The New International Encyclopædia/Humiliati

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Edition of 1905. See also Humiliati on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

HUMILIA′TI (Lat. nom. pl., humbled). A monastic Order, which originated in the eleventh or twelfth century, and was confirmed by Innocent III. in 1201. In the sixteenth century it had 94 houses, with about 170 monks, in Italy, but as it was corrupt, Carlo Borromeo (q.v.) tried to reform it. This attempt led to a murderous assault on him, so Pius V. in 1571 suppressed the Order. Several of their houses were turned over to the Barnabites.—A female Order of Benedictines, known as humiliate nuns, or nuns of Blassoni, from their founder, Clara Blassoni of Milan, served as nurses, etc. The Order still exists in Italy, with four houses.