall who departed this life Novr ye 6th ainno dom 1730 aged 65 years |

Also Edward Foxall he died | 20th Nov 1761 aged 62 | "


"Here lyeth the body of Thomas Dagley malster who dyed the 8th day of September 1736 | aged 73 years | "


"In memory of Jno Carter gentleman who departed this life | Augt 16th 1785 aged 75 | also | Ann his wife who died March 5th | 1798 aged 99. "


"Here | lieth the body of Eliz | the wife of Wm Pegg | who died Nov' the 3rd | 1770 aged 70 | also to the memory of Wm | Pegg husband to the above named who died | December 8th 1770 aged 63 | also Sarah wife of Wm Pegg | junr she died May 27th 1785 | aged 39 years | also 2 of their children | also William Pegg who died October 5th 1801 | aged 76 years |


"William Buck | died Jan 26th 1825 aged 68 years | Ann Buck | relict of the above died Novr 2 1829 aged 72 years | Ann Buck | daughter of Wm & Ann Buck | died March 16 1788 aged 4 years | William Buck | died Sept 25 1788 an infant | Jane Buck | died Oct 23 1789 an infant | Charlotte Buck | died Nov 17 1791 aged 6 months | John Brockhurst Buck | died Feb 20 1807 aged 19 years | Mary Buck | born May 21 1785 died September 21 1817 | "

S. Thomas Or Capper's Chapel.


"Here lyeth the body of Mr. John Vardley | late Alderman of this City who departed this life in the 29th day of November | Ano Dom 1716 aged 77 yrs Here also lyeth the body of Katherine his wife who departed this life the 16th day of February anno Domi 1713 | the 72nd year of her age | "

Mr. John Yardley was a Surgeon, he was Mayor 1689.


"In memory of John Yardley | late of this City Surgeon who died May 14th 1742 in the 49th year of his age | Also of Dorcas Yardley | relict to the above | John Yardley | who died Jan 7th 1774 | in the 75th year of her age | Three of their infant | Grand-children | by Thomas & Mary Vernon | who died in their infancy |."


To the memory of Mrs. Alice Yardley | Daughter of John and Dorcas Yardley | late of this City | who died February 28th 1805 aged 79 years | Also Martha Yardley | sister to Mrs. Alice Yardley | who departed this life | June 5 1812 aged 85 years | "


Near this place resteth | the body of Joseph son of Mr Thos. and Mary Vernon who departed this life | July 29th 1785 aged 25 years | Also underneath this stone | resteth the body of | Mrs Mary Vernon mother of the above named and | wife of Mr Thos Vernon of this City who departed this | life Dec 22 1802 aged 79 years | Here resteth the body of Mr Thomas Venn Vernon | husband of the above | Mrs Mary Vernon of this City | who departed this life | the 4 of Jan 1806 aged 86. | "


"Here | lies the body of the late | Mr. Jos: Vernon Apothecary of this City who died Dec" 4th 1742 aged 37 |

Also on the south side | lies Mrs. Martha Vernon his sister who died Decr | 22nd 1737 aged 37. | "


"In memory of | James Vernon Gent. | who died Dec 4 1819 | aged 60 years. | "


"Here lies the body of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith | wife of Mr. Thomas Smith ———— | and confectioner———— | this life the 22nd of (July 1736) |

aged 56 |

Here also lieth the body of Thomas Smith husband of the above named Elizth Smith who departed this life | Feb. y 1st 1750 aged 74. |

'We live and labour get and save
Till death commits us to the grave
Reader in all thy gains make sure
Of an estate that will endure'"

The upper part of this stone is partly covered by Hopkins' monument.


"Here lyeth (the body of)
Joseph Ya(rdley who departed)
this life the (21st July 1718)
(aged 42 years)
Also 2 of his infant children)
(both named Elizabeth)
Here (lyeth the body of)
Mrs Mary Yardley wife)
of the above Joseph Yardley who died)
Novr (21 1726 aged 30)
Also Mary (Clarke their)
slaughter who died Aug 20 1770)
aged 56 and (Abraham Clarke)
her son who died (Sep 20 1774)
aged 24 Like(wise Thomas)
Clarke her son who departed
this life Nov 28 1774 in the
21 year of his age"

This is upon three pieces of stone and partly covered by Hopkins' monument. That portion of the inscription within brackets has been copied from Reader's book.



"Memento Mori of The Red Thomas Jackson who was Twenty seven Years | a dissenting Minister of this city he departed this life the | 13th of February 1783 aged 53 | "

N.B. This last line is cut away.



"Here lieth the body of Mr. James Birch | who died ye 25th October 1726 | aged 63, | and of Susannah his wife | who was daughter to Mr. Meacock | alderman of ye city died 20th of February 1721 aged 57."


"Here lyeth the remains of Ann Horsenail | who departed this life Sept 10th 1769 | aged 64 years. | "

Arms (plate IX.) arg: a cross dovetailed between four Mullets, az. for Horsenail impaling Birch. az. three fleur de lis, or.


"In memory of Sarah | wife of Benjamin Newland | who departed this life | Jan 18 1774 aged 65 | Here lieth the body of Benjamin Newland | husband of the above named who departed this life | May 1st 1781 aged 78 years also Charles Newland son of the above named | who died July 10 1782 aged 54. also Charles Newland | son of the above who dyed | Nov 26 1815 aged 47. | Ann Newland daughter of the above who departed this life | Febr 3 1817 aged 18. | "


"In memory of Samuel Spicer who departed this life the 9th Dec 1778 aged 62 |

Also to the memory of Sarah Spicer wife of the above | Samuel Spicer who departed this life | March 21 1785 | aged 69 | "


"Henry Francis Minister late Surgeon of ye XLI foot H. M. S born VIII June | MDCCCXI Baptised in this church | He died at Quetta in ye East Indies ye XXIII day of September AD MDCCCXLI ΧΡΙΣΤΣ ΣΣΛΙΣΟΝ"


"Here lie the body of Mr John Abell who dyed | August ye 23rd 1759 | aged 55 | also Elizabeth daughter of John Abell who dyed | July ye 25th 1760 | aged 31 | "


"Here lieth ye body of Willima Whitehall | Gent deceased the | 5 of September | Ano Dom 1636 ."


"In | memory of Ann wife of Mr. John Kirkman | Alderman of this City who died Sept 1 | 1759 aged 45 also two of their children who died in their Infancy | John Kirkman | died May 27 1775 aged 75 years."


"In memory of Mary wife of | Mr. John Stow of this City | who died October 15 1835 | aged 59 years also of John Stow | who died May 31 1846 | aged 71 years."


"Joseph Chamberlain Milbourne | died May 29th 1838."


"In memory of William Mitchell | who died Decemr 19 1767 | aged 81 |."


"Sacred to the memory of | Harriet Reader | (daughter of Wm & Eliz Reader | who died April 27 1823 | aged Five years | "


"Jeremiah Spark | died March 29 1788 | aged 51 years

Jeremiah Spark | died July 15 1794 | aged 39 years | "


"T. W. | died May 6 1686 | aged 11 weekes | & 3 dayes"


"CD 1756"


"Richd Bird died May 28 1787 | aged 60 also Mary Bird | wife of the above | who departed this life | the 18th of October 1805 | aged 69 years |."


"Here lieth the body of | Mrs Mary Bird | who died Febr ye 2nd 1763 | aged 72 | here also lieth the body of | Mary Bird grand-daughter of | the above Mary who died | March ye 16th 1765 aged 10 years |

'Farewell bright souls a short farewell
Till we shall meet again above
In those sweet groves where pleasures dwell
And trees of life bear fruits of love.'

Also Katherine the wife of | Richard Bird | who died ye 16th of April 1778 | aged 54 years |."


"Joseph Howe | died | 27 January 1839 | aged 40 years |."


The Masons' Arms, Plate IX.

"Here | lieth the body of Martha | wife of Wm Edwards, mason | of this city | and daughter of Thomas | and Mary Newcombe of Brinklow | in the county of Warwick | who departed this life | March the 31st 1774 aged 70 years | also to the memory of William Edwards | late mason of Much Park Street | in this city | and husband to the above named | who departed this life | Decr 12 1789 aged 73 years | "


"Here lieth the body of | William Bird and Mary his | wife with several of their | Children and Grand-children |.


"Here | lies the body of Mr. John | Proctor who died Septr 16 | 1757 aged 48 | also Ann wife of the above | John Proctor who died | Aug 5 1783 aged 73 |."


"Here lyeth the body | of Samuel Welton | late of this city Gent | he dyed May ye 16th 1734 | aged 73 | here also lieth the body | of Mrs Mary Jee daughter | of the above named who de | parted this life April 28 | 1750 aged 54 | also Elizabeth her daughter | who departed this life Aug | 26 1747 aged 22 years |."


"In | memory of Mr. Tho Lawrance | Alderman of this City and | Ann his wife he died March | ye 21st 1686 aged 66 | she died Aug ye 1st 1710 | aged 84 | also Michael Lawrance their | grand-son he died Oct 28 1760 | aged 39 |."

Alderman Lawrance was Mayor 1682.


"To the memory of Catherine wife of | John Herbert | who departed this life June 1st 1815 aged 68 years | also of the above | John Herbert | who died June 6 1815 | aged 71 years | and to the Memory of | Marianne wife of Thomas Morris | and Grand Daughter of the above John Herbert | who died March 20 1830 | aged 25 |."


"Underneath this stone in hope of a | joyful resurrection lieth the | body of Esther late wife of Mat | thew Smith who departed this life Octor 25 1727 aged 35 years | Here lieth the body of | the above Matthew Smith | late of London who | departed this life March 22 1730 | aged 64 years" |


"Here | lies the body of Mr Thos | Farndon late of Thurlaston | in the parish of Dunchurch | who died 22 April 1758 aged 80 | also the body of Martha | Plant grand-daughter of | the above Tho Farndon | who died 18 Oct 1758 aged | 14 years and 5 months | also the body of Joseph Plant | late master of Mrs Bayleys charity school which office | he held 42 years and father to | the above Martha, he died the | 11th Dec 1772 aged 65 | also Alice wife of the above Joseph | Plant who departed this life Octo | the 21 1777 aged 74 years |."


"In memory of Abigail Halford | who dyed March 24 1761 | aged 74 | also Martha Halford | wife of John Halford | who dyed November ye 23rd 1767 | aged 28 years | likewise four of her children Elizth, Edwa, Lucy, Lucetta which died in their infancy. | also Martha Halford Aunt to | John Halford died May 7 | 1771 aged 70. John Halford died | November 24 1773 aged 46 years. | "


"Here | lies in hopes of a joyfull | resurrection the remains | of Sarah the wife of Edward Shufflebotham | who died the 4th of May | 1762 in ye 85th year of her age. | "


"Here lieth the remains of | Ann wife of Charles Adams esq | died March 27th 1819 | aged 52 | also Alicia eldest daughter | of Richard Adams esq of Allesley | died February 22nd 1825 | aged 52 | also of Richard Jones esq | who died at Daventry | Feby 4 1826 aged 53 | also of Richard Adams Esq | of Allesley | died June 26th 1831 | aged 86 | also of Ann Adams | died March 6th 1839 | aged 56 | also of Susannah Blackwood | died May 5 1843 | aged 64 | also of Charles Adams Esq | of Allesley | died May 16 1847 | aged 78 | also of Maria Adams died 10th December 1849 | aged 63 | "


"Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Gardner | relict of the late | Daniel Gardner of this city | who departed this life | the 25 of November 1792 | aged 46 years |

Also of William Gardner son of the above who died Jan 3 1801 aged 83

(The following is copied from Reader, the inscription now being defaced)

Also Daniel youngest son of the above Elizabeth late Captain in the 43rd regiment and Major of Brigade distinguished by his bravery, he fell (sincerely regretted) in the battle of Talavera de la Rayna on the 28th of July 1809 aged 26. His remains lie interred on the banks of the Tagus near that place."


"Here lyeth the body of Frances | Terry who departed this life | Sept the 21st 1759 in ye 17th year of her age |

E. T. aged 56 died 1757 | "

This is part of a stone which should record the death of Edward Terry, Aug. 9, 1757, and 3 of his children, Wm., Joseph and Elizabeth.


"Dorothy the wife | of John Gilbert of this city died 20th | May 1760 aged 61 | (Samuel Gilbert an infant. John Gilbert died Aug 17 1770 aged 62. Anna Maria Gilbert died June 4 1778 aged 62) (Reader)"


"Mary Ford wife of | Edmund Ford died 31 March 1811 | aged 53 years | Edmund Ford | died Dec 1 1818 | aged 63 years. | "


(Partly covered by the Alms box.)

"J G. E G. MG 1757."


"In Memory of | Lucy eldest daughter of | David Shakespear and Ann Waters | who died May 25th 1829 | in the twenty third year of her age. | "


South Side of Organ.

"Here lyeth the body of Mary Hall who departed this life May ye 25th 1741 | aged 30 years |

Here I lye you may see
Hope with God in Heaven shall be

here lyeth the body of Mary | Hall Mother to the above | Mary Hall who died Feby | the 17th 1745 aged 76. | "


"To the memory | of John Howe | of this city who died Feb 23d 1826 | aged 57 years | also of John Howe | son of the above | who died Feby 19 1839 | aged 45 years | also of Hannah | wife of the first named John Howe | who died Sept 10 1839 | aged 76 years. | "


"To the Memory of William Davis | died July 31st 1808 | aged 36 years | "


(On a stone partly covered by the Organ and Gas Meter) arms Plate IX.

"Here lieth the body of
Abraham Owene
Alderman and twice Mayor
of this city a worthy Magistrate
a tender husband a true friend
and neighbour, a lover of virtue and
discourager of vice, a zealous asserter
of the protestant religion and the liberty
of this country.died April 2nd 1740 aged 74 years'

Mayor 1710 1712.


"Samuel Brockhurst, | died 1st Jan 1777 aged 87 | Ann his wife | died 10th Jany aged 87 | Mary their granddaughter | died Feb 27 1771 aged 26 | | John Brockhurst esqer | son of the above | departed this life Decr 17 1787 | aged 68 years. | "


"Here lieth the body of Mrs | Elizh wife of John Stubbs | who departed this life | Decembre ye 13th 1723 aged 61. | "


"Here lieth | ye body of Robert Bedson | late sheriff of this city | he departed this life Jan 23 1718 | (also Isabella wife of the above died Sept ——— aged 68.)"

This latter portion of inscription is taken from Reader.


"Mary Thacker died 16th day of September 1710 | aged — | also ye body of Abrm | Knowles son of Isaac | Knowles died ye 13th of Ag 1735 aged 34. | "


"Here lyeth the body of | Mrs. Alice Rogers Widow | who departed this life | January the 30th Anno dom | 1770 aged 70. | "


"Here lyeth the body of | Mary Fulwood wife of | George Fulwood Esq of Alne | in the county of Warwick | Daughter of William Purefoy | of Caldicott Gent in this same | County. Deceased the 26th | of March 1695. | "


"Here lieth the body of William Abell | who died Jany ye 17th 1750 | aged 44 | also Susannah his wife who died Augst 31st 1759 aged 51 | also near this place lieth two | daughters of John Abell, Jane | who died October 1st 1752 | aged 21 years and Christiana who died July | the 25th 1753 aged 16 years. | "


"Here lie interred the remains of Thomas Mitchell | who departed this life | May 4 1786 aged 56 | also Elizabeth Mitchell | relict of the above | who died May 1809 | aged 66. | Selina their Daughter who died 1807 aged 24 | Elizabeth Arnold Mitchell | born Aug 4 1777 | died July 16 1778. | "


"In Memory of John Hitchins | who departed this life | the 19th of August 1792 | aged 55 years | also Sarah Hitchins | relict of the above | who departed this life | the 10th of April 1803 | aged 63 years. |

Affliction sore long time I bore
Physicians were in vain
Till God did please to grant me ease
By death from every pain."


"In memory of William Marsh who | departed this life | September 30th 1800 aged 62 years | also Peter and Thomas | Marsh sons of the above. | Peter died March 2 | 1776 aged 2 years | Thomas died Nov 4 | 1781 aged 20 years, and also grandchildren of the above William Marsh, | Caroline Marsh | who died Sept 30 1814 | aged 4 years | Elizabeth Marsh | who died Feb 9 1819 | aged 17 years | Matilda Marsh | who died March 16 1819 | aged 15 years | Charles Henry Marsh | who died May 5 1820 | aged 7 years. | "


"In memory of Mr. William Wood who died June 11 1761 aged 56

also Frances his wife who died Nov 19 1761 aged 61 "


"In memory of William Marsh M. D. he departed this life | July 7th 1823 aged 60 years. | "


"To the memory of Charles Jordan senr | gentm late of this city | who departed this life Oct | 29 1822 aged 86 years | also Charles Jordan | son of the above | who died July 13 1834 aged 64 | and Sarah his wife | who died May 14 1837 aged 71. | "


"Jane wife of | Benjamin Fidoe | collector of Excise | obiit 21st Feby 1798 | aged 47 | The above named | Benjamin Fidoe | collector of Excise | died April the 25th 1798 | aged 67. | "


"Here | lieth the remains of Sarah | wife of Mr John Delaval of | Seaton Delaval | in Northumberland | who departed this life | Feb ye 3rd anno domino 1763 | aged 87 | also Elizabeth Terry who | died March 23 1781 | aged 74 years. | "


"In memory of James Dawson | son of James and Ann | died Feb 6 1768 | aged 2 years 3 months | James Dawson | died June 13 1768 | aged 29 years, | Ann Dawson his | wife died Sept 16 1813 | aged 77 years. | "


"T B"


This stone being partly covered by the organ the following is all that can be deciphered.

(Aug) ust ye 4
(16) 79
Brooke dyed
the 1st 1722


"To the memory of | Mr. Thomas Goodwin | died May 8th 1802 aged 45 years | Mrs Elizabeth Goodwin | relict of Mr. Thomas Goodwin | died Novr 17th 1812 aged 57 years | . Thomas Henry Goodwin | son of the above Tho & Eliz Goodwin | died Novr 28th 1823 aged 32 years | Elizabeth Goodwin | daughter of the above | Tho & Eliz Goodwin | died Septr 18th 1812 aged 19 years | Richard Goodwin | son of the above Tho and Eliz Goodwin | died Sepr 25th 1812 aged 12 years | also four children | of the above Tho and Eliz Goodwin | who died in their infancy. | "


"In memory of John Brown who | died Feby ye 9th 1771 aged 25 | also John Brown senr who died | March ye 9th 1778 aged 58. | "


"To the memory of Mr Thos Boyce | late of this City | who died August ye 7th | 1757 aged 61. | "

Western Porch.


Arms Plate X.

" Here lyeth interred Thomas Bearcroft | of the Citie of Coventry gent | descended from that ancient family of | Meargreen in the parish of Hanbury, near | Droitwich in the county of Worcester | who married two wives the first Alicia | the fourth daughter of Samuel Harwarr of Stoke near Coventry gent his | second was Mary Grey daughter to the | Honourable Job Grey second son to the | Right Honourable Anthony Earl of | Kent He departed this life the 20th | of August 1689 in the 90th year of his age |

Here also lyeth the body of Mrs Mary | Bearcroft relict of the said Mr Thos | Bearcroft who departed this life the 29th day | of July 1717 aged 60 | "


"Here lieth the body of Katherine | Pickering widow of Thomas | Pickering of this parish peruke | maker who departed this life Feby | the 24 1718 in the 66th year of her | age. | Here lyeth also the body | of Nehemiah Pickering son | of the said Katherine Pickering | who departed this life the 30th day | of March 1725 aged 52 years | "


Two pieces of stone, from the remaining but nearly defaced inscription, they are to the family of Wright. Reader gives—

"Frances, Ann, William & John children of Christopher and Frances Wright. The said Christopher died March 1765 aged 64 Frances wife of Christopher died Decr 28 1789."

North Aisle.


"In memory of | Sarah Bucherfield who | departed this life May ye 6th 1779 | Aged 70 years. | "


"Here | lyeth the bodys of Mr | John Gilbert and Elizabeth | his wife | he dyed June 7th 1753 | aged 79 | she dyed Jan 26 1745 | aged 72. | "


"Here | lyeth the bodys of John | & Mary Gilbert | son and daughter of Mr John | Gilbert and Eliz his wife | he dyed June 2 1731 | aged 28 | she died Aug 20 1721 | aged 10 | "


"Here lyeth the body of | Martha late wife of Mr. Rich | ard Gilbert youngest daugh | ter of William Goode late of | Paylton in the county of War | wick gent. who departed this | life June 14 1737 | aged 39

Also Elizabeth her daughter | who dyed in infancy, | on the north side lieth the body | of Richard Gilbert gent. | he died the 17 day of August | 1772 aged 74. | Memento mori |


"Here | lyeth the body of Sarah Tibbits | the wife of Richard Tibbits who | departed this life June the | 17th 1766 aged 29 years |

Also Alice the wife of Wm | Elliott who departed this | life Decr 18 1770 aged 33. | also Richard Elliott who died | Feb 27 1778 aged 6 months | "


"Here | lies interred the remains | of Sarah the wife of | Charles Elliot | who departed this life | Feb 10 1784 | aged 83 |

also | Mr. Charles Elliott | who departed this life | Dec 29 1788 | aged 80 | "


"Here lieth the body of Mr | William Gilbert Senr who departed this life January | ye 15 1752 aged 75 | also the body of Mrs | William Gilbert junr who | departed this life Dec | ye 1st 1744 aged 27 |

Also the body of Mary the wife | of Mr William Gilbert Senr | who dyed July 7 1764 | aged 84 | "


"Here lyeth the body of Mr | Joseph Ash who departed this | life the 14th September 1722 in the | 61st year of his age, | and also Mary his wife who departed this life | May 16 1730 aged 62 years. |

here lyeth also the body of | John Ash Son of Mr Joseph Ash who | departed this life the 3rd July 1714 | aged 17 years | here lyeth also the body of | Joseph Ash son of Mr Joseph | Ash who departed this life | Aug 3 1762 aged 66 | "


"In memory of Mr William Lucas who dyed | Oct 19 1765 aged 73. | In memory of Alice Lucas | daughter of the above who died | November ye 9th 1778 aged 46. | "


"Henry Cole | Surgeon | died 20 April 1796 | aged 39 | "


"Beneath this stone lies interred | Thomas the infant son of | Thomas and Dorothy Mason | of this city who died the 21st day of February 1795 aged 7 months. | Also Langham Mason | brother of the above named | Thomas Mason who died | 22 August 1795 | aged 22 | "


"Robert and John Carter | sons of William and Ann Carter, | Robert died |Nov 26 1812 aged 6 years | John died Decr 4 1812 aged 5 years | also of Mr Henry Jackson | late silkman of this City | who died Aug 3 1819 | aged 54 years | also Gilbert Carter | son of the above W & Ann | died Sep 20 1822 aged 24 years | Mary wife of Wm Foster | and daughter of Wm and Ann Carter | died Jan 1 1831 aged 35 years. | "


"To the memory of Cleophas Ratliff who departed this life Sep 16th | 1822 aged 61 years |

Henry Ratliff | died July 1831 aged 4 years | also Ann relict of the above who departed this life | July 4th 1843 aged 70 years | "


"To the memory of John Ratliff | who died Nov 20 | 1812 aged 56 years | also of | Sarah Ratliff wife of the above who died | November 8th 1830 aged 61 | "


"Here lyeth the body of Elizh | wife of Mr Bryan Troughton senr who departed this life | Aug 2 1752 aged 51 years | also Bryan Troughton, senr | who departed this life Sep 22 | 1771 aged 69 |

Also Elizabeth the wife of | Charles Newcombe | granddaughter of the above Bryan & Elizabeth | who departed this life | Sep 2 1789 aged 35 years | also Thomas Troughton | son of Bryan Troughton | and brother of the above | Elizabeth Newcombe | who departed this life | Nov 9th 1790 aged 25 years | "

(See the remaining portion of this stone No 135).


"Also Jane the daughter of | Mr Charles Newcomb | she departed this life the | 7th day of July 1793 | aged 16 years | John Newcomb son of | Charles Newcomb | dyed ye 9th of August 1799 | aged 21 years. | "


"In memory of | Francis Tarsey | died Dec 16th 1730 aged 53 |

Also Elizabeth his wife | died March 7th 1741 aged 61 | likewise Frances | wife of Thomas Sisserson | died July 9th 1754 aged 37 |

Also in memory of | William Mathews | he departed this life | Feby 28th 1819 | in the 70th year of his age |

Also Mary wife of | the above Wm Mathews | she departed this life | Jan 14 1826 | aged 86 years | "


"Here | lieth Mary widdow of | Henry Cockram Alderman | who dyed Sep 23 1748 | aged 90 | "

Henry Cockram was Mayor 1715.

Pl. X.

(Upload an image to replace this placeholder.)


"In memory of Ann wife |of Wm Lucas who dyed | Aug 30 1760 aged 66 | here lyeth also the body of | Ann wife of Mr. George Clarck | daughter of the above named | who departed this life May ye 30 | 1772 aged 42 | also the remains of | Mr George Clarck | husband to the above named | Ann Clarck who died March the 9th 1784 aged 64 | "


"(Here lieth Richard Dawson who died January 6th) 1764 | aged 30 | Also Thomas son of the above | Richa who died January 13th | 1762 aged 2 years | also to the memory of Mary | Dawson who died May the 13th 1766 aged 4 years | Also Elizabeth Dawson | wife of the above named | who departed this life | April 8th 1803 aged 82 years | "

The part within brackets is covered by the font.


"In memory of George Matthews | who departed this life | July 10 1771 aged 63 years | also Elizabeth his wife who departed this life Nov 19 1792 aged 77 years | "


"Here lieth the bodies of 4 children of Mr James Birch viz
Owen Birch 4 months old
Abraham Owen Birch 8 months old
Thomas Birch 3 years 2 months old
Jane Birch 1 year 8 months old
Owen Novr ye 18th 1730
Abraham Septr ye 19th 1733
Thomas May ye 1st 1738
Jane Jany ye 30th 1739"


Arms (Plate IX.)


"Here Iyeth the body of Edward Owen | late Alderman of this city who | departed this life the 12th of August | Anno Dom 1705 aged 68 | and here also lyeth the body of | Joan his wife who departed this life | the 20th of January 1708 in the 72nd year | of her age |

Here also lyeth the body of Edward | Owen gent their eldest son who | departed this life the 16th of April | 1739 aged 75. |

Here also lieth Jane his daughter & | only child the wife of James Birch esqre | she died the 7th of May 1749 | aged 44 | "

Alderman Owen was Mayor 1696.


"Here lieth ye body of Ann ye wife of Henery | Taylor who died Decr | ye 29 1730 aged 72 | also the body of Ann | the wife of Cleophas | Ratcliff who died March | the 29 1748 aged 55 | also Cleophas Ratcliff | son of the above | named who departed | this life May 12 1769 | aged 44 | also Elizabeth Ratcliff | who died April 26th | 1789 aged 68 years | "


"In memory of Thomas Pickin | late Alderman of this City | who departed this life | the 2nd of March 1784 | aged 58 years | also Mary Pickin | wife of the above Thos Pickin | who departed this life the 17th of Oct 1801 aged 77 years |

Thomas Pickin, nephew to the above died July 10th 1847 aged 88 years | "

Alderman Pickin was Mayor 1780.


"To the memory of Mary | the wife of Henry Hunt who departed this life Oct" ye 7th 1764 | aged 28 | "


"Here | lyeth Wm Muston he died May 23 1750 | aged 49

In memory of Thos Iliffe who | departed this life 6th Oct | 1769 aged 68 | Sarah Iliffe his widow died Oct 9 1770 aged 59


"Thomas Clay esqre | died Nov 2 1794 | aged 71 | also Frances clay | wife of the above | died June 14 1810 | aged 60 | "


"(Samuel Billing died March 19 1707) | aged 57 | and also the body of Sarah his | wife who departed this life the 12th | of October Anno Dom 1707 aged 46 | "

He was Mayor 1704.


"(Thomas Barker died Feb 4 1739 aged 70 also) of Alice Barker his wife | March the 24th 1749 aged 62. | "

That portion within brackets of 147 and 148 is covered by Nethermyll's Tomb.


"Mr Robert Bedford | died in ye 75th year | of his age on ye 24 April | 1714 | and was interred here. | "


Arms Plate X.

"Here lieth the body of | James Birch Esq" | who departed this life | the 6th day of December 1772 | aged 74. | "

The inscription is nearly defaced and Coat of Arms much more so, they were: three fleur-de-lis empaling Owen. Helmet, mantling, crest on a wreath, a fleur-de-lis.


"Dorothy Parker | uxor Gulielmi Parker de Salford in comitatu Warwici Generosi obiit 22ndis Novris 1708 |


"Jane | the wife of B. Toms, clerk | died | Feb 1st 1776 aged 41 | the Reva Benjm Toms clerk | Vicar of this parish 24 years | and upwards died March 15 | 1793 aged 63 | also Hannah Toms | who died Dec 24 1846 | aged 81 | "


"Here lieth the body of | Thomas Colburn gent | and Elizabeth his wife | she dyed ye 19th of Decemb | anno dom 1714 aged 78. | "

Girdler's Chapel.


"Georgivs Ffulwood, Armiger, Filius | Georgii Ffulwood de Alne Parva in | Com. War. Armigeri, obiit Vicessimo | quarto die Junii Anno Dom. | 1699 | "

Arms Plate X.


"Beneath this stone lie the bodies | of Abel Wheler, Mary Wheler | and Catherine Wheler | children of Francis Wheler esqre & Jane his wife | who died | Decr 2 1761 aged 44 years | Abel was borne Dec 12 1755 | and died Aug 15 1756 | Mary was borne Dec 26 1756 | and died Jan 19 1757 | Catherine was born Dec 30 1758 | and died Aug 24 1760 | also of Louisa Hood granddaughter of Francis and Jane Wheler | who died March 1 1776 aged 4 months |

In the same vault | Henry Viscount Hood | of Whitley Abbey in this parish, | born Aug 26 1753 died January 25 1836 | also the Honble Horatio Hood | son of Samuel Lord Bridport, | and Charlotte Mary his wife, | born July 25 1822 died Jan 19 1826 | and Alexander son of Capt Mason R. N. C. B | and Selina his wife, who died an infant | also Jane dowager Viscountess Hood | of Whitley Abbey County of Warwick, | born June 13th 1754 died Decr 5 1847 | aged 93 years | "


"Here | lieth the body of John Simpson barber | who died March 28th 1782 | aged 55 | also Elizabeth his wife who | died Feb 5th 1801 aged 84 | "


"In memory of John Skears | who departed this life | Feby ye 3rd 1760 | aged 83 | also in memory of Mrs Ann | Skears wife of the above | who departed this life | Decr ye 23rd 1773 | aged 82. | "


"Here lye the body of | William Skears | he dyed Janr 14th 1761 | aged 67 | also Ann Awson | who died April 13th 1795 | aged 78. | "


"Here lies the body of | Mr Joseph Skears | he died January 19th 1744 | aged 51 years | also | Benjamin Rew | he departed this life December | 24th 1788 aged 23 years | also of | Sarah Rew mother to | the above Benjamin Rew | she departed this life August | 4th 1804 aged 75 years | and of William Whiston | late Captain in the 6th Regt of Foot | he departed this life June | 5th 1819 aged 74 years | likewise 5 of his children | and of Henrietta Whiston | relict of the above | who departed this life | February 25th 1841 | aged 80 years. | "


"Sacred | to the Memory of Mrs | Sally Awson | she departed this life June | 28th 1819 aged 60 years. | "


"Underneath this stone | rest the remains of | Sir Skears Rew Kn | Alderman of this city | who died 23rd April 1828 | aged 64 years. | "

As Mayor of Coventry in 1815 he proceeded to Coombe Abbey to present an address from the Corporation to the Prince Regent (afterwards Geo. IV.) who was on a visit to the Earl Craven. The Prince conferred the honor of Knighthood upon him, and it is said that he had to go to Binley to get the Prince a sword. Sir Skears Rew was again Mayor in 1816.

In the Transept Near to North Door.


"In memory of Mr John Gammidge, he departed this life | Feby 5th 1764 | aged 74 years. | also Judith wife of William Brown late wife of the above | who departed this life Novr 30 | 1775 aged 87 years | "


"In | memory of Mr Samuel | Cricklowe who died | April the 4th 1760 in the 53rd year of his age, | also | Alley his wife who | departed this life July | the 5th 1764 aged 65. | "


"In memory of Mrs Mary Bury | wife of Mr Samuel Bury | who died Septr 1st 1758 | aged 52 | also | Mr Saml Bury | who departed this life | Septr 17th 1766 | aged 63 | also the body of Saml Issard grand son of the above named Samuel and Mary | M | 1775. | "


"Sophia wife of | Bradford Wilmer | surgeon of this city | died 3rd April 1801 | aged 35 years | Jane Wilmer | wife of Bradford Wilmer | died 13th July 1805 | aged 36 years | Sophia Wilmer | eldest daughter of Bradford Wilmer | died 22nd July 1810 aged 14 years | Henry Wilmer | eldest son of Bradford Wilmer | died 27th Decr 1810 aged 17 years | Bradford Wilmer M.D. died 21st of Novr 1813 aged 67 years. | "

See also Monument T. page 28.


"Here lieth the body of | Isaac Knowles | senr who died Octr ye | 3rd 1731 aged 74 | years. | Here lieth the body | of Isaac Knowles | junr who died June ye | 29th 1727 aged 36 years | Here lieth the body | of Mary the wife of | Isaac Knowles Senr | who died April ye 27 | 1726 aged 69 years. | "


"Here lieth the body of | Mr John Keeling who | departed this life June the 23rd | aged 39 | also the body of Anna | Maria Bury who dyed | June 18th 1750 | aged 17. | "


"Here lyeth the body of Mr | William Keeling who departed | this life August the 16th 1724 in | the 69th year of his age. | "

S. Andrew's Or the Smith's Chapel.


"Here | lieth the body of Mr Wm Chambers | who died Oct the 18th 1756 aged 53 years | also Mary the daughter of | Wm and Margaret Chambers| who died Novr the 19th 1757 aged 3 years | also Wm the son of | Wm and Margaret Chambers | who died April the 8th 1763 aged 9 years | here also lieth the body of | Margaret Chambers | widow of the above Wm Chambers | who died May the 17th 1782 aged 67 years. | "


"Here lyeth the body of | Edward Bosworth | who died May 23rd | 1720 | aged 45 | also Elizabeth his wife who | departed this life April ye 30th 1735 aged 71 | here also lieth of Elizath | the wife of Mr Edward Gravenor | who departed this life May | the 25 1735 aged 47 | also two of the children of Edward Gravenor | who departed | this life 4th Feb 1761 aged 73 | also Dinah second wife | of Edwa Gravenor who departed this life June | the 29th 1770 aged 72. | "


"Here is the stone from which the brass to the memory of Mrs Mary Vavasor has been taken."

See Brass S.* page 27.


"In memory of James Adcock | who dyed Sept 17th 1732 | aged 52 | and Catherine his wife | she dyed Augst 10th 1753 | aged 70 | also Ann their daughter | who dyed Augst 17th 1732 | aged 10. | and Catherine their | daughter who dyed July | 10th 1760 aged 42. | here also lyeth Mary late wife of | Henry Wightwick and daughter of | James & Catherine Adcock who dyed | March ye 9th 1765 aged 48 | "


"Here rests interred | the remains of Thos Thacker of this city | who died Febry 3rd 1797 | in the 68 year of his age. | "


"Here lieth the body of Mr | Simon Lucas apothecary Senr | who died July ye 17 1748 aged 65 | also his son Simon Lucas | apothecary junr who died | Jan ye 4th 1748 aged 31. | here also lieth interred the body of Mary late the | relict of Simon Lucas Senr who departed this life October the seventh | 1754 aged 63 | "


"Here lies the body of Mr Edward Gravenor | who died November 15th 1775 | aged 65, | also Abel Gravenor | who died January 5th 1797 | aged 26 | also Ann Gravenor | who died in her infancy. | "

Head stone,

"Mr Ed Gravenor 1775"


"Sacred to the memory of | Richard Rawlins | who departed this life | Septr 26th 1782 aged 56 years | Sarah Rawlins | wife of the above died | Jany 20th 1795 aged 65 years Charlotte Gibbons died August 30th 1800 | aged 49 years | Sarah Rawes died February 21st 1831 | aged 67 years | daughters of the above | Richard Rawlins | and Sarah his wife. | "


"In memory of Thos and Mary Gibbard | Son of Jno & daughter of Samll Gibbard | interred here | December 13th 1735 | aged 14 and 13 years. |


"In memory of Edward Davis | who died October 2nd 1782 aged 61 | also in memory of Elizabeth his wife who died February 21st 1809 | aged 85. | "


"Thomas Diston gent | late Alderman and twice | Mayor of this city died | March ye 12 1725 aged 82 | and Martha his wife died | October ye 3rd 1706 aged 57 also | three sons and one daughter | . Between this stone and ye pillar | lies ye body of Mr Saml Cater | Mercer who died Jany 4th 1731 | aged 61 years, | under the stone at the foot of this | was interd ye body of Samul Gibbard | Mercer who died December ye | 16th 1735 aged 47. | "

Thomas Diston was Mayor in the years 1700 and 1709.


"In memory of | John Gibbard | who departed this life | May 1 1789 aged 56, | also Mary Gibbard | wife of the above | John Gibbard | who departed this life, Decr 11 1796 in the 65th year of her age, | also Jane Essex | third daughter of Willm & Ann Gibbard | & granddaughter of the above | John & Mary Gibbard | died June 21st 1811 aged 9 months. | "


"Here | lieth the remains of | Robt Jarvis plumber and | glazier of this city who died | Septr 3rd 1782 aged 31 years. | "


"Benedicta Moss | died Jany ye 22nd 1778 aged 25 |

She's gone here let us drop a tear,
Her life was precious and her memory dear


"Here | lieth the body of Abel Gravenor | Gent who departed this life | February 27th 1790 aged 70 | also his sister | Mrs Mary Gravenor | who died April 20th 1819 | aged 88 | "


"Here | lieth the body of John | Ward late Alderman of | this city who departed this | life Decr ye 25 1760 aged 81 | also Mary his wife who departed | this life Octr ye 16 1756 aged 74 |

James aged 16 months
James aged— — — 22 days
Collins 4 years
John 7 years— — —
Sarah 19 years— — —


"Here lyeth in hopes of a | joyfull resurrection the body | of Henry Gibbons who | departed this life 30 June | Anno Dom 1704 aged 70 | Robert Gibbons | died July 30 1776 aged 35 years | "


"In Memory of | Frances wife of | Joseph Gibbons | who died Feby 6th 1789 aged 38. | also the above | Joseph Gibbons | died April 15th 1807 | aged 46 | and also | two of their children infants. | Ann Gibbons relict of the late Joseph Gibbons | and mother of the above named | she died March 3rd 1809 | aged 75. | also of Martha Gilibons | daughter of the above | Ann Gibbons | who died June 29th 1834 | aged 62 years | "


"John Collins late Mayor | and aldn of this city who | departed this life May ye | 29th 1727 aged 72 & | Collins Ward his nephew & | great grandson to Captain | Stretton | "

To this Capt. Stretton there was once a raised tomb, with following inscription:—

"Here lieth interred, in a hope of a blessed resurrection, the body of Mr William Stretton, Sheriffe of this city who departed this life March the 17 Anno Dom 1659 and of his age 34. A man, in his naturall capacities very lovely; in his polliticall very useful; in his spiritualls very eminent.

And by these, being dead, yet speaketh Heb 11 C 4 v"

Immediately before the restoration of Charles II the citizens declared in favour of a free parliament. The Mayor armed 160 persons, and under the command of Major Beake, Capt. W. Stretton & Capt. Hicks, they demanded the guards of the City from the Parliamentary troops, who at once resigned them.


"Here lieth the body of Samuel | Collins sometime Mayor & Alderman | of this City who departed this | life December the 22nd 1717 aged | 77 years. | "


"Collins Ward—"

This is all that is engraven on a piece of stone which has had a brass, on it are the places for two boses and two figures about loin. in length.

Lady Chapel.


On a new stone about 16 inches square is engraved

"Thomas Bond

See Brass A A.

The whole of this floor was covered with memorial stones, which at the restoration of the Church in 1850 were covered to the depth of 8 or 10 inches and paved with quarries, these were recently removed, and a tesselated pavement of a geometric pattern put in their place.

Dyers' Or Mourners' Chapel.

A vault beneath this Chapel was let by the Vestry in 1659 to Mrs Strode upon payment of 20 marks and 5s. annual rent, here were buried,

"Henry Strode of Newhouse Keresley died May 18 1659 aged 36 and Elizabeth his wife who died Aug 22 1663 aged 32 also their children Margaret died Aug 1st 1669 aged 17, Rebecca died May 27 1653 aged 7 weeks, George died May 3 1655 aged 1 year and two days and Ann who died on the day of her birth Sep 22 1656. Also Mrs Joan England (who educated Mrs Strode) she died Feb 1 1661 aged 60. The Strode family neglecting to pay the rent it was again let 1747 to W Inge Esq on payment of 10 guineas and an annual rent of one penny In 1823 Mrs Inge wife of Edward Inge Esq was here interred—for some years it was used a chamber for the gas meter which has since been removed and the vault closed up. There were stones in the church to the memory of

Wm Inge gent died June 12 1760 aged 47 Letitia wife of Edward Inge of the Charter house near this city died Jan 15 1794 aged 83. The said Edward Inge died Nov 24 1794 aged 87 Mary Gilbert died Dec 28 1806 aged 96 Edward Inge gent.

Edward Hill gent also Prudence Inge died March 11 1785 aged 77"

Lady Or Drapers' Chapel.

Whether there be a crypt below this Chapel is not known, but a brick vault has been so built as possibly to be within a crypt. The vault was let in 1690 to George Bohun, Esq., on payment of £10, and an annual rent of 5s This was discontinued in 1752. It contains 13 adult and 4 children's leaden coffins, on which the destroying influence of time has had no respect-

Arms Bohun impaling Bathurst.

"Abraham | Bohun Obiit Oct 27 | 1685 etates | svœ 79. |

He resided at Coundon and left a legacy to Bablake School.

Arms as last in a lozenge.

"Mrs Elizab | eth Bohu | n obit the | 28 of July | 1713 aged | 98.

She was the daughter of Geo. Bathurst, Esq.

George Bohun (of Coundon the last heir male of the family) died Nov 15 1709 aged 65He represented Coventry in Parliament 1690-he gave 2 large brass chandeliers to the church which were engraved with the family arms (1692) John Bohun (his brother) died Nov 19 1690 aged 35. He gave £100 for charitable uses, at his burial Dec 2 there were 25 coaches beside the hearse with escutcheons and 200 large candles were burning in the church during the funeral.

Susannah Clarke (eldest daughter Mr Geo Bohun) died May 15 1721 aged 38.

She married Gilbert Clarke, Chilcote, Co. Derby, they lived at Newhouse, Coundon.

Berkeley Arms with crest—a boar head.

"George Berkeley | son of Rowland | Berkeley esqre | by Mary his wife | daughter of George Bohun esqre | ob Apr 18 | 1701

An infant. Also another infant, same Arms no inscription.

M. B dyed July ye 2 | 1737 | aged 34.

Arms, Bohun.

Bohun |
Obio 28 |
March | 1691.|

This was George Bohun, an infant.

"Ann Bohun (an infant) died March 8 1692.

John Bohun died Aug. 11 1688 aged 2 years (son of George Bohun, of Coundon.)

Susannah Smith | dr of ye Rd R. A. Bohun | ob. 28 | July | 1731 | aged 79.

This family was descended from Humphrey Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex, and brother to Edward II.

A coffin, having a coat of arms, a fess between 3 —— impaling ——.

"William Love Gent died Jan 16 1781 aged 37.

Cator Love died Nov 15 1777 aged 56.

Mary Love died April 30 1775 aged 55.

Jane Holbeche died 15 May 1843 aged 63.

Edward Holbeche died Aug 7 1786 aged 9."

In the Chancel, at the spot marked * on the plan, a stone has been lately uncovered and cut in half to make way for a newer pavement. On the half covered by the seats is an inscription to the memory of

"Ralph Flexney gentn died Janr 16 1698 aged 74. His sister Mrs Catherine Butteris died June 3 1699 aged 65. Ralph Butteris died March 16 1723 aged 57 and three of his infant children. Catherine his wife"

The following was on the portion destroyed:—

"died July 23 1751 | also the body of Mr John Butteris who died Sept 22 1759. |

Pl. XI.

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  1. An addendum, 140*, has been inserted here. (Wikisource contributor note)