
The New International Encyclopædia/Depping, Georg Bernard

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Edition of 1905. See also Georges Depping on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1479349The New International Encyclopædia — Depping, Georg Bernard

DEP'PING, Georg Bernard (1784-1853). A German-French historian. He was born at Münster, Westphalia, settled in Paris in 1803, was employed for a time as a teacher in several institutions, and subsequently contributed to French and German periodicals. He wrote on a wide range of subjects. Two of his juvenile works attained wonderful popularity: Merveilles et beautés de la nature en France (1811); and Les soirées d'hiver, including the instructions of a father to his children on moral and scientific subjects. He assisted Malte-Brun in his geographical works, and published a number of histories, books of travel, and biographies, including: Histoire des expéditions maritimes des Normands (1826); Histoire du commerce entre l'Europe et le Levant depuis les croisades (1832); and Les Juifs au moyen âge (1834).