
The New International Encyclopædia/Forestalling

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Edition of 1906. See also Engrossing (law) on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1515681The New International Encyclopædia — Forestalling

FORESTALLING. The buying of provisions with a view to enhancing the price thereof in open market. This was a common-law offense, and was the subject of early and repeated legislation. It was described by statute of 5 and 6 Edw. VI., ch. 14, as the buying or contracting for any merchandise or victual coming in the way to market; or dissuading persons from bringing their goods or provisions there; or persuading them to enhance the price when there. It was analogous to engrossing (q.v.) and regrating (q.v.). Modern conditions of trade have rendered these practices legitimate and the laws intended to regulate them obsolete; while at the same time the abuses referred to have, under the name of ‘corners’ and monopolies, become more flagrant and oppressive. The laws against forestalling, etc., were formally repealed in England by statute 7 and 8 Vict., ch. 24. In the United States they have remained unenforced. Consult the authorities referred to under Criminal Law.