The New International Encyclopædia/Memphremagog

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Edition of 1905. See also Lake Memphremagog on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2976770The New International Encyclopædia — Memphremagog

MEM′PHREMAGOG. A lake situated in the Province of Quebec, Canada, and extending a short distance into Vermont (Map: Quebec, D 5). It has an elongated, irregular shape, is 35 miles long by from two to five miles wide, and discharges its waters northeastward through the Magog River into the Saint Francis. Along the west shore is a range of mountains reaching a height of 3500 feet; the lake is noted for its picturesque scenery. It is a favorite summer resort; numerous handsome villas dot its shores, and in summer a line of steamers runs from Newport, Vt., at the south end, to the Canadian village of Magog at the northern extremity.