
The New International Encyclopædia/Fröbel, Julius

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Edition of 1906. See also Julius Fröbel on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

651401The New International Encyclopædia — Fröbel, Julius

FRÖBEL, Julius (1805-93). A German writer and politician, nephew of Friedrich Fröbel. After studying at Munich, Weimar, and Berlin, he went to Switzerland, and in 1833 became professor of mineralogy in the university of Zurich. In the interests of the extreme Radical Party, he edited Der schweizerische Republikaner. In 1844 he established a publishing house at Zurich, and issued several scientific works and many political pamphlets. Some of his works were suppressed by the Government. In 1846 he took up his residence in Dresden, until the Revolution of 1848, when he became a leader of the Democrats and a member of the National Assembly at Frankfort-on-the-Main. He accompanied Robert Blum to Vienna, and was arrested and sentenced to death, but was pardoned by Windischgrätz. After the dissolution of the Parliament he came to the United States; edited a German paper in New York; went, in 1850, to Nicaragua, and afterwards engaged in one or two commercial expeditions to Santa Fé and Chihuahua. In 1855 he edited a journal in San Francisco, and in 1857 returned to Germany. From 1862 to 1873 he edited newspapers in Vienna and Munich. He was German consul at Smyrna from 1873 to 1876, and at Algiers from 1876 to 1889. He retired from active life in 1890. His works include: Aus Amerika (1857-58), translated by himself in 1859 under the title of Seven Years' Travel in Central America, Northern Mexico, and the Far West; Die Wirtschaft des Menschengeschlechts (1870-76); and Ein Lebenslauf (1890-91), his autobiography.