The New International Encyclopædia/Mincopies

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Edition of 1905. See also Andamanese on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

MINCOPIES. The native inhabitants of the Andaman Islands. They are in general of very low stature, averaging 1.49 meters, and are subbrachycephalic with an index of 82.6. They have a very low grade of civilization, living in huts called ‘chongs,’ which consist merely of a roof on four stakes, and going naked. They live by hunting and use a peculiar bow in the shape of an S, which presents a curious analogue to certain Eskimo bows and also to the bows of some Bantu tribes in East Africa. Consult Man, “Aborigines of the Andaman Islands,” in the Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. xi. (London, 1882); Deniker, Races of Man (ib., 1901). See Andamans.