The New International Encyclopædia/British East Africa

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Edition of 1905. See also the disclaimer.

3899346The New International Encyclopædia — British East Africa

BRITISH EAST AFRICA. All the territory within the British sphere of influence, situated between German East Africa, Congo Free State, and French Congo on the south and west, Italian Somaliland, Abyssinia, and Egyptian Sudan on the north, and the Indian Ocean on the east (Map: Congo Free State. G 2). Outside of this territory under the immediate control of the British Foreign Office, British East Africa also embraces the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, which are under the rule of the Sultan of Zanzibar. A large part of the territory of British East Africa constituted formerly the dominions of the British East Africa Company. Its area is estimated at 1,000.000 square miles, but these figures can hardly be considered as accurate, in view of the fact that the northern boundary line, separating the Egyptian Sudan, and a part of the western boundary are only vaguely outlined. For administrative purposes the colony is divided into the protectorate of Uganda (q.v.) and British East Africa Protectorate (q.v.).