The New Student's Reference Work/Amarillo

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See also Amarillo, Texas on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

Amarillo (ăm' ȧ-rĭl' lṓ), a city, county seat of Potter County, Texas, 337 miles northwest of Ft. Worth and 275 miles west of Oklahoma City. It is 3600 feet above sea level, and enjoys a clear bracing air and a salubrious climate. It is the most important city of the Panhandle country, which in former years was devoted to grazing, but now wherever cultivated yields profitable crops. It has produced Indian corn, sorghum, maize, wheat, oats, rye, besides vegetables, melons, fruit and in the southern portion cotton. Amarillo has a good county courthouse and jail, a fine new city hall, two opera houses and an Elks' Lodge, besides several fine churches and good schools. It has three ice factories, marble, concrete-block, broom and candy factories, a flouring mill, grain elevator, brick works, etc. The city has three banks, water works, electric light, street cars and all adjuncts of a modern city. It is served by the Santa Fe, the Fort Worth and Denver and the Rock Island Railroad. The Santa Fe has yards and shops here; the Denver and. the Rock Island each have offices and round houses. Population, 9,957 (1910).